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Flu Prevention Checklist

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German PDF

Checkliste: Verhütung von Grippe

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Elenco di controllo per la prevenzione dell’influenza

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Lista de consejos para prevenir la gripe

Polish PDF Polish Checklist
Portuguese PDF Portuguese Influenza
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Inuktitut PDF Inuktitut Checklist
Inuinaqtun PDF Inuinaqtun Checklist

You can play an active role in staying healthy and preventing the spread of influenza, whether it's the seasonal flu that circulates each winter or pandemic influenza. Follow these simple steps:

  • Get an annual flu shot:
    Make sure your family members get a flu shot too!
  • Wash your hands frequently:
    Twenty seconds of hand washing with warm water and soap helps remove bacteria and viruses. Remember to wash before and after eating, after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after touching surfaces that may have been contaminated by other people.
  • Cover up when you cough or sneeze:
    Use a tissue, or raise your arm up to your face to cough or sneeze into your sleeve. If you use a tissue, dispose of it as soon as possible and wash your hands immediately.
  • Keep shared surface areas clean:
    Doorknobs, light switches, telephones, keyboards and other surfaces can become contaminated with all kinds of bacteria and viruses. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of these surfaces can help.
  • If you get sick, stay home!
    If you go out when you're sick, you may spread your illness to co-workers, classmates, neighbours or others. It may take you longer to get better if you are not well rested. Wait until you no longer have a fever and your cough is improving.

Talk about staying healthy.

Encourage others to follow these simple steps. If you have children, be a good role model. Teach them to count to 20 while washing their hands and show them how to cover up when they cough or sneeze.

For additional information, visit us at:
or to order copies of the checklist call our toll free number: 1-800-454-8302