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Chronic Diseases

  Volume 24, Number 1, 2002

Indexes for Volume 23, 2002

Volume 23 Contents

No 1, 2001


Evaluation of a risk factor survey with three
assessment methods      

Beth Theis, Jennifer Frood, Diane Nishri and
Loraine D Marrett 

Environmental tobacco smoke and deaths from
coronary heart disease in Canada     

Margaret de Groh and Howard I Morrison 

Estimating the population at risk for Ontario
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered
injuries or diseases     

Diane Zakaria, James Robertson, Joy C MacDermid, Kathleen Hartford and John Koval 

Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada:
A question of definition     

Linda A Turner, Margaret Cyr, Robert A H Kinch,
Robert Liston, Michael S Kramer, Martha Fair and Maureen Heaman, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System 

Cause-specific mortality during and after pregnancy
and the definition of maternal death     

Linda A Turner, Michael S Kramer, Shiliang Liu, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System 

Departure of Principal Scientific Editor   

Quantitative Methods for the Evaluation of Cancer

Reviewed by Leslie Gaudette 

Calendar of Events  

2001 Peer Reviewers  

Indexes for Volume 22, 2001   

No 2, 2001

A method for comparing and combining cost-of-illness
studies: an example from cardiovascular disease   

Bernard C K Choi and Anita W P Pak 

Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project  

Loraine D Marrett, Jennifer Frood, Diane Nishri, Anne-Marie Ugnat and the Cancer in Young Adults
in Canada (CYAC) Working Group 

Use of focus group methodology in the development
of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey  

Sabrina Yun Ing, Fredrick D Ashbury,
Loraine D Marrett, Lynn From and Kristina V Perry 

An integrated exploration into the social and
environmental determinants of health: the
Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation
Research Unit (SPHERU)

Ronald Labonté, Nazeem Muhajarine, Sylvia Abonyi, Georgia Bell Woodard, Bonnie Jeffery, George Maslany, Michael McCubbin and Allison Williams 

Horse kicks, anthrax, and the Poisson model for

Gerry Hill 

Critical Issues in Global Health  

Reviewed by Brenda Paine 

Calendar of Events     

New Principal Scientific Editor       

No 3, 2001

The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent
cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995   

Wei Luo, Rachel Lane, Kent Stobart,
Howard I Morrison, Dena Schanzer, Ronald Barr
and Mark Greenberg 

Work and life stressors and psychological distress
in the Canadian working population: A structural
equation modelling approach to analysis of the
1994 National Population Health Survey     

Donald C Cole, Selahadin Ibrahim, Harry S Shannon, Fran Scott and John Eyles 

Small area comparisons of health: Applications for
policy markers and challenges for researchers      

Paul J Veugelers and Shane Hornibrook 

Prevalence of PSA testing and effect of clinical
indications on patterns of PSA testing in a
population-based sample of Alberta men   

S Elizabeth McGregor, Heather E Bryant, Rollin F Brant and Peter J Corbett 

Territoire et vieillissement     

Reviewed by Louise A Plouffe 

Calendar of Events      

No 4, 2002 

The population health perspective as a framework
for studying child maltreatment outcomes 

Lil Tonmyr, Harriet L MacMillan, Ellen Jamieson
and Katharine Kelly 

Perceptions of disease severity and barriers to self-care preduct glycemic control in Aboriginal persons with
type 2 diabetes mellitus      

Mark Daniel and Lynne C Messer 

Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal

Anne E Rhodes, Paul S Links, David L Streiner,
Ian Dawe, Dan Cass and Samantha Janes 

The impact of missing birth weight in deceased
versus surviving fetuses and infants in the comparison
of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality  

Shi Wu Wen, Li-Mei Chen, Chung-Yi Li,
Michael S Kramer and Alexander C Allen,
for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group
of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System 

Cancer Care Ontario's New Drug Funding Program:
Controlled introduction of expensive anticancer drugs

William K Evans, Marilyn Nefsky, Joseph Pater,
George Browman and Donald H Cowan 

Pharmacovigilance from A to Z: Adverse Drug Event Surveillance   

Reviewed by Milos Jenicek 

A Veritable Scoff: Sources on Foodways and Nutrition
in Newfoundland and Labrador       

Reviewed by Eleanor Swanson 

New Resources      

Calendar of Events        

Volume 23 Subject Index 


Perceptions of disease severity and barriers to self-care preduct glycemic control in Aboriginal persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 23(4):130–38. 


A Veritable Scoff: Sources on Foodways and Nutrition in Newfoundland and Labrador. 23(4):159. 

Critical Issues in Global Health. 23(2):78. 

Pharmacovigilance from A to Z: Adverse Drug Event Surveillance. 23(4):157–58. 

Quantitative Methods for the Evaluation of Cancer Screening. 23(1):37. 

Territoire et vieillissement. 23(3):120. 


Cancer Care Ontario's New Drug Funding Program: Controlled introduction of expensive anticancer drugs. 23(4):152–56. 

Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project. 23(2):58–64. 

Evaluation of a risk factor survey with three assessment methods. 23(1):1–12. 

The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 


Horse kicks, anthrax, and the Poisson model for deaths. 23(2):77. 


Perceptions of disease severity and barriers to self-care preduct glycemic control in Aboriginal persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 23(4):130–38. 


An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

Environmental tobacco smoke and deaths from coronary heart disease in Canada. 23(1):13–16. 

Perceptions of disease severity and barriers to self-care preduct glycemic control in Aboriginal persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 23(4):130–38. 

Use of focus group methodology in the development of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey. 23(2):65–70. 


An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

Cancer Care Ontario's New Drug Funding Program: Controlled introduction of expensive anticancer drugs. 23(4):152–56. 

Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project. 23(2):58–64. 

Cause-specific mortality during and after pregnancy and the definition of maternal death. 23(1):31–36. 

Environmental tobacco smoke and deaths from coronary heart disease in Canada. 23(1):13–16. 

Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases. 23(1):17–21. 

Prevalence of PSA testing and effect of clinical indications on patterns of PSA testing in a population-based sample of Alberta men. 23(3):111–19. 

Small area comparisons of health: Applications for policy markers and challenges for researchers. 23(3):100–10. 

The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

Use of focus group methodology in the development of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey. 23(2):65–70. 


Evaluation of a risk factor survey with three assessment methods. 23(1):1–12. 

Use of focus group methodology in the development of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey. 23(2):65–70. 

Work and life stressors and psychological distress in the Canadian working population: A structural equation modelling approach to analysis of the 1994 National Population Health Survey. 23(3):91–99. 


Environmental tobacco smoke and deaths from coronary heart disease in Canada. 23(1):13–16. 

A method for comparing and combining cost-of-illness studies: an example from cardiovascular disease. 23(2):47–57. 


The impact of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants in the comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality. 23(4):146–51. 

The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

The population health perspective as a framework for studying child maltreatment outcomes. 23(4):123–29. 


Prevalence of PSA testing and effect of clinical indications on patterns of PSA testing in a population-based sample of Alberta men. 23(3):111–19. 


Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases. 23(1):17–21. 

Work and life stressors and psychological distress in the Canadian working population: A structural equation modelling approach to analysis of the 1994 National Population Health Survey. 23(3):91–99. 


The impact of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants in the comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality. 23(4):146–51. 


A method for comparing and combining cost-of-illness studies: an example from cardiovascular disease. 23(2):47–57. 

Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project. 23(2):58–64. 

Cause-specific mortality during and after pregnancy and the definition of maternal death. 23(1):31–36. 

Prevalence of PSA testing and effect of clinical indications on patterns of PSA testing in a population-based sample of Alberta men. 23(3):111–19. 

The population health perspective as a framework for studying child maltreatment outcomes. 23(4):123–29. 

Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 


Small area comparisons of health: Applications for policy markers and challenges for researchers. 23(3):100–10. 


Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases. 23(1):17–21. 


Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour? 23(4):139–45. 


Environmental tobacco smoke and deaths from coronary heart disease in Canada. 23(1):13–16. 


Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

Cause-specific mortality during and after pregnancy and the definition of maternal death. 23(1):31–36. 

Volume 23 Author Index 

Abonyi, Sylvia 

Labonté Ronald, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abonyi Sylvia, Woodard Georgia Bell, Jeffery Bonnie, Maslany George, McCubbin Michael and Williams Allison. An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

Allen, Alexander C 

Wen Shi Wu, Chen Li-Mei, Li Chung-Yi, Kramer Michael S and Allen Alexander C, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. The impact of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants in the comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality. 23(4):146–51. 

Ashbury, Fredrick D 

Ing Sabrina Yun, Ashbury Fredrick D, Marrett Loraine D, From Lynn and Perry Kristina V. Use of focus group methodology in the development of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey. 23(2):65–70. 

Barr, Ronald 

Luo Wei, Lane Rachel, Stobart Kent, Morrison Howard I, Schanzer Dena, Barr Ronald and Greenberg Mark. The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

Brant, Rollin F 

McGregor S Elizabeth, Bryant Heather E, Brant Rollin F and Corbett Peter J. Prevalence of PSA testing and effect of clinical indications on patterns of PSA testing in a population-based sample of Alberta men. 23(3):111–19. 

Browman, George 

Evans William K, Nefsky Marilyn, Pater Joseph, Browman George and Cowan Donald H. Cancer Care Ontario's New Drug Funding Program: Controlled introduction of expensive anticancer drugs. 23(4):152–56. 

Bryant, Heather E 

McGregor S Elizabeth, Bryant Heather E, Brant Rollin F and Corbett Peter J. Prevalence of PSA testing and effect of clinical indications on patterns of PSA testing in a population-based sample of Alberta men. 23(3):111–19. 

Cass, Dan 

Rhodes Anne E, Links Paul S, Streiner David L, Dawe Ian, Cass Dan and Janes Samantha. Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour? 23(4):139–45. 

Chen, Li-Mei 

Wen Shi Wu, Chen Li-Mei, Li Chung-Yi, Kramer Michael S and Allen Alexander C, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. The impact of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants in the comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality. 23(4):146–51. 

Choi, Bernard C K 

Choi Bernard C K and Pak Anita W P. A method for comparing and combining cost-of-illness studies: an example from cardiovascular disease. 23(2):47–57. 

Cole, Donald C 

Cole Donald C, Ibrahim Selahadin, Shannon Harry S, Scott Fran and Eyles John. Work and life stressors and psychological distress in the Canadian working population: A structural equation modelling approach to analysis of the 1994 National Population Health Survey. 23(3):91–99. 

Corbett, Peter J 

McGregor S Elizabeth, Bryant Heather E, Brant Rollin F and Corbett Peter J. Prevalence of PSA testing and effect of clinical indications on patterns of PSA testing in a population-based sample of Alberta men. 23(3):111–19. 

Cowan, Donald H 

Evans William K, Nefsky Marilyn, Pater Joseph, Browman George and Cowan Donald H. Cancer Care Ontario's New Drug Funding Program: Controlled introduction of expensive anticancer drugs. 23(4):152–56. 

Cyr, Margaret 

Turner Linda A, Cyr Margaret, Kinch Robert A H, Liston Robert, Kramer Michael S, Fair Martha and Heaman Maureen, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

Daniel, Mark 

Daniel Mark and Messer Lynne C. Perceptions of disease severity and barriers to self-care preduct glycemic control in Aboriginal persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 23(4):130–38. 

Dawe, Ian 

Rhodes Anne E, Links Paul S, Streiner David L, Dawe Ian, Cass Dan and Janes Samantha. Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour? 23(4):139–45. 

de Groh, Margaret 

de Groh Margaret and Morrison Howard I. Environmental tobacco smoke and deaths from coronary heart disease in Canada. 23(1):13–16. 

Evans, William K 

Evans William K, Nefsky Marilyn, Pater Joseph, Browman George and Cowan Donald H. Cancer Care Ontario's New Drug Funding Program: Controlled introduction of expensive anticancer drugs. 23(4):152–56. 

Eyles, John 

Cole Donald C, Ibrahim Selahadin, Shannon Harry S, Scott Fran and Eyles John. Work and life stressors and psychological distress in the Canadian working population: A structural equation modelling approach to analysis of the 1994 National Population Health Survey. 23(3):91–99. 

Fair, Martha 

Turner Linda A, Cyr Margaret, Kinch Robert A H, Liston Robert, Kramer Michael S, Fair Martha and Heaman Maureen, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

From, Lynn 

Ing Sabrina Yun, Ashbury Fredrick D, Marrett Loraine D, From Lynn and Perry Kristina V. Use of focus group methodology in the development of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey. 23(2):65–70. 

Frood, Jennifer 

Theis Beth, Frood Jennifer, Nishri Diane and Marrett Loraine D. Evaluation of a risk factor survey with three assessment methods. 23(1):1–12. 

Marrett Loraine D, Frood Jennifer, Nishri Diane, Ugnat Anne-Marie and the Cancer in Young Adults in Canada (CYAC) Working Group. Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project. 23(2):58–64. 

Greenberg, Mark 

Luo Wei, Lane Rachel, Stobart Kent, Morrison Howard I, Schanzer Dena, Barr Ronald and Greenberg Mark. The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

Hartford, Kathleen 

Zakaria Diane, Robertson James, MacDermid Joy C, Hartford Kathleen and Koval John. Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases. 23(1):17–21. 

Heaman, Maureen 

Turner Linda A, Cyr Margaret, Kinch Robert A H, Liston Robert, Kramer Michael S, Fair Martha and Heaman Maureen, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

Hill, Gerry 

Hill Gerry. Horse kicks, anthrax, and the Poisson model for deaths. 23(2):77. 

Hornibrook, Shane 

Veugelers Paul J and Hornibrook Shane. Small area comparisons of health: Applications for policy markers and challenges for researchers. 23(3):100–10. 

Ibrahim, Selahadin 

Cole Donald C, Ibrahim Selahadin, Shannon Harry S, Scott Fran and Eyles John. Work and life stressors and psychological distress in the Canadian working population: A structural equation modelling approach to analysis of the 1994 National Population Health Survey. 23(3):91–99. 

Ing, Sabrina Yun 

Ing Sabrina Yun, Ashbury Fredrick D, Marrett Loraine D, From Lynn and Perry Kristina V. Use of focus group methodology in the development of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey. 23(2):65–70. 

Jamieson, Ellen 

Tonmyr Lil, MacMillan Harriet L, Jamieson Ellen and Kelly Katharine. The population health perspective as a framework for studying child maltreatment outcomes. 23(4):123–29. 

Janes, Samantha 

Rhodes Anne E, Links Paul S, Streiner David L, Dawe Ian, Cass Dan and Janes Samantha. Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour? 23(4):139–45. 

Jeffery, Bonnie 

Labonté Ronald, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abonyi Sylvia, Woodard Georgia Bell, Jeffery Bonnie, Maslany George, McCubbin Michael and Williams Allison. An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

Kelly, Katharine 

Tonmyr Lil, MacMillan Harriet L, Jamieson Ellen and Kelly Katharine. The population health perspective as a framework for studying child maltreatment outcomes. 23(4):123–29. 

Kinch, Robert A 

Turner Linda A, Cyr Margaret, Kinch Robert A H, Liston Robert, Kramer Michael S, Fair Martha and Heaman Maureen, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

Koval, John 

Zakaria Diane, Robertson James, MacDermid Joy C, Hartford Kathleen and Koval John. Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases. 23(1):17–21. 

Kramer, Michael S 

Turner Linda A, Cyr Margaret, Kinch Robert A H, Liston Robert, Kramer Michael S, Fair Martha and Heaman Maureen, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

Turner Linda A, Kramer Michael S, Liu Shiliang, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Cause-specific mortality during and after pregnancy and the definition of maternal death. 23(1):31–36. 

Wen Shi Wu, Chen Li-Mei, Li Chung-Yi, Kramer Michael S and Allen Alexander C, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. The impact of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants in the comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality. 23(4):146–51. 

Labonté, Ronald 

Labonté Ronald, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abonyi Sylvia, Woodard Georgia Bell, Jeffery Bonnie, Maslany George, McCubbin Michael and Williams Allison. An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

Lane, Rachel 

Luo Wei, Lane Rachel, Stobart Kent, Morrison Howard I, Schanzer Dena, Barr Ronald and Greenberg Mark. The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

Li, Chung-Yi 

Wen Shi Wu, Chen Li-Mei, Li Chung-Yi, Kramer Michael S and Allen Alexander C, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. The impact of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants in the comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality. 23(4):146–51. 

Links, Paul S 

Rhodes Anne E, Links Paul S, Streiner David L, Dawe Ian, Cass Dan and Janes Samantha. Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour? 23(4):139–45. 

Liston, Robert 

Turner Linda A, Cyr Margaret, Kinch Robert A H, Liston Robert, Kramer Michael S, Fair Martha and Heaman Maureen, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

Liu, Shiliang 

Turner Linda A, Kramer Michael S, Liu Shiliang, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Cause-specific mortality during and after pregnancy and the definition of maternal death. 23(1):31–36. 

Luo, Wei 

Luo Wei, Lane Rachel, Stobart Kent, Morrison Howard I, Schanzer Dena, Barr Ronald and Greenberg Mark. The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

MacDermid, Joy C 

Zakaria Diane, Robertson James, MacDermid Joy C, Hartford Kathleen and Koval John. Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases. 23(1):17–21. 

Marrett, Loraine D 

Theis Beth, Frood Jennifer, Nishri Diane and Marrett Loraine D. Evaluation of a risk factor survey with three assessment methods. 23(1):1–12. 

Marrett Loraine D, Frood Jennifer, Nishri Diane, Ugnat Anne-Marie and the Cancer in Young Adults in Canada (CYAC) Working Group. Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project. 23(2):58–64. 

Ing Sabrina Yun, Ashbury Fredrick D, Marrett Loraine D, From Lynn and Perry Kristina V. Use of focus group methodology in the development of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey. 23(2):65–70. 

Maslany, George 

Labonté Ronald, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abonyi Sylvia, Woodard Georgia Bell, Jeffery Bonnie, Maslany George, McCubbin Michael and Williams Allison. An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

MacMillan, Harriet L 

Tonmyr Lil, MacMillan Harriet L, Jamieson Ellen and Kelly Katharine. The population health perspective as a framework for studying child maltreatment outcomes. 23(4):123–29. 

McCubbin, Michael 

Labonté Ronald, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abonyi Sylvia, Woodard Georgia Bell, Jeffery Bonnie, Maslany George, McCubbin Michael and Williams Allison. An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

McGregor, S Elizabeth 

McGregor S Elizabeth, Bryant Heather E, Brant Rollin F and Corbett Peter J. Prevalence of PSA testing and effect of clinical indications on patterns of PSA testing in a population-based sample of Alberta men. 23(3):111–19. 

Messer, Lynne C 

Daniel Mark and Messer Lynne C. Perceptions of disease severity and barriers to self-care preduct glycemic control in Aboriginal persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 23(4):130–38. 

Morrison, Howard I 

de Groh Margaret and Morrison Howard I. Environmental tobacco smoke and deaths from coronary heart disease in Canada. 23(1):13–16. 

Luo Wei, Lane Rachel, Stobart Kent, Morrison Howard I, Schanzer Dena, Barr Ronald and Greenberg Mark. The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

Muhajarine, Nazeem 

Labonté Ronald, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abonyi Sylvia, Woodard Georgia Bell, Jeffery Bonnie, Maslany George, McCubbin Michael and Williams Allison. An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

Nefsky, Marilyn 

Evans William K, Nefsky Marilyn, Pater Joseph, Browman George and Cowan Donald H. Cancer Care Ontario's New Drug Funding Program: Controlled introduction of expensive anticancer drugs. 23(4):152–56. 

Nishri, Diane 

Theis Beth, Frood Jennifer, Nishri Diane and Marrett Loraine D. Evaluation of a risk factor survey with three assessment methods. 23(1):1–12. 

Marrett Loraine D, Frood Jennifer, Nishri Diane, Ugnat Anne-Marie and the Cancer in Young Adults in Canada (CYAC) Working Group. Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project. 23(2):58–64. 

Pak, Anita W P 

Choi Bernard C K and Pak Anita W P. A method for comparing and combining cost-of-illness studies: an example from cardiovascular disease. 23(2):47–57. 

Pater, Joseph 

Evans William K, Nefsky Marilyn, Pater Joseph, Browman George and Cowan Donald H. Cancer Care Ontario's New Drug Funding Program: Controlled introduction of expensive anticancer drugs. 23(4):152–56. 

Perry, Kristina V 

Ing Sabrina Yun, Ashbury Fredrick D, Marrett Loraine D, From Lynn and Perry Kristina V. Use of focus group methodology in the development of an Ontario farmers' sun safety survey. 23(2):65–70. 

Robertson, James 

Zakaria Diane, Robertson James, MacDermid Joy C, Hartford Kathleen and Koval John. Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases. 23(1):17–21. 

Rhodes, Anne E 

Rhodes Anne E, Links Paul S, Streiner David L, Dawe Ian, Cass Dan and Janes Samantha. Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour? 23(4):139–45. 

Schanzer, Dena 

Luo Wei, Lane Rachel, Stobart Kent, Morrison Howard I, Schanzer Dena, Barr Ronald and Greenberg Mark. The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

Scott, Fran 

Cole Donald C, Ibrahim Selahadin, Shannon Harry S, Scott Fran and Eyles John. Work and life stressors and psychological distress in the Canadian working population: A structural equation modelling approach to analysis of the 1994 National Population Health Survey. 23(3):91–99. 

Shannon, Harry S 

Cole Donald C, Ibrahim Selahadin, Shannon Harry S, Scott Fran and Eyles John. Work and life stressors and psychological distress in the Canadian working population: A structural equation modelling approach to analysis of the 1994 National Population Health Survey. 23(3):91–99. 

Stobart, Kent 

Luo Wei, Lane Rachel, Stobart Kent, Morrison Howard I, Schanzer Dena, Barr Ronald and Greenberg Mark. The medical care cost of childhood and adolescent cancer in Manitoba, 1990–1995. 23(3):83–90. 

Streiner, David L 

Rhodes Anne E, Links Paul S, Streiner David L, Dawe Ian, Cass Dan and Janes Samantha. Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour? 23(4):139–45. 

Theis, Beth 

Theis Beth, Frood Jennifer, Nishri Diane and Marrett Loraine D. Evaluation of a risk factor survey with three assessment methods. 23(1):1–12. 

Tonmyr, Lil 

Tonmyr Lil, MacMillan Harriet L, Jamieson Ellen and Kelly Katharine. The population health perspective as a framework for studying child maltreatment outcomes. 23(4):123–29. 

Turner, Linda A 

Turner Linda A, Cyr Margaret, Kinch Robert A H, Liston Robert, Kramer Michael S, Fair Martha and Heaman Maureen, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Under-reporting of maternal mortality in Canada: A question of definition. 23(1):22–30. 

Turner Linda A, Kramer Michael S, Liu Shiliang, for the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Cause-specific mortality during and after pregnancy and the definition of maternal death. 23(1):31–36. 

Ugnat, Anne-Marie 

Marrett Loraine D, Frood Jennifer, Nishri Diane, Ugnat Anne-Marie and the Cancer in Young Adults in Canada (CYAC) Working Group. Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project. 23(2):58–64. 

Veugelers, Paul J 

Veugelers Paul J and Hornibrook Shane. Small area comparisons of health: Applications for policy markers and challenges for researchers. 23(1):100–10. 

Wen, Shi Wu 

Wen Shi Wu, Chen Li-Mei, Li Chung-Yi, Kramer Michael S and Allen Alexander C, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. The impact of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants in the comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality. 23(4):146–51. 

Williams, Allison 

Labonté Ronald, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abonyi Sylvia, Woodard Georgia Bell, Jeffery Bonnie, Maslany George, McCubbin Michael and Williams Allison. An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

Woodard, Georgia Bell 

Labonté Ronald, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abonyi Sylvia, Woodard Georgia Bell, Jeffery Bonnie, Maslany George, McCubbin Michael and Williams Allison. An integrated exploration into the social and environmental determinants of health: the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU). 23(2):71–76. 

Zakaria, Diane 

Zakaria Diane, Robertson James, MacDermid Joy C, Hartford Kathleen and Koval John. Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases. 23(1):17–21. 

Last Updated: 2002-02-18 Top