Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.

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Teacher-Librarian Resources
the Internet was first developed, librarians have used it for professional
development as well as reference. The web pages below represent a selection
of the very best Internet resources of use to teacher-librarians -- material
such as readers advisory booklists, review journals, directories of publishers,
ready reference websites, collections of library policies, and listservs
or newsgroups for professional associations.
Most of the links on this page will take you away from LibraryNet; you
may wish to bookmark this site first.
General Resources
- The
Canadian Teacher-Librarians' Resource Pages
- A general overview
of Canadian websites of interest to elementary school teacher-librarians.
- Good
Web Links for School Librarians
- This collection
of links was developed by a Library and Information Science class at
the University of Southern Mississippi. Though American content predominates,
it does include some Canadian websites. Links are organized by category,
including the following: Libraries & Information for Librarians, Using
the Internet, Curriculum and Instruction (Including Information Skills),
Books and Authors, and Storytelling.
- Resources
for School Librarians
- This pathfinder,
from the Internet Public Library (IPL),
provides links in the following categories: resources for teaching information
skills, teaching the web, learning and using the web, and curriculum
connections. See also the IPL's excellent Youth
Division of Internet resources for the young.
- School
Library Hotspots
- Dozens
of excellent links to help in the development of computer, information,
and research skills for both teachers and students alike, including
book and software reviews, acceptable use policies, reference sources,
search engines and current awareness sites. From the Assiniboine South
School Division (Manitoba).
- Teacher-Librarians
- Another
Manitoba school division (Fort Garry) has created this site to help
teacher-librarians promote information literacy and literature appreciation
through resource-based learning. The role of the teacher-librarian is
discussed, and links to the following categories can be found: associations,
journals/literature, and general. This site is particularly strong on
Canadian content, indicated by small Maple Leaf flags.
- Bulletin
of the Center for Children's Books
- One of
North America's leading children's book review journals for school and
public librarians. Their website provides concise summaries and critical
evaluations to help you find the books you need. Each review gives information
on a book's content, reading level, strengths and weaknesses, quality
of format, as well as suggestions for curricular use. (The Center for
Children's Books is a collection of more than 14,000 children's books
and over 800 professional and reference books on children's literature,
affiliated with the Graduate School of Library and Information Science
at the University of Illinois.)
- The
Children's Literature Web Guide
- A great
Canadian site, created and maintained by a librarian with years of experience
in children's materials and educational resources. In an attempt to
lure children and adults away from the Internet and back to the books
themselves, links are provided to children's book awards, reviews, teaching
ideas, authors on the web, stories on the web, resources for teachers,
and discussion boards.
- Ricochet
- An enormous
(more than 5000 pages) treasure trove of information on French literature
for children and youth, maintained by the Centre international d'études
en littérature de jeunesse. Links to authors, illustrators, and publishers.
- Evaluating
Internet Information Links
- LibraryNet's
selected links to resources designed to help librarians evaluate and
select the best Internet resources for students and themselves.
- Guide
de ressources Internet francophone (GRIF)
- GRIF is
a French-only Internet guide made up of a multitude of resources to
help people with the Internet. There are two sections: a general access
section, and a section reserved for members of the three partner programs
(LibraryNet, VolNet, and the Community Access Program). Member users
have access to online IT training.
- Professional
Education by Distance Learning
- The University
of Alberta offers distance learning courses in teacher-librarianship
during the Fall, Winter, and Summer terms. Each course is delivered
through a variety of media, including websites, computer conferencing,
e-mail, textbooks, and readings. Full Internet access is required for
all of the courses.
The University
of Prince Edward Island, and the University
of British Columbia also offer courses in teacher-librarianship
by distance learning.
- The
Internet Guide (TIG)
- A self-paced
Web course on basic Internet skills produced by the Faculty of Information
Studies at the University of Toronto. Intended for librarians eager
to become online adepts, TIG provides step-by-step instruction in using
browsers, doing research on the Net e-mailing, participating in chat
and discussion groups, downloading software, and much more.
- Canadian
Review of Materials
- A biweekly
online reviewing journal of predominantly Canadian materials for young
people, published by the Manitoba Library Association. Reviews are indexed
by author, title and media and include excerpts from the item, a ranking
out of four stars, and are written by Canadian librarians, educators,
and booksellers.
- From
Now On
- This online
educational technology journal promotes "Educational Technology for
Engaged Learning, Educational Technology for Literacy". Published monthly
from September to June.
- Lurelu
- A French-language
magazine devoted to Quebec literature for children and young adults.
- School
Libraries in Canada
- Only the
table of contents of this journal, published by the Canadian School
Library Association, is currently available online. However, the site
promises full-text articles and more coming soon.
- School
Library Journal Online
- School
Library Journal Online serves librarians who work with young people
in school and public libraries. Full-text access is provided to a selection
of articles from the print publication, along with a calendar of upcoming
events, job listings, software reviews, and annual best books lists.
Provincial Associations: