Volume 23, Number 4, Fall 2002
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Table of Contents
The population
health perspective as a framework for studying child maltreatment outcomes
Lil Tonmyr, Harriet L MacMillan, Ellen Jamieson and Katharine Kelly
of disease severity and barriers to self- care predict glycemic control
in Aboriginal persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Mark Daniel and Lynne C Messer
Do hospital
E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour?
Anne E Rhodes, Paul S Links, David L Streiner, Ian Dawe, Dan Cass and
Samantha Janes
The impact
of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants
in the comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality
Shi Wu Wen, Li-Mei Chen, Chung-Yi Li, Michael S Kramer and Alexander
C Allen, for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal
Surveillance System
Cross-Canada Forum
Cancer Care
Ontario's New Drug Funding Program: Controlled introduction of expensive
anticancer drugs
William K Evans, Marilyn Nefsky, Joseph Pater, George Browman and Donald
H Cowan
Book Reviews
from A to Z: Adverse Drug Event Surveillance
Reviewed by Milos Jenicek
A Veritable
Scoff: Sources on Foodways and Nutrition in Newfoundland and Labrador
Reviewed by Eleanor Swanson
New Resources
Calendar of
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Published by authority of the Minister
of Health
© Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2002
ISSN 1481-8523 (On-Line) ISSN 0228-8699 (Print)
Aussi disponible en français sous
le titre Maladies chroniques au Canada