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Partners in Public Health - Summary Report

Transition Issues

The Network will come into force upon its acceptance by the F/P/T Conference of Ministers of Health. It is envisaged that there will be a twelve-month transition period for the Network to become a strong and fully functioning body. During this transition period there will be a need to bridge any gaps. To ensure a smooth and seamless integration between the Network and existing structures/committees the leadership of the Network and Advisory Committee on Population Health and Health Security (ACPHHS) will coordinate their activities and maintain strong linkages with a practical and reasonable division of labour and responsibilities. During the phased-in period all efforts will be taken by the appropriate bodies to ensure that no capacity is lost before the Network is fully operational.

To build on and maintain existing synergy, it is also proposed that the Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health (CCMOH) be incorporated as a component of the Public Health Network. The CCMOH will continue to contribute policy, strategic and technical advice from the unique perspective of the roles and responsibilities of F/P/T Medical Officers of Health. This new reporting structure for the CCMOH will be incorporated as part of the review of its role and responsibilities currently being undertaken by the CCMOH in conjunction with the Public Health Agency of Canada.

It is proposed that pre-existing public health groups be incorporated into the Network structure, based on the review and advice of the Special Task Force (see Section 7 of the main report for a summary of the committees to be aligned within the Network). During the transition period, the Council will review and update each Expert and Issue Group's Terms of Reference, as appropriate, to refl ect the new mandate and structure (Annex D of the full report provides the preliminary Terms of Reference for the six Expert Groups).

Similarly, it is envisaged that the ACPHHS will continue to provide strategic policy advice related to population health and other health security matters to the Conference of F/P/T Deputy Ministers of Health. Current population health priorities will continue under the Advisory Committee: the Healthy Living Strategy; health and the environment, substance use and abuse, and tobacco liaison committees; and provide oversight and advice to the National Food Policy Framework initiative. Proposed future priorities of the Advisory Committee will not duplicate work to be undertaken within the context of the Network's year one plan.

Beyond the 2005-06 fi scal year, the nature of work of ACPHHS and its relationship with the Public Health Network will need to be reviewed. A special group will be struck in the fall of 2005 to examine the progress in implementing the Network, particularly work related to noncommunicable diseases and population health issues, and advise the Conference of F/P/T Deputy Ministers of Health in December 2005.

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