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Volume 1, Number 4, November-December 2005

Reorganization of Public Areas at Library and Archives Canada


From December 2005 to June 2006, Library and Archives Canada will reorganize the public research areas on the second and third floors of the building at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa.

The reorganization of these areas reflects the integration of services at Library and Archives Canada following the amalgamation of our former institutions. This initiative enables Library and Archives Canada to provide a truly client-centred service through a comprehensive approach to the dissemination of Canada's documentary heritage.

The reorganization will:

  • integrate services for the reference rooms, Canadian Genealogy Centre, specialized media consultation unit and textual records consultation room;
  • rationalize the use of equipment by merging the microfilm rooms;
  • reduce noise in the third-floor textual records consultation room;
  • provide more public seating in the various reference rooms.

Over the next months, ongoing work on either floor may create a disruption in services. If you plan to visit our research facilities during this time, we recommend that you first consult the Library and Archives Canada website at or call us for information at 613-996-5115 or 1-866-578-7777 (toll-free number in Canada and the United States).

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