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National Library News

November 1995, vol. 27, no. 11

National and International Programs Staff Responsibilities

Diane Bays, Liaison Officer

Diane Bays has a bachelor's degree (honours) in history from McMaster University in Hamilton and a master's degree in library science from the Univerity of Western Ontario, London. In 1983, after working in several federal government libraries, she joined the National Library's former Federal Libraries Liaison Office, then moved to the Union Catalogue Division and the former Library Development Centre. In National and International Programs she has focussed on access to information, particularly government information for print-handicapped Canadians. She developed and manages the Adaptive Technology for Libraries Program and the Large Print Publishing Program. She recently became a corresponding member of the Standing Committee of the Section of Libraries for the Blind of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Diane is being seconded to Industry Canada to assist in the development of the SchoolNet and Community Access Programs.

Telephone: (613) 992-0908

Carrol Lunau, Resource Sharing Officer

Carrol Lunau obtained her B.A. from York University in Toronto and her bachelor's and master's degrees in library science from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, and the University of Toronto respectively. From 1970 to 1990 she worked in library systems development. Projects included an online cataloguing system at Carleton University in Ottawa, the enhancement of systems at the University of Saskatchewan Libraries, the PEB/ILL interlibrary loan system at the National Library, and Romulus, a joint CD-ROM project of the Library and the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI). She became the Acting Assistant Director of Interlending in the Library's former Public Services Branch (now Research and Information Services). The author of several articles on resource sharing, she is active in the Canadian Library Association, having served on the CLA Council and as President of the special libraries division, CASLIS. She has chaired CLA committees for conference planning, resource sharing and research development, and is the CLA liaison to the American Library Association's committee for interlibrary loan.

Telephone: (613) 996-3262

Ralph Manning, Heritage Officer

Ralph Manning obtained his B.A. in modern languages from the University of Toronto, an M.A. in French from Carleton University in Ottawa and a MLS from the University of Western Ontario. In 1972, he joined the National Library's former Cataloguing Branch (now Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services), where he worked until 1978. He was Assistant Librarian (Technical Services) at the University of Ottawa from 1978 to 1983, after which he returned to the National Library as Senior Coordinator for Standards. In this position he was active in the work of the Canadian Committee on MARC, the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing, the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In 1987-1988, he chaired the Task Force on Canadian Library Statistics. From 1990 to 1994 he managed the Canadian Cooperative Preservation Project, established to develop a coordinated preservation program that would enable Canada to participate in an international effort to preserve the world's intellectual heritage.

Telephone: (613) 943-8570

Katherine Miller, Library Development Officer

Katherine Miller has a B.A. (Hons.) in English and French from York University and a M.L.S. from the University of Western Ontario. From being a Reference Librarian at the Library of Parliament, she moved, in 1986, to Info Globe, where she was Coordinator of the Key Government Documents Database and then Editor of Government Publications, where she produced two annual publications, the Canadian Parliamentary Guide and the Ottawa Senior Executives Guide. As the Coordinator of the Resource Centre at the Immigration and Refugee Board from 1992 to 1995, she managed the development of the national collection and the provision of library services for the research program of the Documentation, Information and Research Branch. She has been active in CASLIS, working both in the Ottawa chapter and as Secretary and the Second Vice President on the National Executive.

Telephone: (613) 996-7271

The National and International Programs team is supported by:
Administrative Assistant Claude Blanchard
telephone: 995-3904

Secretary/Receptionist Jan Bryenton
telephone: 943-8571

and Research Assistant Mariette Desjardins
telephone: 992-7811

Canada Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1995-12-11).