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  Office de la santé publique du Canada

Volume 16, No 2 1995

Dans ce numéro

Portrait des enfants montréalais ayant une plombémie élevée, retracés au moyen d’un examen des registres des laboratoires de la communauté
Louise Valiquette et Tom Kosatsky

Série de monographies sur les maladies liées au vieillissement : VII. Maladie de Paget (ostéite déformante)
Judith Seidman-Ripley et Julie Huang

Projections de la mortalité imputable au tabagisme au Canada, 1991–2000
Larry F Ellison, Yang Mao et Laurie Gibbons

Rapport de la Situation
La projection du cancer au Canada (Un effort conjoint de l’Institut national du cancer du Canada et de Santé Canada)
Kathy Clarke

Recensions de livres
The Health of Native Americans: Towards a Biocultural Epidemiology
T. Kue Young
Epidemiology: The Logic of Modern Medicine
Milos Jenicek

Nouvelles Publications
Rapport sur la santé dans le monde 1995 — Réduire les écarts
(Une publication de l'OMS)
Répertoire de logiciels santé sécurité
(Centre canadien d’hygiène et de sécurité au travail)

Réimpression de résumés

  1. Blood lead levels in children aged 24 to 36 months in Vancouver
  2. Exposure to environmental lead and visual-motor integration at age 7 years: the Port Pirie cohort study
  3. Change in smoking prevalence among pregnant women 1982–93
  4. Comparison of three methods for estimating environmental tobacco smoke exposure among children aged between 12 and 36 months
  5. Tobacco, alcohol, and colorectal tumors: a multistep process
  6. Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption as risk factors for colorectal adenomatous polyps
  7. Role of smoking in the U-shaped relation of cholesterol to mortality in men: the Framingham Study
  8. Plasma lipid levels and psychologic characteristics in men
  9. Injuries associated with in-line skating from the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program database
  10. Correlates of body mass index in the 1990 Ontario Health Survey
  11. Radon and cancers other than lung cancer in underground miners: a collaborative analysis of 11 studies
  12. Quantitative classification of mammographic densities and breast cancer risk: results from the Canadian National Breast Screening Study
  13. A review of physical activity and breast cancer
  14. Cancer mortality in Italian migrants and their offspring in Canada
  15. Cancer mortality among Chinese migrants: a review
  16. Paternal age and the risk of birth defects in offspring
  17. The case-time-control design
  18. Predictors of dietary intake in a functionally dependent elderly population in the community
  19. Bladder and kidney cancer following cyclophosphamide therapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  20. Incidence of second cancers in patients treated for Hodgkin’s disease
  21. Can safety risks of blue-collar jobs be compared by gender?

Publication autorisée par le ministre de la Santé
© Ministre des Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada 1999
ISSN 1481-854X (En direct)      ISSN 0228-8702 (Imprimé)

Also available in English under the title Chronic Diseases in Canada


Dernière mise à jour : 2002-10-01 début