National Library News |
by Liz McKeen,
Director, Bibliographic Access,
Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services
The National Library of Canada catalogues titles of Canadian origin or interest for Canadiana, The National Bibliography, and makes bibliographic and authority records available in MARC 21 format through a variety of distribution means. However, as many Canadian library collections are broad in scope and include publications from many nations, the National Library also plays a role in supporting Canadian libraries in obtaining bibliographic records for titles produced in other countries. To help fulfill this need, the National Library has participated in the development of the U.S. Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) since its inception in 1994. The National Library has also participated in the CONSER (Cooperative Online Serials Program) program for over a quarter of a century (since its founding in 1973), and, when CONSER joined the PCC in October 1997, the National Library’s involvement with the PCC was further consolidated.
What is the PCC?
The Program for Cooperative Cataloging is a U.S. program of cooperation among several hundred libraries, coordinated by the Library of Congress (LC), to create and update cataloguing records jointly. Its aim is "expanding access to library collections by providing useful, timely, and cost-effective cataloguing that meets mutually-accepted standards of libraries around the world." (PCC Web homepage: <>). Its goals are to:
Although the PCC began in 1994, some of its components date back more than 20 years under different names. It now comprises:
The PCC has become an important player in the field of bibliographic standards, originating and developing the concept of a "core" level record. Through CONSER, it contributes to the AACR revision process.
National Library of Canada’s Involvement with the PCC
The National Library serves as a permanent member of the PCC Policy Committee and participates in the following PCC programs:
NLC became a contributing PCC library in 1997 when CONSER joined the PCC program. The Library’s role in CONSER is to contribute bibliographic records for Canadian serials to the CONSER database on OCLC. Over the past 25 years, it has contributed about 60 000 records.
While NLC is not a NACO member, a formal NLC/LC Names Agreement for Canadian names has operated since 1975. Under this agreement, Canadian corporate names, as established by NLC and published in Canadiana Authorities, are used by LC and NACO libraries in the course of their cataloguing. This ensures a high degree of consistency in Canadian name headings used in North American libraries. It is hoped that this consistency can be enhanced through closer ties with the NACO program.
NLC has proposed new subject headings to the Library of Congress Subject Headings list under the SACO program since 1994, contributing 180 subject headings since that time.
NLC is not a formal BIBCO member. However, NLC’s monographic records are sent to LC, which redistributes them to U.S. and other subscribers via its Cataloging Distribution Service.
Through its participation in the Program for Cooperative Cataloging, the National Library of Canada seeks to bring a Canadian and international perspective to the development of PCC programs for the sharing of standardized bibliographic data.
For more information, contact:
Liz McKeen
Director, Bibliographic Access
Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N4
Telephone: (819) 994-6879
Fax: (819) 953-0291