National Library News |
The new Canadian territory of Nunavut was formed on April 1, 1999 from land that had been part of the Northwest Territories. The remaining area of land will continue to use the name Northwest Territories until such time as residents vote on a new constitution, which will then require Canadian federal legislative approval.
Name and Subject Headings
Class FC: A Classification for Canadian History
Class FC has been revised to include a new section for Nunavut: FC4301-FC4350. Class FC: Additions and Changes, #2 contains these changes and is available on the Web at the following URL: <>.
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC 21)
The National Library, in consultation with the editorial staff of the Dewey Decimal Classification, has revised the area notation for —719 Northern Terrritories in Table 2 to accommodate a new number for Nunavut (—7195) and a revised notation for the newly defined Northwest Territories (—7193). Full information can be found on the National Library and OCLC Forest Press Web sites. The Association pour l’avancement des sciences et des techniques en documentation (ASTED), publisher of the French edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification, will incorporate the revisions in updates to the French translation.
MARC Codes
New country and geographic area codes have been defined for use in MARC records.
The new codes for Nunavut are:
nuc (Country code)
n-cn-nu (Geographic area code)
Codes for the Northwest Territories will remain the same:
ntc (Country code)
n-cn-nt (Geographic area code)
For further information, contact
Margaret Stewart
Standards and Support Division
Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services
Telephone: (819) 994-6900
Fax: (819) 953-0291
Nunavut Postal Abbreviation To complete the information on changes related to Nunavut, Canada Post has announced that, for the time being, the current two-letter abbreviation, NT, will remain valid for both Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. |