Public Health Agency of Canada
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Recognition means to acknowledge the content and quality of Skills Enhancement modules and in turn acknowledge of professionals who participate and succeed in the training.

Professional Associations/ Regulatory Bodies

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI)

CIPHI has formally endorsed the Skills Enhancement program as demonstrated by a letter from the President and National Executive Council. Their logo is included on certificates given to module participants.

Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)

CPHA has also formally endorsed the Skills Enhancement program as demonstrated by a letter from the Chief Executive Officer. Their logo is included on certificates given to module participants.

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons

Community Medicine Specialists will earn Royal College Continuing Professional Development credits for participation in the Skills Enhancement Initiative. The category of credits earned depends on the type of participation.

Alberta Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA)

ADHA grants 15 credits to ADHA members who successfully completed the Skills Enhancement series of Epidemiology modules. In partnership with ADHA, we are exploring recognition from the other provincial/territorial associations.


Learners that successfully complete the facilitated Skills Enhancement series of Epidemiology modules and enrol in the Master's of Public Health program at Lakehead University can obtain partial credits. The learner will be required to complete three assignments drawn from their Skills Enhancement experience as part of a required independent study course.

We are exploring recognition from other universities across Canada for learners enrolled in public health-related post-graduate programs.