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Partners in Public Health - Summary Report

Plans, Priorities and Estimated Budget

The Task Force has proposed work priorities in a number of areas: the creation of the Network including its infrastructure of the Council, Expert Groups, Issue Groups, the Secretariat, etc. (see schematic of the proposed structure on page 2 of this Summary report). In addition, the work plan priorities would be the development / implementation / operation of inter-jurisdictional agreements and a number of collaborating public health approaches. For the fi rst year of its creation, the following priorities for the Network are proposed:

Activity Description Timeline
Announcement of the Network Ministers announce the creation of the Network; name of their Council member (and co-chairs); and the principles of an Agreement on Mutual Aid During an Emergency. Meeting of the Conference of F/P/T Ministers of Health
Establishment of the Network Hold initial Council meeting; set up Network structure (6 Expert Groups, secretariat, etc). Immediately populate the fi rst 4 Expert Groups with the other 2 to follow. Within 45 days of the announcement by Ministers
Negotiate other agreements in public health Establish a time-limited Task Group to bring together the appropriate negotiation expertise from all jurisdictions. Direction to be provided by CDM. Suggested 2nd priority is the Agreement on Public Health Information Sharing. Spring 2005 to Spring 2006
Reporting to the CDM Mid-year updates at June CDM and annual report / work plan at December CDM (or more frequently as requested by the CDM and/or during an emergency). Semi-annual progress report June 2005

First annual report December 2005 (includes 2006- 07 work plan)

Review of ACPHHS' linkages to the Network Structure of F/P/T collaborative work in public health for 2006-07 fi scal year and beyond; review of progress in implementing the Network, and of the role of ACPHHS. Report to CDM December 2005

It is estimated that the Network will have an initial budget of $7.6 Million resulting from the displacement and reallocation of existing F/P/T public health groups and new investments from the Public Health Agency of Canada.

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