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    Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Canada Communicable Disease Report

[Table of Contents]



Volume: 22S1 • April 1996

Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Tuberculosis in Canadian Health Care Facilities and Other Institutional Settings

Appendix A
Background Information on Hospital Risk Assessment

[The following four tables are reprinted, with permission, from the N Engl J Med 1995;332(2).]


Table 1
Incidence of Tuberculous Disease in Health Care Workers
(16.9 KB)

Table 2
Single Cases of Tuberculosis with Transmission to Health Care Workers
(14.7 KB)

Table 3
Prolonged Hospital Outbreaks of Tuberculosis with Transmission to Health Care Workers
(16.8 KB)


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Last Updated: 1996-09-24 Top