Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

A Message from Dr. David Butler- Jones, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on Mumps Vaccination Recommendations for Canadians

All Canadian children as well as susceptible adolescents and adults should be vaccinated with two doses of mumps vaccine to help prevent and control illness and future outbreaks of the disease.

Following a review of the science, the National Advisory Committee on Immunizations (NACI) recently issued updated recommendations for the use of mumps vaccine. Recommended mumps vaccination has been changed to two doses (instead of one dose) for infants and children. In addition, two dose mumps vaccination is now recommended for certain high-risk groups, including secondary and post-secondary students and health care workers who may be susceptible to the virus.

Mumps is an infection of the salivary glands caused by a virus. Most people recover from the illness, but, in rare cases, the disease can be serious.

While cases of mumps have declined dramatically with the introduction of publicly funded immunization programs in Canada, the disease has not been entirely eradicated. Outbreaks do occur from time to time. The most recent outbreak, centred in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick with sporadic cases elsewhere in Canada, has resulted in more than 600 cases of the disease to date.

In light of this ongoing outbreak, and in alignment with the updated NACI recommendations, students returning to school this fall should ensure their vaccinations are up-to-date, including two doses of mumps-containing vaccine. Individuals should talk to their paediatrician, family physician, public health nurse or local health unit about their immunization status and recommended vaccination

Since the 1990s, jurisdictions across Canada have administered programs that include two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR). Some adolescents and adults immunized prior to the introduction of the two-dose programs, however, may have received only one inoculation and may be susceptible to the virus. Offering a second dose of mumps vaccine will help protect those who are unvaccinated, those who experience vaccine failure and boost the immunity of those experiencing waning immunity.

Immunization is one of the most effective methods of preventing and controlling disease. Canadians are encouraged to keep all vaccinations up to date to protect themselves and those around them.

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