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Skills Enhancement for Public Health "Building a Solid Foundation for Public Health Practice"

Frequently asked questions

Q. Can I take one of the modules if I am studying to become a public health practitioner? If yes, will the credits count towards my degree/diploma?

A. Learners that successfully complete the facilitated Skills Enhancement modules and enrol in the Master's of Public Health program at Lakehead University will be asked to register for an independent study course. As part of this course learners will be required to complete three assignments that will draw on their Skills Enhancement work.

Q. How will the modules help me in my day-to-day work as a public health professional?

A. As in other health-related fields, public health knowledge and practices continually evolve. The Skills Enhancement modules will help you keep you up-to-date in the areas of epidemiology, surveillance, information management, needs-based planning, and surveillance and database tool use. Your increased knowledge will also support your ability to make evidence-based decisions.

Q. How can I fit this online learning opportunity into my already busy schedule?

A. Because the modules are offered online, you have the flexibility to do the work according to your own schedule at whatever time of day best suits you. As well, because participating in a module will strengthen the skills you need to do your job you can try to negotiate time with your employer. Click here for a resource to help you negotiate time with your employer to participate in a module.

Q. How much does it cost to take a module?

A. There are no direct costs to participate in a module, however you must provide your own supplies and have the required technology. Click here for an outline of the required technology.

Q. How much time does each module require?

A. Each module should take between 25 to 30 hours. The Orientation: WebCT tutorial takes between 3 and 4 hours.

Q. Can I complete the modules at my own pace?

A. Because the modules are offered online, there is flexibility to allow you to learn according to your own schedule. However, the module must be successfully competed within the eight-week time frame.

Q. How do I register?

A. You can register online or by fax. Click here to visit the registration area.

Q. Will I be able to communicate with any of the other learners taking the same module?

A. Yes, one of the most important aspects of the modules is the online group learning experience. Learners will communicate with each other and the facilitator through the online discussion forum.

Q. How do I become an online facilitator?

A. If you are interested in becoming a facilitator, we would like to hear from you! Visit the facilitators' section of this site to learn about facilitators' roles and responsibilities. This section also includes the Skills Enhancement for Public Health email address so you can contact us to let us know of your interest.

Q. Can I become an online facilitator if I have not completed any of the modules?

A.Yes, if you are a public health practitioner working at the regional, provincial/territorial or national level with specialized training in epidemiology, surveillance and information management you can become an online facilitator.

Q. How much time is required of facilitators?

A. You should be prepared to spend about one hour per day or the equivalent of one day per week for the eight-week session.

Q. Do facilitators receive a form of certification?

A. We are currently exploring certification for facilitators.

Q. What are the benefits for facilitators?

A. Not only do you get to play a major role in strengthening the public health workforce, you will receive training, have the opportunity to improve your own skills, and network with a variety of public health practitioners across the country.