Volume 2, Number 7, November-December 2006 Activities Outside OttawaLibrary and Archives Canada develops and tours exhibitions featuring items from our extensive collection, bringing our documentary heritage to communities across and outside Canada. The following exhibitions are currently on tour.
Where Are the Children? Healing the Legacy of the Residential SchoolsThis exhibition, the result of a partnership between Library and Archives Canada, the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and the Legacy of Hope Foundation, encourages dialogue and understanding about the effects of the residential school system on the First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities. Over 200,000 people have viewed the exhibition since it opened in 2002. A virtual exhibition is available at www.wherearethechildren.ca/en/home.html. The partners wish to acknowledge Archives Deschâtelets, Archives of Ontario, Canadian Museum of Civilization, The Anglican Church of Canada: The General Synod Archives, Glenbow Archives, The Presbyterian Church in Canada Archives, Provincial Archives of Manitoba, photographer Jeffrey M. Thomas, United Church of Canada: Victoria University Archives, and Yukon Archives for their contribution to the contents of the exhibition. Until December 31, 2006 For more information about booking this exhibition please contact: The Peter Winkworth Collection of Canadiana