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Volume 17, No.3 -1997

 [Table of Contents] 


Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Monograph Series on Aging-related Diseases IX. Osteoarthritis

Kristen Rottensten


Osteoarthritis, the most common chronic joint condition in the elderly, is a degenerative disorder of synovial joints characterized by focal loss of articular cartilage with reactive changes in subchondral and marginal bone, synovium and para-articular structures.1-3

Nature and Classification

Osteoarthritis is also known by many other names: degenerative joint disease, hypertrophic arthritis, traumatic arthritis and osteoarthrosis.1 It is a heterogeneous condition that behaves very differently at different joint sites; thus, it is important to classify osteoarthritis according to the chief joint(s) involved, apparent etiologies, as well as specific clinical, pathological or radiological features.4 Depending on the evidence for etiology, osteoarthritis may be classified as primary, when there is no obvious underlying cause, or secondary, when preceded by a predisposing disorder 5 (Table 1).

Osteoarthritis may be generalized if there are three or more extraspinal joints affected.6 Two types of generalized osteoarthritis-the nodal and the non-nodal type-have been described. The non-nodal type, which occurs slightly more often in men and shows less familial transmission, affects primarily the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints. The nodal type, which predominates in women and has a strong tendency to familial transmission, features chiefly Heberden's nodes of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints.7-9

Usually, this disease targets the extremities of long bones comprising a higher proportion of cancellous versus compact bone.1 Although any synovial joint can be affected, osteoarthritis often involves certain joints and spares others. The hand, knee, hip and spinal apophysial joints are the most frequently involved joints. In the hand, the DIP joints, the PIP joints and the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint of the thumb are often affected. Less frequently affected are the wrist, elbow, shoulder and ankle joints.10-12


Classification of osteoarthritis



e.g. Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes, erosive interphalangeal arthritis,carpal-first metacarpal joint


e.g. talonavicular hypertrophic osteoarthritis


Medial compartment Lateral compartment Patellofemoral compartment


Excentric (superior) Concentric (axial, medial) Diffuse (senile coxitis)

Spine (particularly cervical & lumbar)

Apophyseal Intervertebral (disk) Spondylosis (osteophytes) Ligamentous (hyperostosis, Forrestier's disease, DISH)

Other single sites

Shoulder, temporomandibular joint, sacroiliac, ankle, wrist


Includes three or more areas above (Kellgren-Moore)

Calcium deposition disease

Calcium pyrophosphate deposition Apatite Destructive arthropathy (shoulder, knee)

Post-traumatic Congenital or developmental diseases  

Hip diseases

e.g. Perthes congenital hip dislocation, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, shallow acetabulum

Bone dysplasias

e.g. epiphyseal dysplasia, spondyloapophyseal dysplasia, osteonychondystrophy, Stickler syndrome

Other bone and joint disorders

e.g. avascular necrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, septic arthritis, Paget's disease, osteopetrosis, osteochondritis
Other diseases  

Metabolic diseases

hemochromatosis, ochronosis, Gaucher's disease, hemoglobinopathy, Ehler's Danlos

Endocrine diseases

e.g. diabetes mellitus, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism

Neuropathic arthropathy Mechanical and local factors

e.g. obesity, unequal lower extremity strength, extreme valgus/varus deformity


e.g. frostbite, Kashin-Beck disease, caisson disease



Despite the continuing difficulty in defining, measuring and assessing osteoarthritis, it is a long-standing disease in humans and non-humans.13,14 Absent from the skeletal remains of hominids, the first widespread evidence of the disease in Homo sapiens was provided by Neanderthal remains.1,15-17

The specific pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, however, remains undetermined. In Cushnaghan and Dieppe's study 10 of 500 individuals with limb joint osteoarthritis, an obvious predisposing cause of osteoarthritis was apparent in only 46 (9.2%). These causes included severe trauma, meniscectomy, epiphysial dysplasia and joint instability. Although data from this and other studies 3,5,18 indicate that osteoarthritis of different joints may involve different risk factors, clearly, there is a link between some osteoarthritis sites.3

In studying the incidence of arthritic disorders in animals, Fox 19 determined body size to be the pertinent discriminatory variable separating those species more susceptible to osteoarthritis from those largely unaffected by the disorder, concluding that weight-bearing plays a significant role in the development of osteoarthritis. Hutton's theory of the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis addresses both the localization of osteoarthritis within joints as well as between them. Hutton hypothesized that osteoarthritis is more likely to develop in "underdesigned" joints because of insufficient evolutionary pressure to allow them to accommodate to the demands of the bipedalism of humans.20 Upright posture, for example, leads to a relative uncovering of the femoral head at the superior margin of the joint-the area most susceptible to osteoarthritis.3

The exact sequence of events involving the generation of osteoarthritis remains controversial, but evidence is accumulating that primary osteoarthritis is a disorder of the bone in its initial stages rather than of the cartilage.21 Radin et al.22,23 hypothesized that one of the mechanisms of initiation of osteoarthritis may be a steep stiffness gradient in the underlying subchondral bone; the failure of subchondral bone to deform with an impact load leads to damage of the overlying articular cartilage, causing osteoarthritis.24

Information regarding the natural history of osteoarthritis in individuals and its reparative processes is limited.5,11,12,25-27 Although cartilage damage is an extremely common, age-related phenomenon,28,29 progression of osteoarthritis is considered generally to be slow, with rates varying among joint sites.30,31 It has been proposed 32 that only a proportion of the cartilage changes seen will progress. In the study by Spector et al.33 of osteoarthritic individuals with a mean interval of 11 years between radiologic examinations, approximately one third got worse, a few improved and most did not change markedly, indicating that the condition can be stable for extended periods. However, a Swedish study of patients with knee osteoarthritis evaluated in the early 1950s and again in 1968 34,35 revealed that most had marked radiologic deterioration at follow-up and no osteoarthritic knees showed improvement.5

Data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging suggested that, in subjects with hand osteoarthritis, progression of osteoarthritis in a given joint was slow. It took 10-20 years to progress one grade, and once the higher grades of osteoarthritis were reached, a stable "burnout" stage seemed to persist.26,31 In contrast, a study of the natural history of hip osteoarthritis over a 10-year period showed clinical and radiologic improvement in 14 of 31 hips (45%).36 These studies and others suggest that cessation and at least partial reversal of osteoarthritis may be possible; however, more research in this area is certainly needed.


It is unknown what differentiates symptomatic osteoarthritis from asymptomatic radiologic disease, or whether these are two distinct subsets of disease.12,37,38 What is known is that those with severe radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis more often have symptoms than those with less radiographic abnormality 39 and that the association between symptoms and radiographic features is stronger for weight-bearing joints than non-weight-bearing joints.40 While there is poor correlation between radiographic change and symptoms in the lumbar spine, hips and knees, generally, the more severe the radiographic disease, the more likely it is that the individuals will have symptoms.5,12,39

The proportion of individuals who have symptoms varies by joint, age and sex.41 Despite the knowledge that the main symptoms of the disease are use-related pain and difficulty initiating movement (Table 2), there is still little understanding of the causes of pain.11 Although, radiologically, the disease is most common in the hands and feet, hand osteoarthritis is less frequently and severely symptomatic than is radiologic disease in other joints.12 Lawrence et al.,42 for example, found that only 9% of men and 25% of women with radiographic evidence of moderate or severe osteoarthritis in the DIP joints reported symptoms.

Women are reported to have symptoms more often and to have severe radiographic changes more often.40 Other studies have found that symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee is more common in females, but there is disagreement as to whether this is due to a higher prevalence of the disease in women or to a greater willingness to report symptoms.39 In contrast to these findings, data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I (NHANES I) indicated that men with radiographic osteoarthritis of the knee were slightly more likely than women to report symptoms.41,43

Lawrence et al.42 found that obese subjects with osteoarthritis of the knee were more likely to have symptoms than non-obese subjects. No association, however, was found between obesity and symptoms in subjects with knee osteoarthritis in the NHANES I and the NHANES I Epidemiologic Followup Survey (NHEFS).44,45 In the Tecumseh Community Health Study (TCHS),46 obesity (measured by body mass index) was associated with pain in hand osteoarthritis but not in knee osteoarthritis.

Symptoms and signs of osteoarthritis
Hand Mostly women Hand deformity with/without pain Age: mostly over 40 years of age Morning stiffness less than 30 minutes Pain, when present, is mild, often at base of thumb, and intermittent Increase in ring size History suggestive of osteoarthritis of hands in family members Reduced function of hand Hard tissue deformity of distal interphalangeal joints (Heberden's nodes) Hard tissue deformity and soft tissue inflammation (Bouchard's nodes) of proximal interphalangeal joints Tenderness at base of thumb
Hip Pain: weight-bearing, radiates to groin and possibly lateral thigh or knee-for most days of prior month Age: mostly over 40 years of age More often men Stiffness for less than 30 minutes Antalgic (hip) gait Decreased range of motion Pain on range of motion
Knee Pain: weight-bearing and aching-for most days of prior month Age: mostly over 40 years of age Stiffness for less than 30 minutes Crepitus on active motion Tenderness on bony joint margins Palpable bony enlargement of joint margins Relatively cool palpable effusion or no palpable effusion Synovial fluid that is clear, viscous and contains fewer than 2,000 white blood cells/ml
Source: Reprinted with permission of the publisher from Altman RD. Overview of ostearthritis. American Journal of Medicine 1987; 83 (Suppl 4B):65-9. (Reference 2)



Lacking commonly accepted criteria for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis, diagnosis is often based on the presence of symptoms and a suggestive radiographic appearance in the absence of other arthritic disease. Clinical findings are non-specific, differing from one joint to the other, with the exception of minimal morning stiffness and age over 40 years.2 Although different studies have used different definitions of osteoarthritis, often creating confusion and limiting comparability between studies,2 epidemiologically, the most widely used criteria for osteoarthritis are the radiologically based criteria developed by Kellgren and Lawrence.47


Relatively little data exist on whether osteoarthritis is associated with decreased survival. Many studies have not taken into account co-morbid conditions or other mortality risk factors potentially related to osteoarthritis such as obesity,48,49 diabetes,50 high blood pressure 51 or tobacco use.52,53

Monson and Hall 54 found an 11% excess of deaths from respiratory and gastrointestinal causes in osteoarthritis patients, compared to the general population. Lawrence et al.55 studied mortality in persons aged 55-74 with radiographic knee osteoarthritis, using data from the NHEFS. Age-adjusted cumulative mortality rates, analyzed without controlling for potentially confounding co-morbid conditions or medication use,56 were significantly higher in women with knee osteoarthritis than in those without the condition. Survival analysis revealed decreased survival over the 8-10-year period of follow-up among women with knee osteoarthritis, but not among men.46 The analysis done by Cerhan et al.56 of the relation between full-body radiographically defined osteoarthritis and survival showed a decreased survival for women and an increasing number of joint groups affected with osteoarthritis, independent of age and other co-morbid conditions tested.


Geographic Variation

Osteoarthritis has a world-wide distribution 57-59 (Table 3), and although some studies suggest that the disorder may be less prevalent in cold climates, such as Alaska and Finland, studies by latitude show no gradient in prevalence.74

While European and American national data show similar trends in age and sex for osteoarthritis of the DIP joints, there is a marked difference in the frequency of knee osteoarthritis.5

van Sasse et al.59 compared radiological osteoarthritis in a Dutch population with 10 other populations in the countries of Japan, the United States, Bulgaria, England and South Africa. They concluded that age-specific patterns of osteoarthritis by site were similar across studies and that the differences existing between populations are differences in level for most joints; joints with a low prevalence of osteoarthritis in one population are relatively osteoarthritis-free in all populations. However, it has yet to be established whether these differences are real, or due to inter-observer variation, or to differences in genetics or the distribution of risk factors.

Osteoarthritis prevalence data from various studies
Country Study Site Age
Prevalence (%)
Males Females Both
US Davis et al.60 Knee 35-44 1.75 1.44   NHANES I,
45-54 2.27 3.56
55-64 4.04 7.24
65-74 8.38 17.97
US Butler et al.61 Finger and/or knee 44     6.2 Tecumseh,


>60     42.0
US Lawrence et al.62 hip 55-74     3  
US Felson63 knee 63-69 30.4 25.1 27.4 Framingham Study
70-79 30.7 36.2 34.1
>80 32.6 52.6 43.7
All 30.9 34.4 33.0
US Lemont et al.64 foot 18-79     (mild) 7.2
National Health
Survey, 1966
Sweden Bagge et al.65 hand 70 92.1 93.8   Grade 2+
75 94.8 95.9
79 96.7 95.4
Sweden Bagge et al.65 Knee 70 52.4 55.3   Grade 2+
75 47.5 61.1
79 48.4 51.2
Netherlands Bagge et al.65 hand 70 76.5 74.3   Grade 2+
75 75.0 93.3
79 93.5 96.4
Netherlands Bagge et al.65 Knee 70 11.8 45.7   Grade 2+
75 37.5 43.3
79 51.6 75.0
Hong Kong Hoaglund el al.66 Hip >55 1.2 0.8    
Knee >55 5.0 13.0
South Africa Solomon et al.67 Knee >35 20.0 38.0   Rural black
South Africa Brighton et al.68 Hand >18 12.0 7.0   Rural village
an/or Feet >60 36.0 38.0
Denmark Jorring69 Hip >60 3.7 5.6   Colon x-ray
Israel Pogrund et al.70 CMC
45-48     10.6  
Israel Pogrund et al.71 Hip
Saudi Arabia Ahlberg et al.72 Hip/Knee mean Age:
61.4 (m);
49.8 (f)
      Hip:knee ratio for
primary OA=1.8
Bulgaria Bjelle73 Knee 55-64 10.0 11.3  
Random sample
>65 9.6 9.6


Morbidity in Canada

The extent to which reported arthritis in population surveys can be interpreted as synonymous with osteoarthritis is a critical factor. The best comparison is in the NHANES I, where overall agreement was good between reported musculoskeletal symptoms and those confirmed by a physician.75 Clinical examination confirmed the diagnosis of arthritis or rheumatism for 16.3% of this population aged 24-74, and for 75% of these individuals (12.3% of the population), the confirmed diagnosis was osteoarthritis.75

In Canada, Badley reports that results from the 1990 Ontario Health Survey (OHS) and the 1987 Canadian Health and Activity Limitation Survey (HALS)76 are essentially compatible with those of earlier Canadian surveys and of population surveys in other countries.75 The findings from both the OHS and HALS have been weighted to be representative of the entire population of Canada.75 Badley and Tennant stated that, in HALS, 20.6% of the population aged 16 and older reported arthritis, rheumatism, or back or limb and joint disorders.77 In the OHS, 18.5% of the population aged 16 and older reported arthritis in any context,75 and 15.2% reported this as a long-term chronic health problem.78 The prevalence of any arthritis increased with age, from 6.3% in the 16-74 age group to 51.2% in those aged 75 and over, and the overall prevalence was 21.1% for women and 15.7% for men.78

Canadian hospitalization rates (Table 4) for osteoarthritis include rates for spondylosis and "allied" disorders. In general, the average annual male hospitalization rates increased with increasing age. For women, however, the rates increased with increasing age only up to the 80-84 age group.

Although hospitalization rates provide information primarily about the severity of the problem in the population, hospitalization rates for joint replacement (Table 5) also offer information about the severity of the problem for individuals. In general, the average annual hospitalization rates for joint replacement increased with age for all three time periods, with the exception of the 80+ age groups in 1989-1992.

Average annual hospital separation rates a for osteoarthritis and spondylosis and allied disorders by sex, age and period, Canada, 1979-1992
Separations per 100,000 population
Age (years) 1979-1983 1984-1988 1989-1992
Male Female M:F Male Female M:F Male Female M"F
All Ages 86.16 92.32 0.93 100.36 107.87 0.93 107.31 116.40 0.92
45-64 173.08 158.81 1.09 195.98 181.81 1.08 197.92 190.52 1.04
65-69 321.07 385.16 0.83


501.87 0.85 489.63 576.71 0.85
70-74 388.65 541.09 0.72 541.71 686.58 0.79 662.77 811.42 0.82
75-79 507.30 716.56 0.71 634.97 858.91 0.74 720.90 946.11 0.76
80-84 561.07 783-43 0.72 623.55 897.17 0.70 682.95 911.45 0.75
85+ 661.44 730.60 0.90 648.47 749.02 0.87 619.94 731.36 0.85
a Standardized to the 1981 census population
Source: Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, based on data from Statistics Canada

Average annual hospital separation rates a for joint replacement by sex, age and period, Canada, 1979-1992
Separations per 100,000 population
Age (years) 1979-1983 1984-1988 1989-1992
Male Female M:F Male Female M:F Male Female M"F
All Ages 0.40 0.81 0.49 0.35 0.51 0.69 0.74 1.18 0.63
45-64 0.56 1.02 0.55 0.53 0.53 1.00 0.76 1.19 0.64
65-69 1.90 2.96 0.64 1.56 2.12 0.74 3.15 5.90 0.53
70-74 1.77 4.91 0.36 2.76 3.64 0.76 6.36 10.44 0.61
75-79 3.63 9.10 0.40 2.53 6.26 0.40 8.17 13.46 0.61
80-84 3.93 9.09 0.43 2.55 6.96 0.37 7.72 12.51 0.62
85+ 4.68 11.10 0.42 3.65 5.55 0.66 7.57 9.30 0.81
a Standardized to the 1981 census population
Source: Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, based on data from Statistics Canada



Age has been the factor most strongly and consistently associated with osteoarthritis. This is true of the prevalence of osteoarthritis in all joints,12 although the age pattern differs between males and females.74 It is estimated by the National Arthritis Data Workgroup that approximately one third of the US population aged 25-74 have radiographic osteoarthritis involving at least one of either the hand, foot, knee or hip joints.79 The greatest increase in the occurrence of osteoarthritis, however, is between the ages of 40 and 50. 2 Osteoarthritis is relatively uncommon in those under the age of 40 12 and is very common in those aged 75 and over; in fact, more than 80% of the population aged 75+80,81 are affected by osteoarthritis.

Original autopsy studies by Heine 29 revealed almost universal evidence of cartilage damage in those 65 and over. The US Health Examination Survey for osteoarthritis of hands and feet found that radiographic hand osteoarthritis was present in less than 5% of individuals under age 35 and in more than 70% of those aged 65 or over.14

Epidemiologically, it is suggested that osteoarthritis initially appears in the metatarsalphalangeal joint from age 25 on and in the wrist and interfacetal joints of the spine from age 35 on. The greatest incidence of osteoarthritis, however, occurs at age 45 in the interphalangeals and the first CMC, later in the knee and latest in the hip.7 The US National Health Interview Survey Supplement on Aging (NHIS-SOA) study, consistent with Framingham and Scandinavian data,82 indicates that prevalence rates of osteoarthritis plateau at ages 75-80. 83


Sex differences in prevalence, site and severity of osteoarthritis have been identified in a number of population surveys.41,42,48,84-86 These surveys suggest that women have more multiple joint involvement than men 42 and a greater prevalence and severity of osteoarthritis of the hands, knees, ankles and feet. Men have greater prevalence and severity of osteoarthritis of the hips, wrist and spine.87-89

Males and females appear to be affected equally when all ages are considered,90 although under age 45, osteoarthritis appears slightly more often in men and usually involves one or two joints. This is also supported by the NHANES study, which found an excess of radiographic osteoarthritis among men versus women under age 50.91.

Over 44 years of age, osteoarthritis prevalence rates increase more rapidly for women than for men 60 and after age 55, osteoarthritis appears more frequently in women and usually involves multiple joints.7,90,92 Results from the Women's Health and Aging Study,93 for example, which studied disabled community-dwelling women, reveal that arthritis is the most commonly reported chronic medical condition in the 65 and over population.93

Data from the UK show that radiographic osteoarthritis is found slightly more often in women than in men and that the sex difference is more marked in severe grades of osteoarthritis, older age groups and osteoarthritis of the knee and hand.59

Prevalence rates for the sexes vary somewhat when considered on a site-specific basis. According to the National Arthritis Data Workgroup, prevalence of knee osteoarthritis is greater in males aged 44 and younger but greater in women aged 55 and older.79 The prevalence of hip osteoarthritis appears to be greater in males than females below the age of 65 and similar between the sexes at age 65 and over.94 Data from the Tecumseh study revealed that prevalence rates for osteoarthritis of the hands and wrists were greater among females than males for almost all joints in each age category.61 Hand and wrist osteoarthritis affected 78% of men and 90% of women aged 65 and over.95


Although there are limited data about the risk factors for pain and disability, it is known that those with osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee or hip, are much more likely to develop disability than those who are osteoarthritis-free.96 Osteoarthritis is second only to ischemic heart disease as a cause of work-related disability in men over age 50,80 and it is the most common rheumatic disease resulting in the greatest loss of time from work.2

Studies such as the NHIS-SOA,83,97-100 the Longitudinal Supplement on Aging,101,102 the Framingham Study 103,104 and the OHS 105 reveal the relationship between osteoarthritis and disability-characterized by either functional limitations or difficulty in performing activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental ADL.93 Data from the NHIS-SOA indicate that those with osteoarthritis, when compared to those without it, were 2.7 times more likely to have difficulty walking, twice as likely to have functional limitation and three times more likely to have five or more functional limitations.96 This study also showed that most risk factors for disability were shared by both those with and those without osteoarthritis, except for obesity, which was a risk factor for disability only among those with osteoarthritis.96

In HALS, the prevalence of arthritis-associated disability was 2.7%,78 similar to that found for the OHS.105 The prevalence of reported osteoarthritis disability was higher in women (3.8%) than in men (1.6%), and it increased markedly with age to 20.6% for those aged 85 and over. Overall, 53% of respondents with arthritis reported pain that limited activities.75

The economic ramifications of osteoarthritis are significant. A national US study of the use of ambulatory health services by elderly women determined that for every 1 000 women over 65 living in the community, arthritis accounted for 270 visits to physician offices each year.74 In the OHS, arthritis was the primary cause of long-term disability, ranking second (after respiratory disorders) for restricted activity days and non-prescription drug use and ranking third for both prescription drug use and consulting a health professional.75 In the 16-64 age group in the OHS, over half were not in the workforce specifically because of disability. Furthermore, more than twice as many disabled people as compared to non-disabled people had an income below $20,000 (1986).75

Risk Factors

It is still unclear why some individuals remain free of osteoarthritis throughout life while others are affected. There are a number of risk factors (Table 6) for osteoarthritis, however, and these can be classified as generalized "systemic" associations and local "biomechanical" factors 5 or as "intrinsic" and "extrinsic" factors. In some cases, specific local influences are dominant, while in others, systemic factors are more important. This suggests that osteoarthritis is a disease spectrum with no case attributable to a single risk factor and risk factors differing by site.21,106,107 It is important to note that a number of risk factors for osteoarthritis have been elucidated through epidemiologic cross-sectional studies, and it is thus unclear whether they have etiologic significance or simply occur as epiphenomena.


Risk factors for osteoarthritis

Genetic predisposition
Mechanical stress a
 Repetitive joint usage a
Joint trauma a
Obesity a
Congenital/developmental bone and joint disorders a
Prior inflammatory joint disease a
a Potentially modifiable and/or treatable
Source: Reprinted, with permission, from Reference 80



Age is one of the most important risk factors for osteoarthritis,2,4,7,9,26,40,63,107-109 although the mechanisms by which it is associated are unclear. Joint cartilage changes that occur with age differ from those that characterize osteoarthritis cartilage, yet age-related changes in the biomechanics of some joints may be important in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis.110 The question is whether or not age-related biomechanical and structural alterations to cartilage change the biomechanical properties of articular cartilage and increase its susceptibility to wear and tear, predisposing to osteoarthritis.25


Sex differences in the prevalence, location and severity of osteoarthritis have been found in a number of studies.41,42,48,84-88 Kellgren and Lawrence 48 concluded that the higher prevalence of osteoarthritis in women was unrelated to occupation, history of injury or evidence of rheumatoid arthritis and that although obesity was associated with increased prevalence of osteoarthritis of the weight-bearing joints, it was not associated with the high prevalence of multiple joint arthritis.

Data from the NHANES I revealed that sex was one of the four factors strongly related to knee osteoarthritis.108 Compared to such changes among men, osteoarthritis knee changes among women are more clearly linked with weight (odds ratio:4.5 for men, 9.0 for women; associated with being 50% above ideal body weight).5,111 Controlling for obesity, in the NHANES I data, reduced the sex difference in knee osteoarthritis but did not eliminate it, suggesting that factors other than obesity are also important for the sex difference.60

Race and Ethnicity

The numerous differences in osteoarthritis found in racial and ethnic populations may be real or may be due to differences in risk factors or to inter-observer variation. It is the examination of these differences, however, that can provide important clues to the etiologies of osteoarthritis. Although the prevalence of osteoarthritis of many sites varies considerably, in all races studied, the prevalence of finger joint osteoarthritis appears to be comparable.59,91,112

Fewer Heberden's nodes have been found in populations of Nigeria and Liberia than of England.67,113,114 Black South Africans have a higher prevalence of knee osteoarthritis compared with white South Africans,8 and analysis of the NHANES I data reveals that the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in the US, especially in women, is higher among blacks than among whites.5,108 South African studies 8,67 have reported a lower prevalence of multiple joint involvement and of osteoarthritis of the hands, feet and hips in black women compared with white women and a higher prevalence of hand osteoarthritis in black men than in white men.

From their comparison of Japanese Oriental with American white subjects, as well as from other population studies, Hoaglund et al. concluded that primary hip osteoarthritis is a disorder of European-American whites.115 This is supported by the low rates of hip osteoarthritis among black populations from Jamaica, South Africa, Nigeria and Liberia in contrast to the higher rates of hip osteoarthritis among populations from North England, West Germany, Czechoslovakia and Switzerland.57 Although studies of Blackfeet and Pima Indians in the US indicate a higher prevalence of osteoarthritis than in the general US population,112 rates of hip osteoarthritis among American Indians seem to be intermediate between high European rates and low rates in other parts of the world.5

In some populations studied, the differences in osteoarthritis prevalence and joint distribution appear to be associated with differences in congenital deformities and patterns of joint use.5,6,58 Hip osteoarthritis, for example, is rare in Hong Kong Chinese and other populations in which congenital hip dysplasia and chair-sitting is uncommon.6,66,116 Northern Italy, on the other hand, has the highest known rates of both congenital hip dysplasia, including dislocation, and hip osteoarthritis.117 It has been suggested that the higher-than-expected prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in Jamaicans is related to walking on rough foot paths and the low prevalence of metatarsalphalangeal joint osteoarthritis, to walking barefoot.8,114 Also, the lower prevalence of hip osteoarthritis in the black population is found in parallel with an absence of acetabular or femoral dysplasia or juvenile hip disorder,58 while recent studies have found a high prevalence of hip osteoarthritis in two geographically isolated black African communities where there is also a high prevalence of acquired hip dysplasia.5,58


A hereditary factor is clearly noticeable in several distinct forms of osteoarthritis. For example, a genetic predisposition plays a significant role in the development and progression of primary generalized osteoarthritis, the most common form of inherited osteoarthritis.118 Recent studies have identified that several types of osteoarthritis are inherited in an autosomal mendelian pattern. These include a variety of mutations on the type II collagen gene, which encodes the main collagenous component of articular cartilage in some types of familial osteoarthritis and other heritable disorders of cartilage, including Stickler syndrome and the chondrodysplasias.119

Other forms of inherited osteoarthritis are familial chondrocalcinosis, pseudogout (familial calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease), hydroxyapatite crystal deposition disease, Stickler syndrome, hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy and the epiphyseal dysplasias.12,94,119-121

Diseases Predisposing to Osteoarthritis

Inconsistent associations between hypertension and osteoarthritis,49,51,122 diabetes and osteoarthritis,63,111,122,123 and hyperuricemia and osteoarthritis 9,49,63,122,123 have been reported; the latter association is found more commonly in persons with generalized osteoarthritis 86,124 and in younger men with knee osteoarthritis than in osteoarthritis-free persons.108 A study of several population samples in Great Britain and Jamaica found generalized osteoarthritis to be significantly more common in older males with high, versus low, diastolic blood pressure. Independent of obesity, the osteoarthritis involved primarily the hips, knees, CMC and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints.74

Chondrocalcinosis, or linear cartilage calcification, is associated with about a 50% greater prevalence of knee osteoarthritis.63 In the Framingham Study the prevalence of chondrocalcinosis increased noticeably with age, and there was some suggestion that chondrocalcinosis and osteoarthritis increase independently with age.63

There are conflicting reports about whether or not developmental defects contribute significantly to the majority of hip osteoarthritis.117,125-134 Felson 5 concludes that certain congenital and developmental diseases of the hip invariably lead to osteoarthritis in later life; the three major developmental abnormalities are congenital dislocation of the hip, Perthes disease and slipped capital femoral epiphysis.

Other disorders (Table 1) that have been associated with osteoarthritis include prior inflammatory joint disease 79 and some of the less common endocrine and metabolic diseases, such as hemoglobinopathies and thyroid disorders.2


It has been hypothesized that the sex differences in the rates of osteoarthritis may involve a protective role of estrogens up to the time of menopause. The metabolic changes, such as the changes of sex hormone levels and the increased ratio of free estrogen and progesterone, that occur peri- and postmenopausally may be involved in the development of polyarticular joint degeneration in females.135 It has also been suggested that the elevated, sustained levels of free estradiol due to obesity or other known sources over a prolonged period in young or perimenopausal females may be one of the causes of osteoarthritis frequently occurring in postmenopausal women.92

The inverse relationship seen between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis 136,137 prompted the hypothesis that since estrogen replacement therapy protects against bone loss after menopause,5,138-144 then estrogen therapy may result in relatively higher bone mass and relatively stiffer subchondral bone.145 Results of studies, however, conflict as to the role of exogenous and endogenous estrogens.146,147

Recent findings of elevated levels of synovial estradiol and higher estrogen receptor bindings in human osteoarthritis cartilage suggest the importance of local uptake of estradiol and the possible up-regulation of estrogen receptors.92 However, in the NHANES I, there seemed to be no association between knee osteoarthritis and either parity or early menopause.108 Also, in the Framingham Study, there was no definite association found between the duration of estrogen use and prevalence of osteoarthritis.145 Rather, there was a modest and generally non-significant protective effect upon osteoarthritis of the knee.145


Some researchers postulate that since obesity is associated with metabolic abnormalities (diabetes mellitus, hyperuricemia, hyperlipidemia), it may act indirectly as opposed to mechanically, resulting in osteoarthritis if these associated disorders alter synovial, cartilage or bone metabolism.60,122

The implication of these findings is that obesity may have a mechanical effect on some joints, such as in knee osteoarthritis, and a metabolic effect on other joints.30 Studies have inconsistently found an association of obesity with osteoarthritis of the hands and the feet, and more consistently, no association of obesity with hip osteoarthritis or ankle osteoarthritis.48,86,87,107,111,147-152

The relationship of knee osteoarthritis with obesity has been studied in many cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort studies,42,48,49,60,63,108,111,122,123,151,153-156 with several showing significant association between obesity and knee osteoarthritis.49,108,111,157 In most studies, this association has been stronger in women than in men.12

The longitudinal Framingham Study,49 which looked at obesity preceding the development of osteoarthritis, revealed that body mass index (weight corrected for height) is strongly associated with knee osteoarthritis and that obesity at the beginning of the study predicted the development of osteoarthritis 36 years later.12,63 Results from this study also suggest that the long-term effect of obesity on cartilage or subchondral bone may be less important than these same effects on middle-aged and elderly persons.158

In the NHANES I,122 obesity was more strongly associated with bilateral knee osteoarthritis than with knee injury, and knee injury was more strongly associated with unilateral knee osteoarthritis than with obesity. These associations indicate that there may be a cause and effect relationship between obesity and bilateral knee osteoarthritis. In the case of unilateral knee osteoarthritis, there appears to be a stronger association with knee trauma than with obesity.

Using NHANES I data, Davis et al.122 looked at obesity-related factors, such as serum cholesterol, serum uric acid, diabetes, fat distribution and blood pressure, and found that these factors did not significantly reduce the association between obesity and knee osteoarthritis. The implications of the above results suggest that obesity acts, for knee osteoarthritis, through a mechanical process (stress on the joint from increased load or the altered mechanics of ambulation)2 versus a metabolic one.60,122,157 While these studies have indicated an impressive association, results have not been as consistent in clinical studies.5

Osteoporosis and Bone Mass

Persons with postmenopausal osteoporosis and those with osteoarthritis seem to be anthropometrically different populations.13 It has been observed that not everyone will develop osteoarthritis or osteoporotic fracture with aging 159 and that, epidemiologically, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis seem to uncommonly co-exist.159,160 Verstraeten et al.159 concluded that osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are unlikely to develop in the same individuals early in the course of disease, but may be found together more commonly with increasing age.

Evidence exists that osteoporosis may protect against osteoarthritis.161,162 By contrast, osteopetrosis, a rare inherited disorder in which bones are markedly sclerotic and presumably stiff, is associated with a high risk of generalized osteoarthritis,163 and osteoarthritis begins at an early age in persons with this disease.

Healy et al.164 found a normal prevalence of osteoarthritis of the hip in their osteoporotic subjects and concluded from their study that osteoporosis does not protect against hip osteoarthritis, but that hip osteoarthritis is a negative risk factor for osteoporotic compression fractures.48,137,165

A number of studies looking at the association of bone density with osteoarthritis have resulted in conflicting reports.136,166-168 The TCHS concluded that larger mean bone mass was associated with osteoarthritis of the hand.135 The NHANES I and the Framingham Study were unable to demonstrate associations between bone density and knee osteoarthritis,96 and there is evidence that bone density was not elevated in subjects with generalized osteoarthritis.169 Dequeker et al.13 report that osteoarthritis subjects lose bone more slowly over time than subjects with osteoporosis and that bone mass may be an intervening variable. Additionally, obesity may cause osteoarthritis in postmenopausal women by maintaining high bone mass and preventing osteoporosis.5

Exercise and Sports

The question of whether or not exercise is a risk factor for osteoarthritis is a complex one to address. Osteoarthritis has a long asymptomatic phase. Individuals vary in their predisposition to develop joint disease, in exercise patterns and in history of joint injury. Different sports place different demands on specific joints, and response to exercise may differ among joints.170 Sports also combine the risks of major joint injury, repetitive use and even repetitive use after major injury.5 In addition, osteoarthritis definitions and scoring of radiographic osteoarthritis may be different, data on joint injuries and exercise histories are collected retrospectively and most studies are cross-sectional. All these factors make studies of the relationship between exercise and osteoarthritis difficult to evaluate.170 Thus, the association between sporting activity and subsequent osteoarthritis is unresolved.

Some evidence suggests that high-intensity, high-impact professional athletics in young adults may be a risk factor for osteoarthritis in the joints that have been put under stress.170 Several studies of such sports have found associations with increased rates of osteoarthritis:5 hand osteoarthritis in boxers; elbow 171,172 and shoulder osteoarthritis 173 in baseball pitchers; knee, ankle and foot osteoarthritis in soccer players;174,175 and knee osteoarthritis in weight lifters.176 Studies examining hip osteoarthritis and sports have been less conclusive.166,177-182

The studies of football players 183,184 raise a key question about the relation between athletic activity and osteoarthritis in that they strongly suggest an association primarily due to significant joint trauma.5 It is unclear whether those who do not suffer major joint injury are at increased risk of osteoarthritis. On the other hand, runners (studied in a number of cross-sectional as well as longitudinal studies), with the exception of those with prior joint injury or anatomical joint abnormalities,185 do not appear to be at increased risk of osteoarthritis.96,166,170,179-181,186-188

One potential risk factor that may predispose even the non-injured athlete to osteoarthritis is the increased bone mass 166 that accompanies athletic activity.5 Also, although the results of studies assessing sports enthusiasts have been conflicting,12 there is evidence to suggest that certain types of repetitive use are associated with an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis in overused joints.189

In summary, normal joints appear to better tolerate prolonged, vigorous, low-impact exercise without premature development of osteoarthritis. Individuals with abnormal joint anatomy or injured supporting structures who participate in weight-bearing exercise seem to be at increased risk for premature osteoarthritis.170,190 People who have experienced injuries of supporting structures (such as ligaments, tendons or menisci) may have premature osteoarthritis in weight-bearing joints, even without added stress to the joint from exercise.12,170,190,191


Occupational physical activity exemplifies stereotypic repetitive use of particular joints over prolonged periods of time and may be the purest example of repetitive overuse.5 Studies evaluating the relationship of occupation and osteoarthritis have generally focused on industrial workers, and, although suggestive of an association between physical activity and osteoarthritis, the findings are not clearly consistent.6

Davis 6 cites numerous occupational studies in which no associations were found: coal miners and elbow osteoarthritis,192 pneumatic drill operators and elbow osteoarthritis,193 shipyard workers compared with white-collar workers for hip osteoarthritis,194 and physical education teachers and knee osteoarthritis.195

The most consistent finding from occupational studies 27,73,196-203 has been an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis, particularly hip osteoarthritis, among agricultural workers. One case-control study 204 found the risk of hip osteoarthritis to be related to occupations that entailed regular heavy lifting, prolonged standing and walking over rough ground. Also, there is some evidence that, in general, body position is a more important risk factor for osteoarthritis than lifting of weight,205 and it is hypothesized that the increased risk of hip osteoarthritis noted in farmers may be related to unfavourable angles of the joint experienced during tractor driving.201

Vingard et al.203,206 suggest that men with long-time exposure to physical work loads and adults in certain occupations and occupational groups classified as highly exposed to forces acting on the lower limbs have an increased risk of hip osteoarthritis and knee osteoarthritis. In one study,203 male farmers, construction workers and firefighters, and female cleaners had increased risk of knee osteoarthritis. Male farmers, construction workers, firefighters and some food-processing workers had an excess risk of hospitalization due to hip osteoarthritis, and female mail carriers had an excess risk of hip osteoarthritis.203 Although some studies using broader classifications of occupational activity have found inconsistent associations of osteoarthritis with heavy physical work,52,194,197,204 the findings of Vingard et al.203 are consistent with three case-control studies of knee osteoarthritis conducted in the Netherlands,207 in Sweden 123 and in the US.208

Felson et al.189 report that, while a strong association of occupational labour and osteoarthritis was found in men in the Framingham Study, they found no significant relationship in women despite finding such an association in NHANES I data.108 Overall, however, Felson et al. conclude that the findings of several studies evaluating occupational activity and osteoarthritis (including the Framingham Study and NHANES I) suggest that it should be considered as a potential occupational disease.189


Smoking has been found to be negatively correlated with osteoarthritis. Two studies prior to the NHANES I found a negative association between radiographic osteoarthritis and smoking,63 and one British study 209 found no significant association. Analysis of the NHANES I data revealed a modest, statistically significant protective association in a dose-response relationship between smoking and osteoarthritis that persisted after statistical adjustments for age, sex and weight.53

The Framingham knee osteoarthritis study found a negative association for osteoarthritis with smoking after adjusting for age, sex, weight, previous knee injury, physical activity level and other factors.12,63 These results were not supported by analysis of symptomatic disease, however; the risk of symptomatic osteoarthritis was unaffected by smoking.63 If smoking is protective against osteoarthritis, a biological explanation of how smoking may protect has not been elucidated.


Osteoarthritis is one of the most common of all chronic diseases,74 with major accepted risk factors including age, sex, genetic predisposition, mechanical stress, repetitive joint usage, joint trauma, obesity, congenital and developmental disorders and prior inflammatory joint disease. Related to age, osteoarthritis is certain to become an even more prominent health problem in the future with the increasing longevity of individuals, decreasing tolerance for personal immobility and a generally aging society.

Despite the limited understanding of the specific pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, there is sufficient evidence of many of the risk factors to guide prevention strategies and reduce the human and economic costs of osteoarthritis in society. Greater prevention and reduction of occupational and athletic exposure to joint trauma will decrease the osteoarthritis due to injury. Ergonomic approaches and modification of job stress is needed to address the contribution of certain occupational physical demands with osteoarthritis. Appropriate screening will identify high-risk individuals for whom effective treatment of congenital and developmental hip diseases is available. Both general and high-risk primary prevention efforts directed at obesity and physical inactivity 2 are germane.

Continued research on osteoarthritis, especially longitudinal studies with comprehensive follow-up, is needed to more clearly identify the etiopathogenesis of osteoarthritis, protective and risk factors for the disease and more effective prevention modalities.

Author References

Kirsten Rottensten, c/o Division of Aging and Seniors, Population Health Directorate, Health Promotion and Programs Branch, Health Canada Mailing address: Julie Stokes, Cancer Bureau, Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Health Canada, Tunney's Pasture, Address Locator: 0602E2, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2

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