
Volume 16 No.3, 1995 |
In this issue
Differences in High Birthweight
Rates between Northern and Southern Saskatchewan: Implications for Aboriginal
Roland F. Dyck and Leonard Tan
The Role of Folic Acid in the
Prevention of Cervical Neoplasia:
A Review of the Literature
Maureen Carew
Basketball Injuries in the Database
of the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP)
Larry F Ellison
Workshop Report
Joint Workshop on Laboratory
Aspects of a Proposed National Prostate Cancer Screening Trial
New Publications
Epidemiology and Prevention
of Cardiovascular Diseases in Elderly People
(Report of a WHO Study Group)
Poverty, Vulnerability,
and the Value of Human Life
(A Global Agenda for Bioethics)
Abstract Reprints
- Comparison of birth weight distributions
between Chinese and Caucasian infants
- Differences in birth weight and
gestational age between Mexico-born Mexican-Americans and non-Hispanic
- The influence of maternal nativity
on birth weight
- Periconceptional vitamin use, dietary
folate, and the occurrence of neural tube defects
- Prostate cancer and prediagnostic
levels of serum vitamin D metabolites (Maryland, United States)
- Dietary factors and risk of prostate
cancer: a case-control study in Ontario, Canada
- Prostate cancer screening (United
- Family history and prostate cancer
risk in black, white, and Asian men in the United States and Canada
- Vasectomy and prostate cancer: results
from a multiethnic case-control study
- Prostate cancer in relation to diet,
physical activity, and body size in blacks, whites, and Asians in
the United States and Canada
- An exploratory analysis of risk
factors for childhood malignant germ-cell tumors: report from the
Childrens Cancer Group (Canada, United States)
- Health care utilization and disability
of migraine: The Ontario Health Survey
- Associations between ambient particulate
sulfate and admissions to Ontario hospitals for cardiac and respiratory
- Lung cancer in radon-exposed miners
and estimation of risk from indoor exposure
- Associations between cigarette smoking
and each of 21 types of cancer: a multi-site case-control study
Published by authority of the Minister of Health
© Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 1999
ISSN 1481-8523 (On-Line) ISSN 0228-8699 (Print)
Aussi disponible en français sous le titre Maladies
chroniques au Canada