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Harm Reduction and Injection Drug Use: An international comparative study of contextual factors influencing the development and implementation of relevant policies and programs

Prepared for:

Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program
Hepatitis C Division
Population and Public Health Branch

HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division
Population and Public Health Branch

Our mission is to help the people of Canada maintain and improve their health.
Health Canada

For further information about this publication or for copies, please contact:

Hepatitis C Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention
and Control
Population and Public Health Branch
Health Canada
2nd Floor, 400 Cooper Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9

Tel.: (613) 941-7532
Fax: (613) 941-7563


Canadian HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse
Canadian Public Health Association
400 - 1565 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 8R1

Toll Free: 1-877-999-7740
Tel.: (613) 725-3434
Fax: (613) 725-1205
Web site:

Ce document est également disponible en français sous le titre :
Réduction des méfaits et utilisation des drogues injectables : étude comparative internationale des facteurs contextuels influençant l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre de politiques et de programmes adaptés

The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the official policies of Health Canada.

This report has been prepared by:

Alan C. Ogborne, Virginia Carver and Jamie Wiebe on behalf of
the Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse (CCSA)

September 2001

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Table of Contents

List of Tables