The XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010) was held in Vienna, Austria, from July 18 to 23, 2010, with over 19,300 participants from around the world. The conference theme, Rights Here, Right Now, was a call to action regarding human rights abuses, which continue to prevent progress on universal access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support
AIDS 2010 was a key opportunity for Government of Canada representatives to demonstrate leadership and share policy, program, science and technical expertise in response to domestic and global commitments on HIV/AIDS, including the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative, the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada, the Millennium Development Goals and the UNAIDS Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS.
Participants from the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, the Canadian International Development Agency, and Correctional Service of Canada coordinated and supported over 30 events and presentations, including:
Developed in partnership between civil society and governments and under the theme, Canada - Moving Forward, the Canada Exhibit showcased Canada-wide action on HIV/AIDS as a means to exchange knowledge, experience and ideas on domestic and global responses. Sixteen presentations on issues, such as surveillance, scientific research, vulnerable populations and human rights, were hosted at the booth. A Canadian Resource Library DVD holding over 350 Canadian resource documents used by community organizations and governments was distributed to attendees. A video relaying experiences of people living with HIV/AIDS, Canada’s efforts and investments in addressing HIV, and the importance of the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) principle was played throughout the day at the booth.
The Minister of Health addressed over 200 Canadian and invited international guests at the Canada Reception, acknowledging the active engagement of and commitment by civil society, the HIV/AIDS community and all levels of government. The Minister also reaffirmed the Government of Canada’s and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s commitment of $139 million in funding to support a renewed Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative aimed at accelerating the global development of safe, effective, affordable, and globally accessible HIV vaccines.
The reception provided a unique opportunity for Canadian non-governmental organizations, front-line HIV/AIDS workers, scientists, researchers, people living with HIV/AIDS, and government officials to share knowledge and discuss opportunities for future collaboration.
Within the Global Village, Canadians also contributed experiences and approaches to HIV and AIDS and participated in cultural presentations related to HIV/AIDS in Canada.
For more information, please contact Patricia Hurd, HIV/AIDS Division, Public Health Agency of Canada, by e-mail, at, or Sharon Peake, Health Canada, International Affairs Directorate, by e-mail, at
For more information on AIDS 2010, please view the following websites: and
At the 2010 AIDS Conference in Vienna, Austria, the Government
of Canada, in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, ( announced the renewed Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (CHVI), including the creation of the CHVI Research and Development Alliance. The Alliance is a network in Canada that will bring together leading researchers from the public and private sectors, as well as the international community, to develop innovative solutions to the challenges facing HIV vaccine development.
HIV/AIDS community groups and researchers were consulted on how best to implement the Alliance. Results from these consultations are available on the CHVI website at
The CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Initiative develops and supports a variety of HIV/AIDS research programs, which promote Canadian research and build research capacity to better understand HIV and to provide effective responses. The Research Initiative leads or supports the following research funding opportunities that were launched in summer 2010:
There are many additional funding opportunities available through CIHR and its Institutes, including HIV/AIDS doctoral awards offered in partnership with the Canadian Association for HIV Research and a new opportunity for Network Catalyst grants.
For more detailed information on CIHR funding opportunities, please consult the CIHR Funding Opportunities database.
Community involvement in health research and action on HIV/AIDS has been continuous since the beginning of the disease in Canada. Communities play a central role in HIV/AIDS research by creating models to take action on other diseases and conditions. Through the CIHR HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research (CBR) Program, CIHR supports research that engages communities in all stages of research, from the definition of the research question, to capacity building and integration of community members in conducting research, to active participation in disseminating research results.
Through the most recent CBR funding competition, 14 new projects were funded across Canada (four focused solely on Aboriginal issues). The following are some of the funded projects:
For more information on these projects and the CIHR HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research Program, please contact Suzete Dos Santos, by e-mail, at or by telephone, at 613-941-4464.
The results of CIHR competitions can be viewed on its website, at
Any comments, questions or feedback that you want to share about HIV/AIDS research? If so, please contact the CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Initiative, at