Volume 25, Number 2, Spring 2004
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Table of Contents
The role of knowledge translation for cancer
control in Canada
Eva Grunfeld, Louise Zitzelsberger, Charles Hayter, Neil Berman, Roy Cameron,
William K Evans and Hartley Stern
Occupational exposure to chemical and petrochemical
industries and bladder cancer risk in four western Canadian provinces
Anne-Marie Ugnat, Wei Luo, Robert Semenciw, Yang Mao and The Canadian
Cancer Registries Epidemiology Research Group
The occurrence of abruptio placentae in Canada:
1990 to 1997
Teresa Broers, Will D King, Tye E Arbuckle and Shiliang Liu
Computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI)
for health surveys in public health surveillance: Methodolical issues and
challenges ahead
Bernard CK Choi
Reliability of self-reports: Data from the Canadian
Multi-Centre Osteoporosis Study (CaMos)
Victoria Nadalin, Kris Bentvelsen and Nancy Kreiger
Rates of carpal tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis,
and rotator cuff claims in Ontario workers during 1997
Dianne Zakaria
New Associate Scientific Editor
Calendar of Events
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Published by authority of the Minister of Health
© Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2004
ISSN 1481-8523 (On-Line) ISSN 0228-8699 (Print)
Aussi disponible en français sous le titre Maladies
chroniques au Canada