Public Health Agency of Canada
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Report: A Public Health Agency for Canada

Working Group on a Public Health Agency for Canada April, 2004


The Working Group on a Public Health Agency for Canada was established by the former Minister of Health in December 2003. The specific mandate of the Working Group was to advise the Minister of Health on "the creation of new and well-functioning delivery mechanisms for public health services under federal responsibility, including the creation of a federal agency for public health, a Chief Public Health Officer and any necessary advisory board or committees".

A steering committee comprising members of Health Canada's senior executive team was established to provide advice and guidance to the Working Group. As well, an informal group of independent experts was established to provide advice to the Working Group. The advice of these expert advisors - provided individually and in group discussions - proved invaluable. The members of the Working Group and the Steering Committee, as well as a list of the expert advisors, are set out in Appendix 1.

The operating premise of the Working Group was that there was merit in the development of a public health agency and establishment of a Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) based on the proposals set out in Learning from SARS - A Renewal of Public Health in Canada, A Report of the National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health (the "Naylor Report") and the related report of the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology: The Health of Canadians - The Federal Role: Final Report: Recommendations for Reform (the "Kirby Report"). The Working Group used these two reports as the foundation for its work, reviewing, challenging and where necessary building from their conclusions and recommendations. It also examined public health governance models in other jurisdictions and the job descriptions of Chief Medical/Public Health Officers in various provinces and in other countries. These efforts were supplemented by presentations from senior Health Canada officials responsible for different aspects of public health policy, program and service delivery. The Working Group also consulted with provincial and territorial health officials through the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task Force on Public Health.

Shortly after the establishment of the Working Group, a new federal administration was sworn in under the leadership of the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin. Early in its mandate, the new Government made it clear that public health matters were among its highest priorities. The Speech from the Throne specifically noted that:

The Government will ... take the lead in establishing a strong and responsive public health system, starting with a new Canada Public Health Agency that will ensure that Canada is linked, both nationally and globally, in a network for disease control and emergency response. The Government will also appoint a new Chief Public Health Officer for Canada..."

In light of this commitment, the Working Group has worked closely and collaboratively over the past few months with the Minister of State for Public Health, senior Health Canada officials, and its expert advisors, to allow for the "early harvest" of some of its work in order to:

  • Support the development of priority public health budget and program proposals.
  • Assist in the development of materials to support the Minister's consultations with provincial and territorial Ministers and stakeholders.
  • Develop options to expedite the appointment of a Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO).
  • Provide advice on matters related to the review of legislation, organizational and administrative matters, and transitional issues.

This report represents the completion of the Working Group's activities. The report sets out detailed proposals and recommendations related to the intergovernmental management of public health issues, the role of a Chief Public Health Officer, and the mandate and structure of a new Public Health Agency for Canada:

  • Section I of this report outlines the rationale for and the proposed elements of a new Pan-Canadian Public Health Network that would provide the foundation for strengthened intergovernmental collaboration on public health matters.
  • Section II outlines the Working Group's recommendations regarding the preferred roles and responsibilities of a new CPHO.
  • Section III outlines advice on the mandate, structure and operation of a new Public Health Agency for Canada.

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