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Hepatitis C: Intervention Programming for Youth at Risk - Final Consolidated Report

1. Introduction

In the mid-term program evaluation of the Hepatitis C Prevention, Support and Research Program, Health Canada identified several at-risk populations in need of information about hepatitis C, particularly youth at risk. Youth at risk can be defined as "alienated and marginalized youth who are characterized by: adopting the street lifestyle, dropping out of school or failing academically, being involved in alcohol and/or other drug use, and being involved in illegal behaviour." (Health Canada, 1997) As these youth are among the populations at greatest risk of contracting hepatitis C, effective means must be found to provide them with targeted information on how to prevent the acquisition and/or transmission of the hepatitis C virus (HCV).

This research project aims to answer the question, "What do people need, in their hands and in their heads, to act on hepatitis C prevention?" The research will gather information to:

  • identify the needs of youth at risk with regard to the prevention of hepatitis C;
  • identify the needs and effective approaches, including vehicles and language, for use by intermediaries, including peer intermediaries; and,
  • provide recommendations for the development of preventative approaches and materials.

The project is based on the assumption that the most effective approach to reach youth at risk will be via intermediaries, including youth intermediaries, and not directly to the youth at risk. This project encompassed three phases:

  1. An information review, which included analysis of programs and materials directed to youth at risk;
  2. Interviews (12) with intermediaries dealing with youth at risk; and,
  3. Focus groups (six) conducted in cities across Canada.

This report represents the results of these three elements separately, then provides recommendations for future programming directed to youth at risk.

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