Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

January 13, 2005
For Immediate Release

News Release

Minister Dosanjh Releases New Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS

OTTAWA - Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh today released details of the new Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada.

"While we have made strides in Canada, there is more to be done," said Minister Dosanjh. "One thing remains clear: the engagement of many different sectors is needed to get ahead of this pandemic. In partnership with the full spectrum of HIV/AIDS stakeholders, the Government of Canada will continue to lead efforts to fight this preventable disease that has already taken far too great a toll here and around the world."

"Partnership and our ability to work together - even though we come from many different sectors of our society - incrementally increases our chances of succeeding in our goals," added Minister of State Carolyn Bennett. " We need a comprehensive approach that is inclusive and based on mutual respect. This Initiative will bring people most affected and knowledgeable into the dialogue and the planning with governments and others to ensure we reach our goals."

The goals of the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada are to:

  • prevent transmission of new infections;
  • slow disease progression and improve quality of life;
  • reduce the social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS; and
  • contribute to the global effort to reduce the spread of HIV and mitigate the impact of the disease.

The Federal Initiative will be guided by three policy directions: partnership and engagement; integration; and accountability. Key areas of federal action include: knowledge development; program and policy interventions; communications and social marketing; coordination, planning and reporting; and global engagement.

Minister Dosanjh also formally announced the creation of an interdepartmental committee made up of assistant deputy ministers that will be led by the Public Health Agency of Canada. This group will promote linkages and alignment of policies and programs to implement the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada.

In May 2004, the Government of Canada increased on-going funding for HIV/AIDS over the next five years, from $42.2 million to $84.4 million annually by 2008-2009. The Public Health Agency of Canada will lead this renewed Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada by working with the following:

  • Health Canada,
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research,
  • Correctional Service Canada,
  • other federal departments and agencies,
  • provinces and territories,
  • non-governmental organizations,
  • researchers,
  • health care professionals, and
  • people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.

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Media Inquiries:
Aggie Adamczyk
Public Health Agency of Canada
(613) 941-8189

Janet Weichel McKenzie
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(613) 941-4563.

Correctional Service Canada
Dr. Françoise Bouchard
Director General, Health Services
(613) 992-1741

Adèle Blanchard
Office of the Minister of Health
(613) 957-0200