Public Health Agency of Canada
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Cancer in Canada

Estimated number of deaths, 1998

ICD 151 Stomach ICD 151
ICD 152-154 Intestine including rectum ICD 152-154
ICD 155 Liver ICD 155
 ICD 157 Pancreas ICD 157
ICD 162 Lung ICD 162
ICD 174 Breast ICD 174
ICD 179-182 Cervix uteri and other uterus ICD 179-182
ICD 183 Ovary ICD 183
ICD 185 Prostate ICD 185
ICD 188-189 Bladder and other urinary organs ICD 188-189
ICD 191 Brain ICD 191
ICD 200-203 Lymphoma ICD 200-203
ICD 204-208 Leukemia ICD 204-208
Other cancers Other cancers

(number of cases)



  1. Within each circle, major causes of cancer are arranged in decreasing order of magnitude.

  2. The area of each circle is proportional to the number of cases in each gender and age group. 1cm2 = 167 deaths.

Age Groups:

[0-24] [25-29] [30-34] [35-39]
[40-44] [45-49] [50-54]
[55-59] [60-64]
[65-69] [70-74]
[75-79] [80-84]
[85 +]

[Legend] [Top of Page]

ICD 151 Stomach ICD 151
ICD 152-154 Intestine including rectum ICD 152-154
ICD 155 Liver ICD 155
 ICD 157 Pancreas ICD 157
ICD 162 Lung ICD 162
ICD 174 Breast ICD 174
ICD 179-182 Cervix uteri and other uterus ICD 179-182
ICD 183 Ovary ICD 183
ICD 185 Prostate ICD 185
ICD 188-189 Bladder and other urinary organs ICD 188-189
ICD 191 Brain ICD 191
ICD 200-203 Lymphoma ICD 200-203
ICD 204-208 Leukemia ICD 204-208
Other cancers Other cancers

[Legend] [Top of Page]

ICD 151 Stomach ICD 151
ICD 152-154 Intestine including rectum ICD 152-154
ICD 155 Liver ICD 155
 ICD 157 Pancreas ICD 157
ICD 162 Lung ICD 162
ICD 174 Breast ICD 174
ICD 179-182 Cervix uteri and other uterus ICD 179-182
ICD 183 Ovary ICD 183
ICD 185 Prostate ICD 185
ICD 188-189 Bladder and other urinary organs ICD 188-189
ICD 191 Brain ICD 191
ICD 200-203 Lymphoma ICD 200-203
ICD 204-208 Leukemia ICD 204-208
Other cancers Other cancers

[Legend] [Top of Page]

ICD 151 Stomach ICD 151
ICD 152-154 Intestine including rectum ICD 152-154
ICD 155 Liver ICD 155
 ICD 157 Pancreas ICD 157
ICD 162 Lung ICD 162
ICD 174 Breast ICD 174
ICD 179-182 Cervix uteri and other uterus ICD 179-182
ICD 183 Ovary ICD 183
ICD 185 Prostate ICD 185
ICD 188-189 Bladder and other urinary organs ICD 188-189
ICD 191 Brain ICD 191
ICD 200-203 Lymphoma ICD 200-203
ICD 204-208 Leukemia ICD 204-208
Other cancers Other cancers

[Legend] [Top of Page]

ICD 151 Stomach ICD 151
ICD 152-154 Intestine including rectum ICD 152-154
ICD 155 Liver ICD 155
 ICD 157 Pancreas ICD 157
ICD 162 Lung ICD 162
ICD 174 Breast ICD 174
ICD 179-182 Cervix uteri and other uterus ICD 179-182
ICD 183 Ovary ICD 183
ICD 185 Prostate ICD 185
ICD 188-189 Bladder and other urinary organs ICD 188-189
ICD 191 Brain ICD 191
ICD 200-203 Lymphoma ICD 200-203
ICD 204-208 Leukemia ICD 204-208
Other cancers Other cancers

[Legend] [Top of Page]

ICD 151 Stomach ICD 151
ICD 152-154 Intestine including rectum ICD 152-154
ICD 155 Liver ICD 155
 ICD 157 Pancreas ICD 157
ICD 162 Lung ICD 162
ICD 174 Breast ICD 174
ICD 179-182 Cervix uteri and other uterus ICD 179-182
ICD 183 Ovary ICD 183
ICD 185 Prostate ICD 185
ICD 188-189 Bladder and other urinary organs ICD 188-189
ICD 191 Brain ICD 191
ICD 200-203 Lymphoma ICD 200-203
ICD 204-208 Leukemia ICD 204-208
Other cancers Other cancers

[Legend] [Top of Page]

ICD 151 Stomach ICD 151
ICD 152-154 Intestine including rectum ICD 152-154
ICD 155 Liver ICD 155
 ICD 157 Pancreas ICD 157
ICD 162 Lung ICD 162
ICD 174 Breast ICD 174
ICD 179-182 Cervix uteri and other uterus ICD 179-182
ICD 183 Ovary ICD 183
ICD 185 Prostate ICD 185
ICD 188-189 Bladder and other urinary organs ICD 188-189
ICD 191 Brain ICD 191
ICD 200-203 Lymphoma ICD 200-203
ICD 204-208 Leukemia ICD 204-208
Other cancers Other cancers

[Legend] [Top of Page]

Cancer in Canada

Estimated number of deaths, 1998

The chart illustrates expected cancer mortality in 1998 for major types of cancer. It updates those previously produced for the years 1982 and 1985. The purpose is to illustrate the relative impact of various cancers, by gender and age group.

The area of each circle and the subdivisions within each are proportional to the number of deaths in the given category. The risk of death due to cancer generally increases dramatically with age but the data for the chart do not provide a direct measure of risk.

Mortality Rates - Males
Table 1.a Mortality Rates per 100,000 persons, Males, Canada, 1998 - Age 00-39
Table 1.b Mortality Rates per 100,000 persons, Males, Canada, 1998 - Age 40-59
Table 1.c Mortality Rates per 100,000 persons, Males, Canada, 1998 - Age 60-74
Table 1.d Mortality Rates per 100,000 persons, Males, Canada, 1998 - Age 75-85+

Mortality Rates - Females
Table 2.a Mortality Rates per 100,000 persons, Females, Canada, 1998 - Age 00-39
Table 2.b Mortality Rates per 100,000 persons, Females, Canada, 1998 - Age 40-59
Table 2.c Mortality Rates per 100,000 persons, Females, Canada, 1998 - Age 60-74
Table 2.d Mortality Rates per 100,000 persons, Females, Canada, 1998 - Age 75-85+


  1. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men aged 35 to 84 and ranks second among men aged 85 or older. Prostate cancer is the most frequent cause of cancer mortality among men aged 85 or older.
  2. Breast cancer ranks first among women aged 25 to 49 and ranks second among women aged 50 or older. Lung cancer is the most frequent cause of cancer mortality among women aged 50 or older.
  3. Leukemia is the leading form of cancer mortality among both men and women under age 24.
  4. Cancer of the intestine, including cancer of the rectum, ranks among the three most common causes of cancer deaths among both men and women aged 45 or older.

Method Used
Estimates for 1998 were obtained by modelling actual mortality rates up to 1996 and extrapolating to 1998. The model can be found in:
Dyba T, Hakulinen T, Päivärinta L. A simple non-linearmodel in incidence prediction. Stat Med 1997;16:2297-2309.

Mortality data were provided to Health Canada by Statistics Canada. The cooperation of the registrars of vital statistics in the provinces and territories of Canada who make mortality data available to Statistics Canada under federal-provincial agreements is gratefully acknowledged.