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Community Action

2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000/2001 | 1999/2000

Community-based programs address the needs of persons infected with or affected by hepatitis C. For a description of projects funded in your region of the country, please check below.

Please select a Region



Manitoba and Saskatchewan - Manitoba

Manitoba and Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan



Atlantic Region

Northern Secretariat

Funded Projects - 2000/2001


AIDS Resource Centre (ARC) Okanagan & Region Note: This link to an external site opens up in a new browser window.
Hepatitis Information Project Program of the Okanagan (HIPPO). An estimated 65% of the AIDS Resource Centre's (ARC) clients are co-infected with HCV and HIV. This project builds on the current best practices of ARC to provide education, awareness, prevention and support initiatives to individuals infected with, affected by and at risk of HCV. It provides the citizens of the Okanagan with a better understanding and appreciation of the nature and effects of hepatitis C through awareness and prevention initiatives. ARC is promoting community-based partnerships for the delivery of education and support initiatives. This project is empowering persons infected with HCV by providing knowledge and information and by educating them on how to access programs and services in the community. This project will improve the quality of life of those infected with or affected by HCV.

(ANKORS) West Kootenay/Boundary AIDS Network Outreach and Support Society Note: This link to an external site opens up in a new browser window.
The Hep C Support and Education Project. The project is increasing community and individual awareness of hepatitis C, reducing vulnerability, improving local and regional support and increasing service provider knowledge of treatment options, support and care needs of the hepatitis C community. This is being accomplished by facilitating the development of an HCV management committee to determine the scope of the project and ensure the needs of the HCV community are being met. ANKORS is building on established partnerships and community connections to ensure that the needs of those infected with HCV are met by community resources and services. This project is structured to transfer authority, funding responsibility and maintenance of the support and outreach components to the community hepatitis C groups and the Regional Health Authority. Consequently, this project will become fully integrated into the community.

East Kootenay Community Health Services Society
The Hepatitis C Support, Education Prevention and Awareness Initiative for the East Kootenays. In partnership with the Hepatitis C Society of Canada's Cranbrook Regional Chapter, this project will undertake a comprehensive range of activities throughout the region including public awareness and education about hepatitis C, physician support and information seminars, community-based peer support, and volunteer training to build the capacity of the local chapter. The project is meaningful and relevant to people infected with, affected by and at risk of hepatitis C.

North Island AIDS Coalition Society
North Island Hep C Community Support Project. This project represents a three-way partnership between the Hepatitis C Society of Canada - Comox Valley Chapter, the Upper Island/Central Coast Health Services Society and The North Island AIDS Coalition (NIAC) Society. The 1 year project is comprised of 2 phases. In the first phase, a needs assessment is being conducted to find out the unique needs of the region's large Aboriginal population with regard to hepatitis C. It is evaluating existing programs and services to see if they are meeting the needs of people infected with hepatitis C and assessing whether or not they are collaborating effectively. In the second phase, a peer support training program will be developed using a proven model developed by the Community AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE). This program is enhancing participants' ability to facilitate support in their own local communities and is assisting people infected with hepatitis C to become empowered and have greater control over and knowledge of their own health care decisions.

Northern Interior Regional Health Board
Northern Interior Health Region's Response to Hep C. The Northern Interior Regional Health Board is undertaking this project in close partnership with AIDS Prince George and Prince George Native Friendship Centre which runs the region's needle exchange. The project is contributing to the prevention of HCV infection in the Northern Interior Health Region, supporting those infected with and affected by hepatitis C through needs identification and implementation of a care and support strategy, and raising awareness in the community to build the capacity of the region to respond to HCV. This is being accomplished by a wide range of activities among the three partner agencies including a needs assessment, an education and training program, capacity building of the existing HCV support group, and the development of a region-wide HCV strategy. The ultimate aim is to ensure that a coordinated response is ongoing and self-sustaining.

Portland Hotel Society
Hypes for Healthy Living. Portland Hotel Society will be managing the funds for Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU). However, the programs and activities are delivered and managed by VANDU. VANDU will form additional support groups for active IDUs infected with hepatitis C. As well as providing peer support, these groups will engage in educational activities, skills training and advocacy. The project is also to partner with YouthCo AIDS Society's HCV Enhancement Project to collaborate on hepatitis C community-based activities.

Youth Community Outreach AIDS Society
HCV Enhancement Project. The Youth Community Outreach AIDS Society (YouthCo) is a peer-driven, community-based organization that strives to enable youth (ages 15 to 30) from all communities to address youth issues concerning HIV/AIDS by acting as a resource and facilitator for educational initiatives and support services. The project coordinator will provide support to youth co-infected with HIV/HCV and youth at risk of co-infection with HIV and/or HCV through outreach, support and advocacy in the Downtown Eastside. Secondarily, the funds will be devoted to training activities and educational resources. Existing training programs will be augmented to incorporate co-infection issues. As well, educational resources relevant HCV and co-infection issues will be alternately created and/or amended. YouthCo is partnering with Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) on a number of activities. The project's joint activities with VANDU will include referrals and outreach by YouthCo to offer peer support and education to youth hepatitis C positive members of VANDU. YouthCo's educational and training workshops on topics such as sexual health, HIV/HCV co-infection, treatment information and housing will be delivered to staff, volunteers and members of VANDU. VANDU will facilitate the participation of youth drug users in YouthCo's training workshops. Resources and materials will be shared between the two agencies.

AIDS Vancouver Island
Taking It to the Streets: HCV Guerilla Support and Education in the Trenches. AIDS Vancouver Island (AVI) provides Harm Reduction Services (including needle exchange) to approximately 1,600 IDUs living in the Capital Health Region, Victoria. The project is a peer education program for IDUs who are HCV positive or who are at risk of HCV infection. It has the potential to systemically change the lives of people who inject drugs who are HCV positive as well as to improve the environment in which they access health and social services through partnership and collaboration. It is a new network of peer educators who, with the help of a project worker, are educating community health and service organizations about the reality of being infected with HCV and life as an injection drug user. At many levels, this will improve the knowledge base of community organizations and assist in the prevention of HCV infection. Quality of life for people who are IDU/HCV will be improved at the very level where they access service.

Community Development Grants

Penticton HCV Support Group
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. The Penticton HCV Support Group provides educational materials and awareness ribbons and support to those infected/affected by HCV in the Penticton area. They hold focus groups and training sessions and make presentations to many service organizations in the hope of reducing new infections. They provide grass roots support for HCV infected/affected persons.
Eastside Hepatitis Community Organization (ECHO)
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. The Eastside Hepatitis Community Organization (ECHO) currently provides advocacy, education, support and information services to those with hepatitis C. The organization is providing services primarily to people living in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver. ECHO holds a weekly support group in the DTES and offers services to people who inject drugs.
Hepatitis C Society of Canada, Victoria Chapter
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. The Hepatitis C Society of Canada, Victoria Chapter provides support to those who are infected with, affected by and at risk of HCV including the families and friends of those infected with HCV as well as members of the general public. The chapter also provides education about HCV and generates HCV awareness concerning transmission, care, prognosis and prevention. They are also strong advocates for HCV research.
HepC BC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society (Hep C BC) provides support to those who are infected with HCV, as well as family members, friends and members of the general public who have concerns about the virus. They are educating and generating awareness among those infected with HCV and the general public about transmission, care, prognosis and prevention. They advocate for research, which will contribute to the reduction of HCV, its prevention and/or cure, and for those infected with HCV.
Vernon Chapter of the Hepatitis C Society fo Canada and HEPLIFE Support Group
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. The Vernon Chapter of the Hepatitis C Society of Canada grew out of a support group that was established in 1996. It provides support to persons infected with hepatitis C, their family and friends and the general public, education and awareness about transmission, care prognosis and prevention, and advocacy for research, which will contribute to the prevention and/or cure of HCV, and for fair treatment for all persons infected with and affected by HCV.
Mid-Island Hepatitis C Society
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. The Mid-Island Hepatitis C Society provides information and resources to persons infected with HCV and to health care providers regarding diagnosis and management of HCV. They are helping to increase awareness of HCV and risk factors that can lead to infection, and providing networking opportunities to share ideas and to obtain mutual support.
Hep C Vancouver Support Group
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. The Hepatitis C Vancouver Support Group Society (HepC VSG) provides education and support to those infected with and affected by HCV. They raise funds for activities related to HCV education, research and advocacy. Its goal is to reduce the effects of HCV on people living in the Vancouver area and their families and friends and to enhance their quality of life.
Hepatitis C United Resource Exchange (HepCURE)
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. The Hepatitis C United Resource Exchange's (HepCURE) mission is to cultivate a network promoting hepatitis C education, support and research. The organization currently serves an area which covers the Okanagan Valley, Revelstoke, Kamloops and Osoyoos. By hosting regular support group meetings, providing peer support over the phone and distributing resources, this group offers vital support to a vulnerable community whose needs are often overlooked and misunderstood.

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AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
The Youth Essential C Project (The YES Project). The project's goal is to identify and involve youth in addressing the issues related to hepatitis C among youth in Calgary. Activities include development, validation and implementation of a youth-friendly survey of information needs among youth at risk of hepatitis C. Survey findings will identify content focus and the most appropriate locations in Calgary for distributing educational materials to the target population. Youth will be involved in the development and distribution of these materials through a hepatitis C mobile display.
Bissell Centre
Edmonton Urban Core Community Support Services. The project goal's is to create a comprehensive approach to awareness, education and support to those infected with, affected by and at risk of HCV in the inner city of Edmonton. Activities include the establishment of a community support committee, which includes current Bissell Centre clients, to guide the expansion of a needs assessment and to plan and establish a peer support group. The peer support group will identify and develop materials and processes needed to achieve their goals and to sustain a peer support network in the inner city area.
Canadian Liver Foundation, Alberta/NWT
Hepatitis C in Northwestern Alberta - A Community Development Approach to Information, Education, Support and Resource Materials. The project's goal is to work with 4 northern Alberta health regions to meet community needs in hepatitis C. A hepatitis C northern working team will be created to identify the information and training needs of their region. Train-the-trainer workshops will be provided to working team members who, in turn, will provide training in communities in their own regions. The northern working team will lead in the planning, implementation and evaluation of strategies to address the ongoing needs of their regions.
Canadian Liver Foundation, Red Deer Chapter
Central Alberta Community Education, Prevention & Support Project. The project's goal is to regionalize the Canadian Liver Foundation Living With Liver Disease Program to reflect the Alberta environment. The modified program will be pilot tested in the Central Alberta region. Volunteers will then be recruited and trained to offer the program in communities throughout the province. In addition, rural physicians will be asked to identify their specific needs to better support those infected with and affected by HCV.
Canadian Liver Foundation, Calgary Chapter
Hepatitis C Awareness Project. The project's goal is to increase awareness of hepatitis C in the Calgary area through the introduction of a pre-existing program called Licence to Live. Through this program, materials targeting people 18 - 35 years of age will be distributed through licenced establishments, primarily restaurants and bars. The materials explain what hepatitis C is, who should be tested for the virus and how they would do this in their community. In addition, contact information is provided to those seeking more information and support.
Central Alberta AIDS Network Society
Harm Reduction Outreach - Integrating HCV Programming Into Our Community. The goal of the project is to develop a model that brings the issues related to blood-borne pathogens, including hepatitis C, into the pre-existing Central Alberta Community Planning Council. Community Planning Councils guide community planning and programming in blood-borne pathogens. Project activities include the recruitment of Community Planning Council members who represent people infected with, affected by and at risk of HCV and the development of educational opportunities to increase the knowledge among Council members with respect to hepatitis C.
Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS) Community Health Centre
Model Development and Implementation of Hepatitis C Services for the Homeless in Calgary. The project's goal is to develop a new approach to providing hepatitis C services to homeless people in the inner city of Calgary. Activities include focus group testing of current clients to identify barriers to testing, treatment and support among homeless people in Calgary and the adaptation of current methods of service to address these barriers. A model development approach is used to identify key elements of a comprehensive centre that effectively meets the needs of this population.
Feather of Hope Aboriginal AIDS Prevention Society
Hepatitis C Aboriginal Community Development Project. The goal of the project is to increase awareness of hepatitis C in Aboriginal communities by making culturally-relevant educational materials available to them. Project activities include a review of current literature and resources in hepatitis C including those targeting Aboriginal peoples. Materials will be created and pilot tested prior to translation into the Blackfoot and Cree languages and distribution among Aboriginal communities.
HIV Network of Edmonton Society (HIV Edmonton)
An Integrated Hepatitis C and HIV Program. The goal of the project is to increase the hepatitis C and harm reduction knowledge of community service professionals and volunteers. A 1 day provincial training workshop for federal and provincial corrections staff will be hosted in Edmonton. In addition, the second Harm Reduction Conference will be held in Calgary. These are both opportunities to review current knowledge about hepatitis C as well as to identify the most effective components of current harm reduction strategies and to offer new approaches for future consideration.
HIV North Society
Hep C Northern Initiative: Youth Prevention. The goal of the pilot project is to create a dynamic presentation using music and theatre which captures the impact of hepatitis C on the lives of youth and identifies the ways in which they may be at risk of contracting the virus. Youth from the community will work with a project committee to develop and perform a dramatic production based on information about the risks and impact of hepatitis C. Performances will be delivered to schools throughout the region.
HIV/AIDS Network of Southeastern Alberta Association
Project H4 (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and Harm Reduction). The goal of the project is to increase general hepatitis C knowledge in the Medicine Hat area and to facilitate the development of support networks for people infected with, affected by and at risk of HCV. Community capacity to respond to increased demand for information and support will be developed over a 3 year period. Activities include hepatitis C awareness campaigns, the creation of a sustainable support network in the community and the development of a train-the trainer-program to provide continuing education opportunities to respond to ongoing hepatitis C information needs in the community.
Lethbridge HIV Connection
Rylands House Hep C Project. The project's goal is to establish a strategic intersectoral approach to hepatitis C community-based support and prevention. Project activities include the identification of partners needed to address issues of hepatitis C throughout the southern Alberta region and among diverse target populations. These partners will collaborate to develop a strategic plan for community-wide action in addressing education, awareness and support for those infected with, affected by and at risk of HCV.
Natural Helpers - Hep C Project Harm Reduction Conference. The goal of this project is to support natural helpers in Edmonton's inner city and to identify key components of an effective natural helpers program. Project activities include facilitation and support of the activities of a natural helpers group working through Streetworks. This group requires a variety of support including: facilitation of natural helper planning meetings; development of materials for use by natural helpers in the community; and provision of information related to hepatitis C.
Wood Buffalo HIV & AIDS Society
Harm Reduction Awareness. The goal of this project is to build community capacity to introduce the concept of harm reduction into the community. A steering committee, comprised of key partners in harm reduction, will be established to plan, implement and evaluate harm reduction activities in the community. Harm reduction education sessions will be provided to steering committee members to create a common understanding of the harm reduction approach. The steering committee will develop a plan for action in harm reduction in their community.

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Manitoba and Saskatchewan - Manitoba

Hepatitis C Society of Canada, Manitoba Chapter
Needs Assessment. The Hepatitis C Society of Canada, Manitoba Chapter, will carry out a comprehensive assessment of the needs of people infected with HCV and their family members. Based on the results of the assessment, they will develop education and prevention support strategies for Manitoba.
John Howard Society of Manitoba, Inc.
A Living Support Project using a Holistic Healing Approach. The John Howard Society, Manitoba Chapter, will implement a prevention peer education and harm reduction program aimed at reducing hepatitis C infection and co-infection for inmates and their families using a holistic approach, incorporating traditional teachings and Aboriginal spirituality.
Manitoba Aboriginal AIDS Task Force
The Sunshine Initiative. Manitoba Aboriginal AIDS Task Force will work in partnership with drug users infected with or at risk for co-infection with hepatitis C and HIV, individuals who are leaving jail and those involved in or leaving treatment programs, with a focus on youth. They will develop a peer education model and use it to provide information on hepatitis C, risk behaviours and ways to reduce or prevent HCV transmission.
Rossbrook House Inc.
Lights On. Rossbrook House, in consultation with youth, will present within a cultural context an informative play on IDU and hepatitis C prevention in a popular theatre format, written and performed by at-risk and street youth to raise awareness about hepatitis C and IDU.
Kali-Shiva AIDS Services
Prescription for Prevention. Kali-Shiva will develop a fact sheet for pharmacies and clinics, and it will develop a needle exchange program. The sheet will address safe practices on needle use, provide factual information on hepatitis C and information on community resources and support services for IDUs, with the intention to increase safe use and disposal of needles by all users, including persons using prescription drugs (i.e. insulin).

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Manitoba and Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan

Prince Albert Health District
Ka-ma-ma-kus. The Ka-ma-ma-kus project will provide an educational initiative for at-risk youth in the Prince Albert area. A presentation, using popular theatre techniques, will be developed through interviews with persons infected with hepatitis C, which will be presented by at-risk youth through schools and agencies to raise awareness about personal health choices and the impact of HCV infection.
Saskatoon Indian and Metis Friendship Centre Inc.
Saskatoon Hepatitis C Partnership. The project will develop and deliver a community-based educational program, representative of the diverse populations, that will create awareness, support and better understanding of hepatitis C disease transmission, prevention strategies and treatment options for IDUs, sex trade workers, street youth, individuals currently incarcerated or on parole in the Saskatoon community, as well as their partners and families.
Hemophilia Saskatchewan
Needs Assessment. Hemophilia Saskatchewan will undertake a needs assessment to identify and address two issues: the impact on the individual and family of a hepatitis C diagnosis; and the association's infrastructure, educational and support programs required to respond to these needs across the life stages.

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Centre médico-social communautaire
Hépatite C; ça peut t'arriver! The goal of the project is to reduce the risk of hepatitis C infection among Toronto's Francophone population. Activities include information meetings, the development and distribution of an HCV information brochure as well as the development of an outreach strategy and peer coaching group to work with Francophone street populations.
Chatham-Kent Harm Reduction Committee
Chatham-Kent Hepatitis C Community-Based Support Project. The goal of the project is to increase community awareness of HCV. Activities include strengthening partnerships within the harm reduction committee and conducting a comprehensive HCV community needs assessment to identify needs and gaps in services. The expected outcomes are the development of local support groups and expansion of existing social and health service programs to include HCV issues.
Hepatitis C Society of Canada
Support & Awareness Project Hepatitis C Society of Canada - Sault Ste. Marie Chapter. The goal of this project is to provide support and education to those infected with and affected by hepatitis C. Activities include community educational meetings as well as the creation of a resource library of hepatitis C information materials.
Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Health Unit Street Health Centre
Hepatitis C Strategy. The goal of this project is to enhance the capacity of the local community to respond to the health and social needs of people infected with, affected by, and at risk of HCV. Activities include conducting a comprehensive HCV community needs assessment, the establishment of a resource centre and the expansion of educational and prevention services that would include an ongoing peer education program.
Ontario AIDS Network
HCV Information, Training & Education and Print Material Support for OAN Member Agencies. The goal of the project is increase knowledge and awareness of HCV issues among AIDS Service Organizations in Ontario. Project activities include conducting an environmental scan and needs assessment on the ability of member organizations to address co-infection, prevention, support and service issues. The project plans to hold a workshop for member organizations on co-infection issues.

Phoenix Wholistic Health Centre
Hepatitis C Community Needs Assessment, Education and Support Program. The goal of the project is to increase community awareness of HCV. Activities include the establishment of a community planning committee, a comprehensive HCV community needs assessment, the development and implementation of train-the-trainer workshops and the establishment of a peer support network.
Region of Peel Health Unit
Addressing Hepatitis C in People Who Are Homeless or Are at Risk for Becoming Homeless in Peel. The Region of Peel Health Unit is working in partnership with the Peel Coalition for Shelter. The goal of the project is to understand HCV and related issues, risk factors, transmission, etc. among the homeless and those at risk of being homeless. Activities include the establishment of a working group, as well as conducting a comprehensive HCV community needs assessment. A second phase of the project will develop an action plan to address identified needs and issues.

Thalassemia Foundation of Canada
Hepatitis C Education in Thalassemics. The goal of the project is to promote understanding and awareness of HCV in the Thalassemia community and to provide support for people infected with HCV. Project activities include the development and dissemination of HCV materials to members, the organization of seminars, and the development of a Hepatitis C Update database.

Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health Inc
Mino Tibadjumowin (Spreading A Good Message). The goals of this project are to promote understanding and awareness of HCV within the Aboriginal population of Ottawa-Carleton. Activities include the development of culturally appropriate brochures and pamphlets as well as the development of an HCV component to their existing HIV/AIDS peer outreach program.
Brant County Health Unit
Hep C2 (Health Education, Prevention and Counselling for Hepatitis C). The Brant County Health Unit is working in partnership with the Aboriginal Health Centre and the Pine Tree Native Centre. The goal of this project is to reduce the rate of transmission of HCV among marginalised communities in Brant County. Activities include outreach to street involved people and IDUs to promote safe needle use and the establishment of HCV support groups.
HIV/AIDS Regional Services
Kingston Hepatitis C Prevention & Education Project. The goals of this project are to reduce the transmission of HCV infection primarily among prisoners in local institutions, and to address education and support needs of intravenous drug users who are infected with and affected by HCV. Project activities include the creation of a hepatitis C advisory committee, the development of HCV-related information and education programs to be delivered at the local prison, and the establishment of a local HCV support group.
Northwestern Health Unit
Harm Reduction Pilots Through Needle Exchange in 3 Sites in Northwestern Ontario. The goal of the project is to reduce the transmission of HCV in three northern communities with specific emphasis on the injection drug user population. Activities include establishing an advisory panel with multi-disciplinary partners in each centre, as well as outreach to IDUs promoting safe needle use and needle exchange.
Porcupine District Health Unit
The Quill Needle Exchange Harm Reduction Program. The goal of the project is to reduce the transmission of HCV among IDUs. Activities include piloting extended hours for a needle exchange to promote safe needle use as well as developing education materials on HCV aimed at injection drug user populations.
Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN)
Hepatitis C "In Reach" Project. The goal of the project is to reduce the transmission of HCV among prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. Activities include the development and delivery of HCV prevention educational sessions for prisoners in federal and provincial institutions, and the development and distribution of peer-generated HCV prevention and harm reduction materials. In addition, the project will provide HCV skills building activities and support to federal prisoner peer health groups.
Social Planning and Research Council
Hepatitis C Education/Prevention Program. The goal of the project is to increase community awareness of HCV with a focus on IDUs, in partnership with the Hamilton AIDS Network and the Hamilton Wentworth Social and Public Health Department. Project activities include a needs assessment to determine and evaluate available information about HCV with a particular focus on the needs of IDUs. In addition, a community planning forum will be held to develop HCV initiatives among stakeholders.
Stonehenge Therapeutic Community
What's The Harm? The goal of this project is to provide information on HCV prevention and support for IDUs and to strengthen the response network for those at risk of infection. Activities include the development and distribution of booklets aimed at IDUs with information on HCV, risk of infection, diagnosis and treatment, special concerns/needs of drug users, and points of access for specialist care in Ontario. The project will also develop an accompanying user guide for presentations to social service and health workers and peer support groups.
Thunder Bay District Health Unit
Choices and Challenges - Now and Beyond. The goal of the project is to develop a community-based response to HCV which incorporates prevention, intervention, and support. Activities include the development of a collaborative community network, an inventory of HCV resources and information, and a community forum to increase the knowledge base of community stakeholders.
Hep C Help Educate Peers: Constructively. The goal of the project is to reduce the transmission of HCV among street involved youth in Toronto. Activities include outreach, the development of a peer led support group, and the development of educational activities for use by agencies serving this population.
AIDS Committee of London
HCV Prevention and Support for Current and Recent Drug Users. The goal of the project is to reduce the transmission of HCV among IDUs and increase the capacity of peers to train and educate others about HCV. Activities include a needs assessment with IDUs, the development and distribution of educational resources, and training of peer educators.

ACCESS The AIDS Committee of Sudbury
Hepatitis C Education and Support Coordination. The goal of the project is to increase community awareness of HCV and to strengthen partnerships among service providers. Activities include the development of a train-the-trainer educational package, the development of a peer training program, and the establishment of a hepatitis C inter-agency committee. In addition, the committee will host a public forum on hepatitis C in Sudbury.
Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre
Aboriginal Hepatitis C Support and Awareness. The goal of the project is to increase membership of HCV healing circle and to enhance the quality of life for existing members. Activities include monthly support meetings, the development of culturally specific hepatitis C educational materials, and presentations about the healing circle to first nations front line workers in Sudbury and surrounding area.
Hepatitis C Society of Niagara Region
Niagara Region Chapter Support. The goal of the project is to increase awareness of services within the region available to HCV positive people. Activities include the development and distribution of a directory of resources specific to HCV-related services in Niagara Region.
Durham Region Public Health
Durham Region Hepatitis C Support Group. The goal of the project is to increase awareness of HCV and of support services available to those infected with and affected by the virus in Durham Region. Activities include regular information meetings and staffing a hepatitis C information booth at local events.
Street Health Community Nursing Foundation
Street Health Hepatitis C Community Care and Awareness Project. The goal of the project is to reduce the transmission of HCV, and support and stabilize infected intravenous drug users, particularly among the homeless and marginalised populations of downtown east Toronto. Activities include outreach, and the development of information materials and resources. In addition, the project will also develop and conduct peer led workshops to local health and social service organizations.
Central Toronto Community Health Centre
Queen West Community Hepatitis C Project.The goal of the project is to increase knowledge of HCV and to contribute to the development of stronger community support systems. Activities include outreach, particularly to sites with high incidence of substance use, development of materials and displays, and monthly support groups targeting marginalised populations.
Elizabeth Frye Society of Toronto
Reducing the Harm of Hepatitis C. The goal of the project is to increase awareness of HCV through education and outreach targeting women who are in conflict with the law. Activities include peer support and outreach services to women in various ethno-cultural communities. Educational information and prevention materials will be developed and distributed and information seminars for prison staff will be held.

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Coalition sherbrookoise pour le travail de rue
The C Connection. The project will be implemented in the Sherbrooke region, in close collaboration with the Centre de prévention et de dépistage anonyme du VIH/Estrie, an organization which has been working for the past 4 years with the local detention centre inmates as well as in detoxification centres. The project intends to educate and increase awareness among persons whose activities place them at risk of transmitting or contracting HCV, and to support, inform and help persons affected by HCV. The expected results are increased knowledge for IDUs and non-professional tattoo artists with respect to hepatitis C, its consequences and the risk factors for HCV transmission, and a peer support network for IDUs infected with hepatitis C.
Le Centre Option Prévention Toxicomanie-Violence-Délinquance-Suicide (T.V.D.S.)
The Hepatitis C Prevention Game. The Centre Option Prévention Toxicomanie-Violence-Délinquance-Suicide (T.V.D.S.) is a non- profit organization with the mandate to take action in the area of prevention, particularly in prisons. This project will be carried out in partnership with the Association des Intervenants en Toxicomanie du Quebec (AITQ) and the Correctional Service of Canada. The purpose of the project is to increase inmates' awareness of the risks of being infected with HCV, through adaptation of a prevention tool currently used for prevention of HIV/AIDS in prisons. The work plan involves designing a new series of game cards on the hepatitis C problem, and training volunteers to integrate the hepatitis series into the prevention game they already use in connection with the above-mentioned project. The anticipated results are: the existence of a hepatitis C prevention tool adapted for use by workers in prisons, and; the annual participation by more than 500 Quebec inmates in a hepatitis C prevention awareness-raising activity. The project reflects the community support component objective of increasing community organizations' capacity to provide support to persons infected with or affected by hepatitis C or at risk of contracting the virus. The main determinants of health which the project addresses directly are social support network, living habits and personal coping skills.
Mouvement d'information, d'éducation et d'entraide dans la lutte contre le sida (MIENS)
Support for Persons Infected with Hepatitis C. The purpose of the project is to improve the health and living conditions of persons infected with and affected by HCV and to reduce the incidence of infection in the Saguenay/Lac-St-Jean region. The work plan includes specific objectives and activities for each of the target groups, namely information, education and support for persons infected with HCV, support and education for the persons affected by the virus, information for persons at risk for HCV infection, and making the public more aware of the reality of HCV infection.
Point de Repères
Preventing Transmission and Providing Medical Support and Humanitarian Accompaniment for Active Injection Drug Users Infected with Hepatitis C. The project aims at providing support, in the Quebec City region, to active IDUs affected with HCV. The objectives are to help prevent transmission of HCV among active IDUs, to develop a medical network for active IDUs infected with hepatitis C, and to update the information on hepatitis C specific to the IDU clientele.
Spectre de rue
A Step Towards Health. The project intends to increase awareness among IDUs in downtown Montreal about their health in general and hepatitis C in particular. The objectives are to promote HCV detection, and to prevent the spread of hepatitis C among current or beginning IDUs.
Bureau régional d'action sida (BRAS)
HC in Prison Environment. The goal of the project is to reduce the spread of HCV among IDUs at the Hull detention centre, and to support and direct persons infected with HCV in a prison environment. The work plan includes informal meetings with the centre's staff, work at the detention centre with the inmate population, use of hepatitis C information tools, and support and referral for persons infected with HCV.
Les Oeuvres de la Maison Dauphine Inc.
Hepatitis C and Street Youth. The project intends to inform troubled young people in the Quebec City region and to increase their awareness of the hepatitis C problem, to help prevent HCV infection, and to promote early detection among these high-risk clients. The work plan includes the design, production and dissemination of information tools by the target clientele, information and support activities for promoting the adoption of safe behaviours, and activities to promote early detection among the target population.

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Atlantic Region

AIDS Coalition of Cape Breton
Get Together to Get Better / Hep C - Healing Today, Living Tomorrow. In February 2000, the AIDS Coalition of Cape Breton (ACCB) received funding from Health Canada's Hepatitis C Community-Based Support and Prevention Program for a project that would increase the capacity of the Cape Breton community to provide support to persons infected with hepatitis C and to develop and deliver prevention and education programs for the general public. This project will build and expand upon that initial project. ACCB's Hepatitis C Steering Committee will develop and deliver an education program and resources specifically targeting IDUs and at-risk youth. A drama skit will be created and delivered by youth. As well, the project will develop a presentation kit and pamphlets. The group will also continue to build its volunteer base through this island-wide exposure and will continue the development of support groups in various Cape Breton communities.
Atlantic Chapters of the Hepatitis C Society of Canada
Hepatitis C Community-Based Support and Education in Southern New Brunswick. The Atlantic Chapters of the Hepatitis C Society of Canada's mandate is to fight hepatitis C through education, prevention, early detection, support, appropriate treatment and comfort. The goal of this project is to increase hepatitis C awareness and education programs in southern New Brunswick by enhancing existing education tools and creating new resources with which to network, inform and support those infected with this disease. The group will create and deliver education programs for the general public and persons infected with or affected by hepatitis C. They will partner with other service and health organizations (such as the John Howard Society and harm reduction groups) to create programs and education tools for specialty populations such as IDUs and inmates. Programs will be evaluated by participants to make on-going improvements and to determine future action or projects.
Atlantic Hepatitis C Coalition
Building Community Support and Skills Training. The Atlantic Hepatitis C Coalition's mandate is to promote the wellness and quality of life for all people infected with hepatitis C and their families. The goal of this project is to increase community capacity to support individuals infected with or affected by HCV through the creation of a network of volunteer-led support groups in six Nova Scotian communities. Volunteers will be recruited in six Nova Scotian communities. Two provincial training seminars will be held on topics to include HCV knowledge, peer counselling, support group facilitation and telephone support. Existing volunteer training resources used by the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia will be adapted and expanded to be relevant to issues relating to HCV. The project coordinator will travel to one of the six communities on a weekly basis to provide one-on-one training and support to that community's volunteers, and to encourage networking and sharing of resources among communities. Through support groups and public presentations, volunteers will be able to reach out to individuals infected with/affected by HCV, IDUs, youth at risk, other community-based organizations and health care providers.
New Brunswick Hepatitis C Support Steering Committee
New Brunswick Needs Identification and Networking Project. The New Brunswick Hepatitis C Support Steering Committee (NBHCSSC) is a group of volunteers dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of people infected with and affected by HCV. The goal of this project is to identify the information and support needs of people infected with and affected by HCV in central and northern New Brunswick. The group will plan and hold information meetings in at least six communities to increase awareness of HCV and of the group. From these meetings, persons interested in volunteering with the group will be identified. They will take part in focus groups to help plan a regional, two-day conference on hepatitis C. The conference will feature guest speakers and will provide people infected with and affected by HCV in New Brunswick the opportunity to network and share experiences and information. A final report will be produced, which will include an evaluation and recommendations for further action.
John Howard Society of Moncton
Hepatitis C Education in a Correctional Setting. The John Howard Society of Moncton provides support and direct services to men in conflict with the law or at risk, and their families, both within correctional facilities and as they try to reintegrate into society. Identified partners in this project are Correctional Service of Canada, New Brunswick Department of Public Safety, New Brunswick Department of Public Health, SIDA/AIDS Moncton, Atlantic Chapters of Hepatitis C Society of Canada and inmate committees. The goal of this project is to develop a practical hepatitis C educational strategy for use in federal and provincial correctional facilities in New Brunswick. Educational tools will provide inmates and their families with the information they need to better understand, cope with and prevent transmission of hepatitis C. A working group consisting of federal and provincial inmates, staff and families, and one made up of local HCV and related organizations will identify existing education and support tools. It will develop an education strategy based on the principles of adult learning which will be disseminated to the agency's five branches through New Brunswick to be delivered in provincial and federal correctional facilities.
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia
Hep C: The Inside Scoop. The Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia is a non-profit organization that works with, and on behalf of, women in conflict with the law and women at risk of coming into conflict with the law. Through its work with women incarcerated in provincial and federal correctional facilities, the Society has recognized that hepatitis C infection is a serious concern. Women in correctional facilities routinely share personal items, increasing the risk of transmitting HCV. These women are also more likely to engage in high-risk behaviours when they are released from correctional facilities, including work in the sex trade or sharing drug paraphernalia. The goal of this project is to develop a gender-based workshop with a strong analysis around the relationship between HCV and the issues of poverty, prostitution, drug use, health, education and employment. The Society will also create other education tools, including a fact sheet, a series of education sessions for inmates, staff and women in the community, and an easy-to-read booklet. The Society's volunteers will be trained to provide on-going workshops, ensuring the sustainability of the project.
Hepatitis C Society of Canada - Saint John Chapter
Support Group Developent and Capacity Building Project. The Hepatitis C Society of Canada, Saint John, New Brunswick Chapter was formerly called the Saint John Hepatitis C Support Group. The group's mandate is to support, educate and advocate for all people infected with and affected by hepatitis C. The group has distributed pamphlets, posters and other printed materials throughout the southwestern New Brunswick region. By hosting support group meetings, providing peer support over the telephone and distributing resources, this group offers vital support to a vulnerable community whose needs are often overlooked and misunderstood. This grant will enable the group to build basic skills and organizational capacity in such areas as board development, volunteer recruitment and training and program skills. The group will have access to networking opportunities in New Brunswick and across the Atlantic region.
Building Towards an Intersectoral Alliance on Harm Reduction. In this 14-month project, AIDS PEI will partner with the PEI Department of Health and Social Services, which will provide project supervision and office space during the project. The goals of the project are to increase understanding of the fundamental principles of harm reduction among various sectors on PEI, and to strengthen intersectoral partnerships so that a comprehensive approach to hepatitis C prevention and harm reduction can occur. To achieve these goals, an intersectoral committee will be formed to help plan and coordinate a provincial harm reduction/hepatitis C education round-table meeting, to be held in September 2001. As a result of this meeting, participants from a variety of sectors will increase their knowledge of hepatitis C and harm reduction. The resulting networking is intended to lead to the development of an Intersectoral Harm Reduction Alliance on Prince Edward Island so that beginning work towards creating a harm reduction strategy can occur.
AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador
ACNL Hepatitis C and HIV Training - An Integrated Model for Newfoundland and Labrador Prisons. Intensive one-day workshops will be developed for prisoners and staff in six Newfoundland and Labrador prisons. The planning committee will use existing national resources on hepatitis C in creating the workshop agenda and resource materials. Workshop participants will receive resource packages, and will participate in the project's evaluation. This project will provide HCV awareness and prevention information to a high-risk group which currently receives little HCV information or support. An education package and project report will be developed and distributed to all prisons in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Northern Secretariat

Native Women's Association of the Northwest Territories
Community HIV/Hepatitis C Prevention and Awareness Project. The project sponsors a new funding model, a joint community/federal/territorial initiative implemented in September 2000. The model includes the design of a Funding and Support Team (FAST) responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of the new model to promote and fund HIV and hepatitis C prevention and awareness projects in NWT communities and regions.

Positive Living North West Society
(formerly Bulkley Valley HIV/AIDS Society)
The North West Regional Hepatitis C Community-Based Support Project. Under the direction of a Project Advisory Committee made up of people infected with HCV, representatives of community health councils, AIDS organizations, the Prince Rupert needle exchange and Aboriginal peoples, the project is assisting each community to develop a strategy to meet their needs through a community development process. It includes workshops, training sessions and public awareness to build a self-sustaining response to HCV in the north-west. This project will contribute to the prevention of HCV infection in the north-west, support persons infected with and affected by HCV, and strengthen the capacity of communities' response to the disease.

Positive Lives Support Society
Support Group Development and Capacity Building Project. The Positive Lives Support Society is a new organization in its early developmental stages which has been formed out of the need for support of the target population in the Yukon. Positive Lives Support Society is funded on a short-term basis to develop organizational capacity, increase board membership, build partnerships in the Yukon, carry out a hepatitis C needs assessment for Yukon communities and hold regular group support meetings for individuals infected with and affected by HCV. It is anticipated that the organization will be able to strengthen its capacity to submit subsequent proposals to deliver more programs in the future.