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Organized Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Canada - 1996 Report

The Screening Process

Figure 2 describes the pathway of a woman's contact with an organized breast cancer screening program. Women enter the program by physician referral, personal invitation from the screening program, or self-referral. The screening visit includes a screening mammogram and, depending on the program, a clinical breast examination and instruction in breast self-examination. The results of the screening visit are communicated to the woman and her physician. If the screening visit is "normal" (negative screening result), the woman is advised to return for her next screening visit after the program's recommended screening interval (1 or 2 years). If the screening visit is "abnormal" (positive screening result), she is referred by her physician for diagnostic follow-up, which may include tests such as diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies. The diagnostic follow-up is complete when a final diagnosis is reached, either normal/benign or cancer. Some women who are screened in the program will have breast cancer detected outside the screening program. For example, symptoms may develop in the interval before their next screening visit.

Figure 2
Pathway of a breast cancer screening program
Figure 2 - Pathway of a breast cancer screening program
* Breast screening programs obtain final diagnoses from sources such as physicians, pathology reports and cancer registries.

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