Information on immunization programs was collected by the Canadian Nursing Coalition on Immunization (CNCI). PHAC and the CNCI have worked together since July 2004 to develop this tool containing the latest provincial/territorial program information.
Target |
BC |
YK |
AB |
NT5 |
NU5 |
SK |
MB |
ON6 |
QC |
NB |
NS |
NL |
PE7 |
Pregnant women in their 3rd trimester, expecting to deliver in influenza season |
Pregnant women, any trimester |
Children 6 months to 23 months |
Persons 18 years and older |
(≥ 6mths) |
Persons 50-64 years |
Persons 60 years and older |
Persons 65 years and older |
Universal vaccination |
Residents of nursing homes or chronic care facilities |
Health care workers |
Children and adolescents on long-term ASA |
Persons on long-term ASA (e.g. RA patients) |
Household contacts of people at high-risk |
Persons with weakened immune systems |
Essential community services: first responders |
Persons at risk travelling to destinations where influenza is likely circulating |
Persons in direct contact with poultry infected with avian influenza during culling operations |
Adults and children with chronic conditions severe enough to require regular medical follow-up or hospital care such as: |
▪ Cardiac disease |
▪ Pulmonary disease |
▪ Asthma |
▪ Diabetes |
▪ Renal disease |
▪ Liver disease |
▪ Anaemia or hemoglobinopathy |
▪ HIV patients |
▪ Immunosuppression, cancer |
Original Source: Canadian Pharmacists Association, 2009 1 Police, firefighters, ambulance personnel, and correctional officers The following priority groups are recommended for annual influenza vaccination programs by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI): people at high risk for influenza-related complications, those capable of transmitting influenza to individuals at high risk for complications, and those who provide essential community services. As significant morbidity and societal costs are associated with seasonal interpandemic influenza illness and its complications occurring in healthy children age ≥ 2 years and healthy adults, healthy children age ≥ 2 years and adults should also be encouraged to receive the annual influenza vaccine. For the full NACI recommendations for influenza immunization go to: |