Top five rate and prevention index occupational categories by gender and nature of injury in Ontario employees, 1997
Men Rate 95% CI Women Rate 95% CI

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Fishing, hunting, trapping & related a298.15 - Mining & quarrying 2146.29 -
Stenographic & typing 284.21 (0.00, 766.62) Other machining occupations 714.68 (258.67, 1,170.70
Textiles, furs & leather goods 215.95 (103.87, 328.04) Mechanics & repairmen 297.75 (33.29, 562.21)
Mining & quarrying 128.65 (51.37, 205.93) Food, beverage & related processing 254.16 (164.74, 343.58)
Food, beverage & related processing 93.15 (53.55, 132.75) Other construction 247.28 (0.00, 508.28)
bPrevention index
Metal products, not elsewhere classified 57.16 (41.54, 72.79) Food, beverage & related processing 254.16 (164.74, 343.58)
Other machining occupations 92.23 (59.52, 124.93) Textiles, furs & leather goods 202.87 (133.54, 272.21)
Textiles, furs & leather goods 215.95 (103.87, 328.04) Wood products, rubber, plastics & related & other 171.48 (108.03, 234.93)
Food, beverage & related processing 93.15 (53.55, 132.75) Other machining occupations 714.68 (258.67, 1,170.70)
Metal shaping & forming 58.42 (34.58, 82.25) Other service 112.27 (67.03, 157.50)
Textiles, furs & leather goods 215.95 (103.87, 328.04) Other machining occupations 372.88 (93.78, 615.97)
Other machining occupations 67.07 (40.37, 93.77) Other transportation operators 168.86 (0.00, 455.47)
Other transportation operators 56.31 (11.43, 101.20) Other processing 144.91 (57.86, 231.95)
Food, beverage & related processing 51.75 (23.67, 79.84) Textiles, furs & leather goods 128.35 (76.64, 180.06)
Metal products, not elsewhere classified 50.38 (35.82, 64.94) Wood products, rubber, plastics & related & other 105.52 (58.51, 152.54)
Prevention index
Other machining occupations 67.07 (40.37, 93.77) Textiles, furs & leather goods 128.35 (76.64, 180.06)
Metal products, not elsewhere classified 50.38 (35.82, 64.94) Wood products, rubber, plastics & related & other 105.52 (58.51, 152.54)
Textiles, furs & leather goods 215.95 (103.87, 328.04) Other machining occupations 372.88 (93.78, 651.97)
Wood products, rubber, plastics & related & other 43.51 (27.37, 59.65) Other processing 144.91 (57.86, 231.95)
Food, beverage & related processing 51.75 (23.67, 79.84) Metal products, not elsewhere classified 56.12 (29.18, 83.06)
Rotator cuff syndrome/tear
Fishing, hunting, trapping & related 298.15 - Other transportation operators 84.43 (0.00, 269.44)
Textiles, furs & leather goods 61.70 (9.10, 114.30) Other crafts and equipment operators & NEC 20.92 (0.00, 50.56)
Other transportation operators 56.31 (11.43, 101.20) Other service 18.11 (1.84, 34.37)
Other machining occupations 16.77 (4.96, 28.84) Textiles, furs & leather goods 16.56 (0.01, 33.11)
Other construction 15.96 (8.21, 23.71) Nursing, therapy & related 13.94 (6.76, 21.13)
Prevention index
Other construction 15.96 (8.21, 23.71) Other service 18.11 (1.84, 34.37)
Other service 14.59 (5.85, 23.33) Nursing, therapy & related 13.94 (6.76, 21.13)
Other machining occupations 16.77 (4.96, 28.84) Textiles, furs & leather goods 16.56 (0.01, 33.11)
Other transportation operators 56.31 (11.43, 101.20) Other crafts and equipment operators & NEC 20.92 (0.00, 50.56)
Metal products, not elsewhere classified 10.66 (4.27, 17.04) Food, beverage & related processing 11.30 (0.00, 27.11)
Textiles, furs & leather goods 61.70 (9.10, 114.30)      

Note: Only first-allowed, lost-time claims have been considered. Confidence intervals were not calculable when “at-risk” estimates were less than 500 full-time equivalents because approximate coefficients of variation for estimates of annual averages for Ontario, 1997 were not available.
NEC = Not Elsewhere Classified.

aRate per 100,000 full-time equivalents (1 full-time equivalent = 50 wks/year * 40 hours/week = 2,000 hours) with 95% CI.
bOccupational categories are presented in order of prevention index rank. Since the prevention index is the mean of the frequency of claims rank and rate of claims rank, rates will not necessarily appear in descending order.

Description of occupational categories
Textiles, furs & leather goods patternmaking, marking and cutting; tailors and dressmakers; furriers; milliners; shoemaking and repairing; upholsterers; sewing machine operators
Other machining occupations tool and die making; machinist and machine tool setting-up occupations; machine tool operating occupations; wood patternmaking occupations; wood sawing and related occupations; planing, turning, shaping and related; wood sanding; cutting and shaping clay, glass, stone; abrading and polishing clay, glass, stone; engravers, etchers and related occupations, nec; filing, grinding, buffing, cleaning and polishing, nec; patternmakers and mouldmakers, nec; inspecting, testing, grading, and sampling
Other transportation operators air pilots, navigators, and flight engineers; air transport operating support; air transport operating occupations, nec; locomotive operating occupations; conductors and brake workers; railway transport operating support; railway transport operating occupations, nec; deck officer; engineering officers, ship; deck crew, ship; engine and boiler-room crew, ship; water transport operating occupations, nec; subway and street railway operating occupations; rail vehicle operators, except rail transport; other transport equipment operating occupations, nec
Food, beverage & related processing flour and grain milling occupations; baking, confectionery making and related occupations; slaughtering and meat cutting, canning, curing and packing occupations; fish canning, curing and packing occupations; fruit and vegetable canning, preserving and packing occupations; milk processing and related occupations; sugar processing and related occupations; inspecting, testing, grading, and sampling; beverage processing and related occupations
Metal products, nec engine and related equipment fabricating and assembling occupations, nec; motor vehicle fabricating and assembling occupations, nec; aircraft fabricating and assembling occupations, nec; industrial, farm, construction, and other mechanized equipment and machinery fabricating and assembling occupations, nec; business and commercial machines fabricating and assembling occupations, nec; inspecting, testing, grading and sampling occupations; precision instruments and related equipment
Note: NEC = not elsewhere classified.