Public Health Agency of Canada
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Travel Health Advisory


Released: September 21, 2008

Travel Health Notice

The Ministry of Health of China has confirmed that melamine contaminated milk and milk products are responsible for kidney problems in over 6000 infants, including several who have died.

It is recommended that travellers do not use infant formula made in China and to avoid consuming milk products or products with milk-derived ingredients made in China, until further information is provided by the Chinese government. Milk-derived ingredients include whole milk powder, non-fat milk powder, whey powder, lactose powder, and casein.

About Melamine Contaminated Milk Products

Melamine, a chemical used in a number of commercial and industrial applications, is unsafe for human consumption. Melamine is not approved or permitted in food in Canada.


  • Consumption of melamine may lead to reproductive damage, bladder or kidney stones, bladder cancer, acute kidney failure and death.


    • The effects of melamine are directly related to consumption of products containing the chemical and cannot be spread between people. Currently melamine has been found in infant formula and has been possibly linked to other dairy products produced in China.

    Recommendations for travellers

    Until further information is provided by the Chinese government, we recommend that you:

    • do not use infant formula made in China
    • avoid consuming milk products (e.g. yogurt, ice cream, custards) made in China or products with milk-derived ingredients made in China. Milk-derived ingredients include whole milk powder, non-fat milk powder, whey powder, lactose powder, and casein.

    Monitor your health

    If your child has consumed any infant formula made in China, the risk of ill effects is low. However, if you have concerns or your child has any unusual symptoms, consult your health care provider.

    As always no matter where you may be travelling, if you are ill while travelling:

    1. Contact the Canadian Embassy, Consulate or High Commission for a recommendation of a health care provider.  Information is available through the
    2. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) Link opens in a new window

    If you are ill upon your return to Canada:

    1. Inform your health care provider of your symptoms
    2. Tell him/her, without being asked, where you have been and what, if any, treatment or medical care you have received while traveling (e.g., blood transfusions, injections, dental care, and surgery)

    Don’t Forget ...

    1. Consult a health care provider or visit a travel health clinic
      • An appointment at least 6 weeks prior to international travel is ideal
    2. Know your health risks
    3. Learn what you can do to stay healthy when travelling
    4. Know what vaccines to get and when to get them

    Other Related Information

    For up-to-date information about the safety of milk products in Canada, see the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Food Recalls and Allergy Alerts

    For further information on the situation in China see World Health Organization – Disease Outbreak News.