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How to Order - For The Safety of Canadian Children And Youth

For the Safety of Canadian Children and Youth

How to Order

publication cover
For the Safety of Canadian Children and Youth is an excellent reference book for anyone involved in injury prevention, from health care professionals to researchers, students and community groups. Protect the safety of young Canadians. Order yours today!

Containing almost 300 pages of valuable information filled with tables, graphs and statistics, it covers the leading causes of injury related deaths and hospitalizations including:

child jumping rope
  • Fires and Burns
  • Drownings
  • Motor vehicle injuries
  • Poisonings
  • Chokings
  • Homicide, Abuse and Neglect
  • Suicide

Catalogue No. H39-412-1997E
ISBN 0-660-17066-3

Canada: $29.95
Other countries: US$29.95

Total = ($29.95 Book price + $5.95 shipping and handling) x 7% GST= $37.88
For quantity estimates: 1-800-635-7943 - Prices subject to change without notice

Four easy ways to order your copy:
  1. Mail
    Canadian Government Publishing - PWGSC, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0S9

  2. Telephone
    (819) 956-4800

  3. Fax
    (819) 994-1498 or for orders by Visa or Mastercard: 1-800-565-7757

  4. Also available through bookstores