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Diabetes Policy Review - Report of the Expert Panel


In order to support the Policy Review, the Expert Panel held consultations with a series of stakeholder groups and undertook a review of relevant documentation.

  • Consultations:
    • "Historic stakeholders" or stakeholders who were involved with the original Canadian Diabetes Strategy (1999-2005), including: the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, provincial/territorial governments, Canadian Diabetes Association, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the CNIB, and former Chair of the Diabetes Council of Canada.2
    • Researchers;
    • Canadians living with diabetes;
    • Provincial/territorial governments;
    • Health professionals;
    • Diabetes educators;
    • Research-based pharmaceutical companies; and
    • Health-related non-governmental organizations.
  • Document review and environmental scan:
    • Review of program documentation;
    • International environmental scan of diabetes strategies and approaches; and
    • Review of existing literature related to diabetes.

A full list of individuals consulted as part of the Policy Review and a bibliography are available in Appendices B and C, respectively. In addition, the Consultation Summary Report, Program Documentation Review Report and International Environmental Scan Report are available in Appendices D, E and F, respectively.