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Sustainable Development in Public Health:
A long term journey begins

Public Health Agency of Canada
Sustainable Development Strategy 2007- 2010

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6 Management framework

PHAC has developed an internal accountability framework that provides a roadmap for how the Agency will plan, monitor, evaluate and report on the SDS's results. The framework describes the Strategy's governance and the roles and responsibilities of Agency staff involved with its implementation.

PHAC recognizes the importance of integrating this management accountability framework with the Agency's Management, Resources and Results Structure (MRRS) and the resulting Program Activity Architecture (PAA). Given that many of the Agency's internal management structures are still under development, this integration is not yet possible, but will be pursued now that Treasury Board has approved the PAA.

PHAC will report annually to Parliament on the SDS's implementation through its Departmental Performance Report. This second and more comprehensive SDS, rather than the first SDS deposited with the Clerk of the House of Commons in August 2006, will form the basis for reporting.

PHAC's Office of Sustainable Development has overall responsibility for reporting on SD performance measurement to PHAC's Management Committee. OSD provides the necessary tool for collecting and analyzing performance measurement information; it will issue regular call letters to all working group members with responsibility for accomplishing particular targets to update information in the tracking tools.

Performance will be assessed against results-based indicators developed for each of the targets
(Table 1). While the emphasis of this report is currently on process or output indicators, the Agency has provided some outcome indicators, and will be working over the next three years to improve and define the indicators to ensure that they are results-based (eg. value for money, accountability, transparent and effective management). PHAC will review the strategy's implementation before preparation of its next SDS . Conducting reviews on a three-year cycle facilitates a continuous improvement approach to implementing the SDS in the Agency.

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Table 1: List of Performance Indicators

Target Performance Indicators

Target 1.1.1
Include SD considerations in all Population Health Fund solicitation documents by December 2009.*

* The Population Health Fund, in future calls for proposals, will identify priorities for new projects to address issues of SD that focus on the social, economic and environmental determinants of health.

  • Percentage of solicitations that address SD issues
  • Percentage of eligible employees that received SD training
  • Percentage of funding that involves SD criteria
  • Number of solicitations where SD is mentioned
Target 1.1.2
By March 31, 2008, review outcomes of Population Health Fund projects funded by the Quebec Region to determine project SD contribution.
  • Number of funded projects with SD elements
  • Number of families and/or individuals reached through projects either directly or indirectly
Target 1.1.3
Develop a working group by July 2007 that increases awareness of and that advises program and policy areas on the health implications of changes in climate by December 2009.
  • Number of programs that consider the health implications of a changing climate
  • Number of PHAC policies that consider the health implications of a changing climate
  • Integration of climate change considerations in PHAC policy and program development
  • Cross-jurisdictional consideration of climate change in its relation to activities associated with human health
  • Development of a PHAC approach to the human health implications of a changing climate
  • Number of files receiving input from climate change committee
  • Number of presentations to senior management, interdepartmental fora, meetings, conferences, etc.

Target 1.2.1
Genetically fingerprint antimicrobial-resistant strains to describe patterns in human antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance by December 31, 2009.*

* The National Microbiology Laboratorynew window, the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program and the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS)new window collaborative group will genetically fingerprint antimicrobial-resistant strains of eleven community- or hospital-acquired organisms.

  • Number of databases developed/integrated
  • Number of tools developed
  • Number of collaborations
  • Number of meetings
  • Number of presentations delivered
  • Number of articles published
  • Number of documents created
  • Number of educational/training sessions delivered
  • Number of recognitions received
  • Number of viable suggestions to improve treatment
  • Number of fingerprinted strains of antimicrobial-resistant community- or hospital-acquired organisms
Note: Performance against this target depends on successful collaboration.
Target 1.2.2
As a partner in the Northern Antibiotic Resistance Partnership, study and contribute to the development and delivery of an education program on infectious organisms that are becoming increasingly resistant to commonly used antibiotics for both health care providers and community individuals by December 31, 2008.
  • Education program delivered
  • Active surveillance programs developed and implemented
  • Number of presentations delivered
  • Number of articles published
  • Number of health care providers and community individuals accessing the education program
  • Number of recognitions received for research
  • Number of viable suggestions to improve treatment
  • Number of case control studies
  • Number of active surveillance programs
Note: Performance against this target depends on successful collaboration.
Target 1.2.3
Contribute to reducing the risks to human health from foodborne and waterborne diseases arising from animals and the agro-environment through knowledge generation, knowledge synthesis and evidence-based interventions.
  • Availability of rapid molecular typing system
  • Availability of phage therapy for E. coli O157:H7 in food animals
  • Reporting on results of research activities at the Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses
  • Reporting on activities undertaken at the high-performance disease modelling and Health Geographic Information Systems (GIS) laboratory
Target 1.2.4
Contribute to the sustainability of communities by administering community-based programs directed at women, children and families living in conditions of risk, through the Community Action Program for Children, the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program and Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities.
  • Number of community-based groups receiving funding
  • Number of community-based groups receiving strategic guidance on programming
  • Number of children and families receiving program benefits
Target 1.2.5
With provincial/territorial partners and other stakeholders, help to increase the proportion of Canadians who participate in physical activity, eat healthier diets and have healthy weights by 20% by the year 2015.
  • Percentage of Canadians reporting participation in physical activity
  • Percentage of Canadians reporting healthy eating
  • Percentage of Canadians reporting healthy weight

Note: Performance against this target depends on successful collaboration.

Target 1.2.6
Strengthen the public health system in numerous ways (eg. continued funding for public health education and improved surveillance) that includes establishing Public Health Chairs, in collaboration with universities, in at least 10 universities by December 2007, with funding through 2012.

Each recipient university will establish, by 2009, a continuing education strategy aimed at local public health workers and a community-oriented applied public health research program.

  • Number of teaching positions funded
  • Number of exchanges between university training centres and local public health organizations (e.g. workshops conducted, joint activities)
  • Number of continuing education strategies established
  • Number of community-oriented applied public health research programs established

Note: Performance against this target depends on successful collaboration.

Target 2.1.1
Provide procurement training to 75% of materiel managers and integrate green procurement into training for acquisition cards by December 31, 2008.

  • Percentage of materiel managers trained
  • Number of training courses offered
  • Number of participants in training courses
  • Percentage of acquisition card holders that have received green procurement training

Target 2.1.2
By July 1, 2007, meet the Government of Canada standards for purchase and by March 31, 2010, meet the guidelines for operations of office equipment.

  • Percentage of inventory that is ENERGY STAR-compliant
  • Number of LCD monitors vs. CRT monitors
  • Percentage of LCD monitors
  • Number of duplex printers vs. regular printers
  • Percentage of printers with duplex capacity
  • Number of stand-alone printers replaced
  • Number of individual printers replaced with group printers
  • Percentage of group printers moved to well-ventilated areas

Target 2.1.3
Establish a baseline of PHAC's green procurement patterns by December 31, 2007, and explore options to develop an effective, efficient and affordable green tracking system by December 31, 2008.

  • Baseline of PHAC's procurement patterns established
  • Report on tracking options

Target 2.1.4
Increase awareness of “green travel” options to 50% of all PHAC employees by March 31, 2009.

  • Level of awareness of green travel options among PHAC employees
  • Number of people attending information sessions on green travel options
  • Number of times telephone, video and Web conferencing services used
  • Percentage of employees using green travel options
  • Percentage of employees using alternative modes of transportation
  • Percentage of employees using telephone, video and web conferencing services

Target 2.2.1
By March 31, 2010, institute effective hazardous waste monitoring and reporting.

  • Tools developed for effective hazardous waste monitoring and reporting

Target 2.3.1
Improve energy efficiency and reduce water consumption in PHAC-owned laboratory buildings under normal operating conditions by 2% by FY 2009-2010, using FY 2005-2006 energy and utility management data as the baseline.

  • Percent reduction in water and energy consumption

Target 2.3.2
Reduce energy use in rented or leased buildings.*

*In order to increase resource efficiencies in the operation of leased or rented buildings, PHAC will:
a) effective April 1, 2007, initiate actions to maximize its office space occupation density in tenant buildings by reducing the size of workstations, increasing the use of team offices, reducing growth in office space requirements in tenant buildings by meeting Government of Canada standards for cubicle size, by encouraging use of hotelling (drop-in workstations) and renewing the Agency's telework policy.
b) effective April 1, 2007, request Public Works and Government Services Canada to ensure that all new lease and fit-up projects undertaken on PHAC's behalf include requirements for:

  • the use of environmentally friendly designs and construction in the fit-ups, such as increased use of solar heating and recycled construction materials,
  • cleaning contracts to be issued for daytime work only (which would result in lower building lighting, heating and cooling costs), and
  • fit-up to the 8 ft. × 8 ft. (2.3 m × 2.3 m) open office concept for employees and the standard for those entitled to closed offices in most new sites.
  • Number of offices that meet the 8 ft. × 8 ft. (2.3 m × 2.3 m) standard cubicle size
  • Number of hotelling workstations
  • Number of employees who telework
  • Percent change in energy use in PHAC tenant buildings

Target 3.1.1
Track Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) of policy, plan and program proposals by March 30, 2008.

  • Number of SEAs conducted for new policies, plans and programs
  • Percentage of policy, plan and program proposals entered in the system that have completed SEAs, on an annual basis

Target 3.1.2
75% of PHAC employees understand how SD applies to their work by March 31, 2009.

  • Percentage of PHAC employees who understand how SD applies to their work
  • Number of awareness-building activities

Target 3.2.1
Develop and implement a Sustainable Development Policy by March 31, 2010.

  • Percentage of PHAC employees who understand their responsibilities in relation to SD
  • Policy implemented by March 31, 2010

Target 3.2.2
Provide a sustained and accessible Geographic Information Systems infrastructure for public health and SD practice, 2006-2008.

  • Number of provinces where the GIS services are available to public health professionals
  • Percent increase in the number of public health professionals using the GIS services between June 2006 and December 2008

Target 3.3.1
Report progress to management on SD goals and objectives twice a year as of December 31, 2007

  • Number of progress reports submitted per year
  • SD listed as a standing item on Management Committee meeting agenda
  • Number of SD discussions in Management Committee meetings

Target 3.3.2
Integrate SDS commitments into PHAC's key planning and reporting processes by March 31, 2010

  • Number of strategic, human resources and planning documents in which SD considerations are integrated

Target 3.3.3
Consider SD principles in all budget review processes undertaken within PHAC by March 31, 2010.

  • Number of budget review processes that consider SD principles
  • Percentage of budget review processes that consider SD principles
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7 Conclusion

We invite your input and comment on this strategy. Please address any comments to:

Manager, Office of Sustainable Development
Public Health Agency of Canada
100 Colonnade Road
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0K9

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8 References

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