Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Ministerial Message for the 25th anniversary of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope, schools across Canada are participating in the National School Day Run by having fundraising events on September 16, 2005. The annual Terry Fox Run will then take place in communities across Canada on September 18. We are pleased to recognize the efforts of the thousands of young people and volunteers who participate in these events across Canada. These events continue the vision of Terry Fox by giving hope to those stricken with cancer and by raising millions of dollars for cancer research.

Cancer is currently the leading cause of premature death in Canada and is expected to be the leading cause of death within the next several years. In Canada, we are fortunate to have dedicated comprehensive cancer agencies and programs that give Canadians access to the best treatments and care, as well as an extensive network of charitable and non-governmental organizations to help Canadians with cancer, and their families, cope with the impacts of the disease.

Effective cancer control is a complex process that requires the collaborative efforts of all cancer stakeholders across a wide variety of sectors. The Government of Canada works with non-governmental organizations and provincial and territorial governments to help reduce incidence, illness and death, through the development of a cancer control strategy for Canada. In recognition of the 25th anniversary of the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope, the 2005 Federal Budget included a $10-million grant from the Public Health Agency of Canada to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Canada will also be hosting the 1st International Cancer Control Congress from October 23-26, 2005 in Vancouver, Canada. The Congress will help delegates from high, middle and low income countries to build and make population strategies more effective.

As Minister of Health and Minister of State for Public Health, we applaud the dedication of the volunteers supporting Terry Fox Runs across Canada, and encourage all Canadians to support or participate in 25th anniversary events to help keep Terry's dream alive.

The Honourable Ujjal Dosanjh
Minister of Health
The Honourable Carolyn Bennett
Minister of State (Public Health)