Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

of Canada at
AIDS 2008

Government of Canada at AIDS 2008

Canada is actively involved in the global efforts to address HIV and AIDS. That’s why the Government of Canada is pleased to once again be a partner for the XVII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2008) in Mexico City August 3-8, 2008. The 2008 conference theme is Universal Action Now, and represents the largest gathering in the world of international leaders in the HIV/AIDS community, from scientists and policy makers, to advocates and community volunteers, to people living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS 2008 provides the Government of Canada and our international partners with the opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise and work together towards our common goal of halting this pandemic.

Canada’s Minister of Health, Tony Clement, will be representing the Government of Canada at AIDS 2008. Officials from the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada New Window, CIHR New Window, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade New Window, Correctional Service of Canada New Window, and the Canadian International Department Agency New Window will also be participating.

Government of Canada officials will be participating in AIDS 2008 by co-hosting a satellite session on the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative New Window with the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, and co-hosting a satellite session on HIV and co-infection with the U.S. Centre for Disease Control, as well as presenting research posters on HIV and AIDS issues, and chairing and participating in plenary sessions. Consult the Canadian Calendar of Events for more information.

Over the past three fiscal years, Canada has provided more than $500 million in funding to support the implementation of initiatives to effectively respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the developing world, including support to a number of large bilateral and regional programs in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean and support to key global partners such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the World Health Organization.

This year, the Government of Canada will spend more than $84 million to address HIV/AIDS in Canada, more than ever before in our nation’s history. This investment will support both the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada and the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative.

Through these investments in access to prevention, care and treatment; research, new technology development, and strengthening health systems, the Government of Canada continues to act on its commitment to a long term, comprehensive approach to HIV and AIDS both domestically and around the world.

This page will be updated with news from AIDS 2008 from August 3-8, 2008.