Public Health Agency of Canada
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First Connections ...make all the difference


Birth to 2 Months:

  • You can hold me as much as you want.
  • You can't spoil me.
  • Crying is how I tell you that I need something. I don't cry to make you angry.
  • If you think you have taken care of all of my needs and I am still crying, hold me and comfort me.
  • Smile at me, laugh, sing to me, rock me, dance with me gently, talk to me softly. This is how our relationship grows.

2 to 7 Months:

  • When I look at you, smile, coo, and reach up to you, I want you to respond to me.
  • Crying is how I tell you that I need something. I don't cry to make you angry.
  • If I turn away, I have had enough.
  • When I am hurt, sick or afraid, I need you to hold me right away.

7 to 12 Months:

  • I prefer to be with the few people who look after me the most. I am upset by people I don't know.
  • I get upset when you leave me. Hug and cuddle me when you leave, and again when you come back; then I will learn that I am safe and secure.
  • Play and talk with me face to face.
  • Watch me play and follow my lead. If you always direct my play I will stop trying.
  • Try to understand what I am telling you when I cry, smile, babble, or turn away.

12 to 24 Months:

  • I am learning about my world. I like to explore, but when I am frightened, I need to come back to you for comfort. When I feel safe and comforted, I am ready to explore again.
  • Even though I can do more things by myself, I still need love and affection.

24 to 48 Months:

  • When I want to do things on my own, let me try, as long as it is not dangerous.
  • I still need you to keep me safe and comfort me when I am hurt, upset, frightened, or sick.