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Skills Enhancement for Public Health "Building a Solid Foundation for Public Health Practice"

Module Description

Orientation: WebCT Tutorial

The goal of this short tutorial is to introduce learners to the online environment (WebCT). The tutorial will help learners with the basics required to navigate through the Skills Enhancement modules and get a better understanding of what is involved in online learning. The estimated time to complete this module is 1 to 2 hours.

First-time learners who register for any of the other modules will automatically be registered for this module. Completion of the tutorial is mandatory.

Upon completion of the module, you will:

  • Be familiar with the WebCT environment
  • Be aware of the tools and features available in WebCT
  • Know what they need to get started with the training modules
  • Learn how to troubleshoot and access help services
  • Know how to post and respond to bulletin board messages, submit quizzes and assignments, and use other tools such as the print feature

Module schedules and registration information are available online.

EPI1: Basic Epidemiological Concepts

The goal of this module is to enhance the understanding of basic epidemiological concepts and to increase the ability to apply basic epidemiological principles in the public health work setting. The estimated time to complete this module is 25 to 30 hours.

Prerequisite: Orientation: WebCT Tutorial

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Define epidemiology and describe the historical development of the field.
  • Identify the various uses of epidemiology in public health practice.
  • Describe different theories of disease causation in communities.
  • Illustrate how agent, host and environment variables interact to affect health in communities.
  • Identify and describe the stages of the natural history of a disease and give examples of primordial, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
  • Understand the meaning of public health surveillance and explain the use of surveillance data in public health practice.
  • Identify the steps of the surveillance cycle.
  • Explain ethical principles underlying the uses of epidemiology in public health practice.
  • Apply the principles of biomedical ethics to a discussion of compulsory immunization programs.

Module breakdown
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Epidemiology
Lesson 2 - Causation, Association and the Epidemiologic Triad
Lesson 3 - The Natural History of Disease and the Levels of Prevention
Lesson 4 - Public Health Surveillance
Lesson 5 - Ethics and Epidemiology

Module schedules and registration information are available online.

EPI2: Measurement of Health Status

The goal of this module is to introduce the tools and methods to measure and monitor the health of the community. The estimated time to complete this module is 35 to 40 hours.

Prerequisite: Orientation to Online Learning and EPI1
Basic Epidemiological Concepts

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Describe, calculate and interpret crude and adjusted rates, proportions, ratios, incidence rates, and prevalence rates.
  • List and explain the various indicators of health status.
  • Assess the health of a population using indicators of health status.
  • Identify various sources of information on the health of a population.
  • Select appropriate source(s) of information as indicators of health status.
  • Describe and select appropriate methods for presenting health information including tables, graphs and charts.

Module breakdown
Lesson 1 - Health Status Assessment
Lesson 2 - Sources of Health Information
Lesson 3 - Organizing and Displaying Epidemiologic Data

Module schedules and registration information are available online.

EPI3: Descriptive Epidemiologic Methods

This module is to introduce the basic principles and methods of descriptive epidemiology. The estimated time to complete this module is 25 to 30 hours.

Prerequisites: Prerequisite: Orientation: WebCT Tutorial and EPI1: Basic Epidemiological Concepts and EP12: Measurement of Health Status

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Identify the various types of descriptive and analytic epidemiologic study designs and explain their uses.
  • Describe the exposure-outcome relationship with the various study designs.
  • List and describe the types of descriptive studies.
  • Identify and describe the basic epidemiologic variables of person, place, and time.
  • Discuss the application of descriptive epidemiology to public health practice.
  • Identify the reasons public health agencies investigate outbreaks and explain the steps involved.
  • Define the terms cluster, outbreak and epidemic.
  • Discuss some current and future challenges for descriptive epidemiology.

Module breakdown
Lesson 1 - Types of Epidemiologic Studies
Lesson 2 - Descriptive Epidemiology
Lesson 3 - Investigation of Disease Outbreaks

Module schedules and registration information are available online.

APP2: Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases

This module requires knowledge and understanding of basic epidemiology and biostatistics. It consolidates concepts and methods presented in previous modules and applies them to chronic diseases. Specific chronic diseases are included with risk factors and prevention and control measures. Students are required to submit three assignments covering the topics of diseases, risk factors and populations.

Prerequisite: Orientation: WebCT Tutorial; EPI1: Basic Epidemiological Concepts; EPI2: Measurement of Health Status; and EPI3: Descriptive Epidemiologic Methods

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • have acquired the basic knowledge relating to the descriptive, analytical and applied epidemiology of chronic, non-communicable diseases;
  • be able to retrieve, organize and interpret data from provincial, national and international sources;
  • be familiar with, and be able to access, the current epidemiologic literature;
  • be able to utilize existing information, generate ideas and formulate them into prevention projects suitable for implementation at a local public health unit/ regional health authorities.

Module breakdown.
Lesson 1 - Basic Concepts
Lesson 2 - Selected Diseases: Stroke
Lesson 3 - Selected Diseases: Diabetes

APP1: Outbreak Investigation and Management

The goal of this module is to introduce the basic principles and steps involved in the investigation and management of outbreaks. The estimated time to complete this module is 21-29 hours.

Prerequisite: Orientation: WebCT Tutorial and Module 1:Basic Epidemiological Concepts

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the goal, objectives and steps of an outbreak investigation;
  • Be able to create and apply a case definition within the context of an outbreak investigation;
  • Know the key elements of a standard investigation questionnaire;
  • Be able to interpret descriptive data in term of time, place and person characteristics;
  • Be able to generate verifiable hypotheses on the source, mode of transmission, vehicle or vector of propagation, exposures or risk factors;
  • Be able to identify appropriate control measures to halt an outbreak;
  • Know the elements required for documenting an outbreak and how these may be used to prepare concise reports;
  • Review the essential organizational and operational aspects of an outbreak investigation.

Module breakdown
Lesson 1 Introduction to Outbreak Investigation
Lesson 2 – Outbreak Investigation – Steps 1 through 4
Lesson 3 – Outbreak Investigation - Steps 5 through 7
Lesson 4 – Outbreak Investigation – Steps 8 through 10
Lesson 5 – Outbreak Investigation – steps 11 through 13

SUR1: Introduction to Public Health Surveillance

The aim of the module is to (1) raise the level of awareness and knowledge of the principles and practices of contemporary public health surveillance; and (2) enhance the attitudes and skills required to participate in the various aspects of the public health surveillance cycle. The estimated time to complete this module is 25-30 hours.

Prerequisite: Orientation: Orientation: WebCT Tutorial ; EPI1Basic Epidemiological Concepts; EPI2: Measurement of Health Status; and EPI3: Descriptive Epidemiologic Methods

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the basic principles and practices of public health surveillance;
  • List and discuss the major issues in public health surveillance in Canada;
  • Identify and critically examine the three (3) major categories of health events for which public health surveillance systems have been established;
  • Analyze and interpret common public health surveillance data;
  • Describe the basic concepts of the communication and dissemination of public health surveillance information;
  • Discuss emerging trends and developing activities in public health surveillance in Canada and Internationally;
  • Develop a framework for the components and evaluation of a public health surveillance system in a public health environment.

Module breakdown
Lesson 1 Review of Public Health Surveillance
Lesson 2 Overview of Public Health Surveillance Systems
Lesson 3 Analysis, Presentation & Interpretation of Public Health Surveillance Data
Lesson 4 Dissemination of Information and Surveillance Products
Lesson 5 Evaluation Issues and Future Trends in Public Health Surveillance Systems

Module schedules and registration information are available online.

APP3: Applied Epidemiology: Injuries

This module will use the public health approach to cover basic concepts
and resources in injury epidemiology and prevention. It provides an
overview of injuries; describes how epidemiological methods are used in
injury prevention; and discusses injury surveillance, data
classification systems and sources that are used for defining the injury
problem in a population, identifying risk factors and evaluating the
effectiveness of prevention programs. The module introduces tools to
assist in moving from problem definition and risk factor identification
to the selection and evaluation
of intervention strategies. A series of case studies of select
are included.

Prerequisite: Orientation: Orientation: WebCT Tutorial : EPI 1:Basic Epidemiological Concepts; EPI2: Measurement of Health Status; and EPI3:Descriptive Epidemiologic Methods

On completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Define injury and injury surveillance;
  • Describe the public health importance of injury
  • Describe the types and sources of injury surveillance data and
    information, including the strengths and limitations;
  • Find appropriate surveillance information and products for different
    external causes of injury (e.g. motor vehicle collisions);
  • Describe how epidemiological concepts can be applied to injury
  • Integrate the information from multiple sources and resources;
  • Apply the common public health frameworks of primary, secondary and
    tertiary prevention to injuries;
  • Apply the agent-host-environment triad to injury prevention
  • Apply the Haddon matrix and ten countermeasures to a type of injury
    to identify potential opportunities for prevention;
  • Describe current evidence-based practice for select types of injury.

Module Breakdown

Lesson 1 - Overview of Injuries
Lesson 2 - Injury Epidemiology and Surveillance
Lesson 3 - Application of Concepts and Tools in Injury Prevention Case Studies

SUR 2: Communicating Data Effectively

This module deals with the basic concepts in communication, ethical principles in relation to it and offers suggestions for communicating surveillance data effectively.

Surveillance is not an end in itself. It generates information to support and influence decision-making. The decision-makers may be:

  • members of the general population,
  • health professionals,
  • health planners or policy-makers,
  • planners and policy-makers outside the health field whose decisions influence health,
  • researchers and scientists.

They make decisions on actions ranging from changing personal health habits to making plans and policies which affect population health. As a public health professional, your job is to ensure that these people have valid information on which to base their decisions. Traditionally in public health, information is disseminated – a one-way process which, in general, merely adds to the piles of reports taking up shelf space. To be effective, you must communicate – a two-way process which involves feedback.

Prerequisite: Orientation: Orientation: WebCT Tutorial : EPI 1:Basic Epidemiological Concepts; EPI2: Measurement of Health Status; and EPI3:Descriptive Epidemiologic Methods

Learning Objectives
On completing the Communicating Data Effectively module, you are expected to

  1. Identify the central elements of communication and their use in public health;
  2. Understand the important considerations when communicating risk to the public;
  3. Identify an ethical approach to the release or communication of sensitive health data;
  4. Identify key factors for communicating public health data in a manner that will be understood by the audience;
  5. Describe the general components of a scientific article or report;
  6. Discuss the role of a health professional when working with mass media;
  7. Identify main considerations for writing press releases;
  8. Choose appropriate uses for figures when presenting public health related data;
  9. Analyze the need for using a table as a preferred figure when presenting public health data;
  10. Understand appropriate uses for graphs when presenting public health data;
  11. Identify when appropriate to use maps for presenting public health data.

Module Breakdown
Lesson 1: Overview of Communication
Lesson 2: Communicating Health Data Clearly
Lesson 3: Introduction to Data Presentation – Scientific Articles and Reports
Lesson 4: Introduction to Data Presentation – Using Figures
Lesson 5: Guidelines for Tables as Figures
Lesson 6: Guidelines for Graphs and Maps as Figures

STA 1: Introduction to Biostatistics

The overall purpose of this module is to give the reader a basic understanding of statistics so they can read articles and do simple statistical analyses of common public health data. We recognize that some students have taken one or more courses in statistics and thus may wish to use these modules as a refresher.  Others may have minimal exposure to statistics so they will go at a slower pace. The aim of this module is to give you a common language and understanding of the concepts.

A popular misconception about statistics is that it is both difficult and tedious. In today's world with computers and statistical software, it is possible to use and understand statistics with minimal knowledge of calculus or advanced mathematics. This module does not require an advanced knowledge of mathematics. We assume you will be using a data analysis package, be it simple (e.g. Excel) or a more advanced statistical program (e.g. SPSS). The module will focus on the concepts of statistics and not detailed mathematics.

Prerequisites: Orientation: Orientation: WebCT Tutorial : EPI 1:Basic Epidemiological Concepts; EPI2: Measurement of Health Status; and EPI3:Descriptive Epidemiologic Methods

On completion of the module taken, you are expected to:

  1. Have a basic knowledge of statistics including being able to discuss the uses and limitations of commonly used statistical analyses;
  2. Be able to apply simple statistical procedures where appropriate. (note: Do not use quantitative statistics for qualitative research);
  3. Be able to use statistical principles in order to critically appraise an article from a quantitative perspective.

Module Breakdown

Lesson 1 - Main Concepts in Statistics
Lesson 2 - The Language of Statistics
Lesson 3 - Collecting and Understanding the Data
Lesson 4 - Descriptive Statistics
Lesson 5 - Research Question and Hypothesis Testing
Lesson 6 - Statistical Analysis
Lesson 7 - Interpretation - From Statistics back to English

Future modules

A list of future modules with brief descriptions are available.