Public Health Agency of Canada
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Early Hearing and Communication Development


List of Acronyms

AABR - automated auditory brainstem response
ABR - auditory brainstem response
AC - air conduction
AEP - auditory evoked potential
AHEAD II - Advancement of Hearing Assessment Methods and Devices -Immediate Intervention
AN - auditory neuropathy
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
A-O - aural-oral
AOAE - automated otoacoustic emissions
AOM - acute otitis media
AR - acoustic reflex
ASL - American Sign Language
ASSR - Auditory Steady State Responses
AVT - auditory verbal therapy

BC - bone conduction
BM&T - bilateral myringotomy and ventilation tube
BOA - behavioural observation audiometry

CBA - cost-benefit analysis
CEA - cost-effectiveness analysis
CHI - conductive hearing impairment
CM - cochlear microphonic potentials
CMV - cytomegalovirus
CWGCH - Canadian Working Group on Childhood Hearing
cx26 -

connexin 26

dBnHL - decibels normal hearing level
DPOAE - distortion product-evoked otoacoustic emissions

ECG - electrocardiogram
EEG - electroencephalogram
EHCD - early hearing and communication development
EHDI - early hearing detection and intervention
EP - evoked potential

FPR - false-positive rate
FS - frequency specific
FS-ABR - frequency-specific auditory brainstem response

HCD - hearing and communication development
HL - hearing level
HR - human resources

ICF - International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
ICIDH - International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps
IS - information systems
IT - information technology

JCIH - Joint Committee on Infant Hearing
JLN - Jervell Lange Neilson syndrome

LSQ - Langue des signes quebecois
LVA - large vestibular aqueducts

MEMR - middle ear muscle reflex
MRL - minimum response level
ms - milliseconds

NCHAM - National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management
NCHH - National Campaign for Hearing Health
NCRSP - National Congenital Rubella Surveillance Program
nHL - normal hearing level
NHSP - newborn hearing screening programme
NICU - neonatal intensive care unit
NNS - number needed to screen
NNT - number needed to treat
NPV - negative predictive value

OAE - otoacoustic emissions
OM - otitis media
OME - otitis media with effusion

PCHI - permanent childhood hearing impairment
PEQI - program evaluation and quality improvement
PHAC - Public Health Agency of Canada
PPHN - pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
PPV - positive predictive value

RCTs - randomized controlled trials
REAG - real-ear aided gain
RECD - real-ear to coupler difference
RESR - real-ear saturation response
ROC - relative operating characteristic

SNHI - sensorineural hearing impairment
SPL - sound pressure level

TC - total communication
TEOAE - transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions

UNHS - universal newborn hearing screening
USPSTF - U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

VRA - visual reinforcement audiometry

WBN - well-baby nursery
WHO - World Health Organization

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