Public Health Agency of Canada
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Voices and Choices

Student Needs Assessment Questionnaire

Student Needs Assessment Questionnaire - This questionnaire is comprised of 76 questions examining how students feel about their health, what they feel they need to do to improve it, what barriers are in the way of improvement, and their opinions on how the school can help. Once all of the Student Needs Assessment Questionnaires are compiled, the results will help school leaders (i.e. school administrator, teacher, public health nurse, parent volunteer, student leader) to gain a better understanding of student health-related needs and issues within the school setting.

Student Needs Assessment Questionnaire
(130 KB) 34 pages

Student Needs Assessment Questionnaire
(285 KB) 34 pages, in MSWord format

The Student Needs Assessment Questionnaire provides students with an opportunity to voice their needs and preferences in an objective and confidential manner. By having students complete the questionnaire, it will:

  • Demonstrate how valuable student input is to improving the school environment;
  • Demonstrate the school's commitment to increasing student engagement;
  • Obtain evidence-based information/baseline data from their students about their opinions, behaviours, concerns and needs;
  • Help create a vision for a healthier school;
  • Identify immediate actions, programs and interventions to implement;
  • Develop short, medium and long-term goals for a healthier school environment;
  • Develop the school's strategic improvement plan for a healthier, safer and more caring learning environment; and
  • Compare student perception of school supports from year-to-year.

The following document outlines several considerations for implementing the Student Needs Assessment Questionnaire with regards to:

  • Modifying the questionnaire;
  • Administering the questionnaire; and
  • Analyzing the results.

Considerations for the Student Needs Assessment Questionnaire (30 KB) 2 pagesPDF

Considerations for the Student Needs Assessment Questionnaire
(45 KB) 2 pages, in MSWord format
