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Skills Enhancement for Public Health "Building a Solid Foundation for Public Health Practice"

General resources

  • Canadian Journal of Public Health
    "Health Surveillance: An Essential Tool to Protect and Promote the Health of the Public"
    8 Pages - (196.7 KB)
    This article explores the “what”, “why”, “how” and “now what” of health surveillance. Scenarios are used to show how surveillance concepts and skills can help communities take action to improve health. It emphasizes the need to enhance capacity at the local level and describes how the Skills Enhancement
    Health Surveillance: An Essential Tool to Protect and Promote the Health of the Public
    for Public Health Program of the Public Health Agency of Canada can help public health practitioners improve their surveillance skills. This document was published as a special insert in the May/June 2006 issue of The Canadian Journal of Public Health
  • Towards Effective Community-based Action: Using Epidemiological Skills in Public Health Surveillance for Local Public Health Practice
    This 25-page referenced paper was written for us by the Ontario Public Health Research, Education and Development Program (PHRED)and the Association of Public Health Epidemiologists in Ontario (APHEO). It describes the importance and use of epidemiology and health surveillance in public health practice and decision-making at the local level. Download PDF. A one-page summary is also available online.
  • The Art and Science of Evidence-Based Decision Making.... Epidemiology Can Help! (PowerPoint presentation)
    A flexible 20- to 40-minute PowerPoint presentation based on the paper
    "Towards Effective Community-based Action: Using Epidemiological Skills in Public Health Surveillance for Local Public Health Practice".
    The presentation can be used with public health staff and decision-makers, such as boards of health to build support to improve epidemiological skills and capacity at the local level.
  • View the PowerPoint presentation.
  • To obtain a copy of the presentation, contact us at
  • Canadian Journal of Public Health
    The Art and Science of Evidence-Based Decision-Making...Epidemiology Can Help!

    "The Art and Science of Evidence-Based Decision-Making...Epidemiology Can Help!"

    8 Pages - (314 KB) in PDF Format PDF

    This article explores how epidemiological skills and approaches can improve decision-making in public health and describes how the "Skills Enhancement" program can help public health organizations and practitioners improve their skills in epidemiology, surveillance and information management. This document was published as a special insert in the January/February 2002 issue of The Canadian Journal of Public Health.

A Dictionary of Epidemiology. John Last (editor). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-514169-5. (Not available online).

The Dictionary of Public Health
Due out: Oct 2006 however they are taking orders already.
Cost: $50
Order #: 3-1BK03423 (this is the number they use when ordering not the ISBN)
ISBN: 0195160908
The Dictionary of Epidemiology
This is currently in reprint right now.
Cost: $40

To Order these books you may choose any of the following methods:

Phone: 1.613.725.3769 ask for the resource department
Fax: 1.613.725.9826

Order forms are available online and should be included when ordering by fax.
There is an automatic 10% discount for CPHA members

How to Negotiate Time with your Employer to Participate in the Skills Enhancement for Public Health Modules
A short document for public health employees to guide them through negotiating time with their employers to participate in one of the Skills Enhancement for Health Surveillance online training modules. It includes effective strategies and outlines benefits for the learners and for their organizations.Download PDF

Online Epidemiology Library
Maintained by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco, this Online Epidemiology Library includes links to organizations, universities, data sources, resources and events listings around the world.

Partner organizations

Links to epidemiology and surveillance resources

Canadian Field Epidemiology Program (CFEP) strengthens public health practice in Canada through a training program which fosters excellence in the practice of applied epidemiology. The most visible aspect of the CFEP comes from its support of field investigations for the control of diseases of local or national interest. is the domain of epidemiology in the online world. The website includes links to a monthly newsletter, a brief weekly update, a book of useful and interesting articles plus humor, and a guide to resources.

The Canadian Society of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB) is a Canadian organization founded in 1990 for the purpose of fostering epidemiology and biostatistics research in Canada. The Society facilitates communication among epidemiologists and biostatisticians, and helps faculty or schools of medicine and public health to improve training in these disciplines. This organization brings together individuals working in research, students, health care professionals, statisticians, and biostatisticians from across the country and from other parts of the world.

Supercourse: Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health Is a coursedesigned to provide an overview epidemiology on the Internet for medical and health related students around the world. The concept of the course is described in the British Medical Journal as the "Global Health Network University". Lecture style is described in Nature Medicine as "Hypertext Comic Books". Over 1000 lectures are available in many different languages and cover topics such as terrorism, water safety, infection control, and child health.

Links to online learning resources

Memorial University, School of Nursing website includes study tips for distance learners with links to other resources, tips for participating in online discussions, and etiquette for communicating on the Internet .