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The Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (CECW)

What Is CECW?

This link will take you to another Web site (external site) The Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (CECW) promotes a national infrastructure for child welfare research, policy development and knowledge dissemination.

CECW is made up of five key partners:

  • Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
  • École de service social, l'Université de Montréal
  • School of Social Work, McGill University
  • Child Welfare League of Canada 
  • First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada

Administration is located at the University of Toronto.

What CECW does

CECW encourages collaborative projects on child abuse prevention and response across a variety of sectors, including health care, education and justice.

The Center’s main functions are:

  • Sharing knowledge between stakeholders;
  • Supporting research into child welfare issues
  • Working toward positive policy changes
  • Fostering collaboration and networking

Did You Know?

Child abuse and neglect are associated with poor health outcomes for children and their families, including developmental, behavioral and mental health problems.

Child abuse and neglect are closely linked to poverty, caregiver substance abuse, poor housing, and mental health problems, lack of child and family support, and violence.

Reported child abuse is on the rise.

Neglect is the most frequent type of child abuse reported in Canada. Child neglect includes situations in which children have suffered harm or their safety or development has been endangered as a result of a failure to provide for them or protect them.

Between 30-40% of children and youth in out-of-home care are Aboriginal, yet Aboriginal children make up less than 5% of the total child population in Canada. The age limit for child protection varies from one province and territory to another, depending on provincial or territorial legislation. It starts from birth and goes to a minimum of 16 years and a maximum of 19 years.