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National Library News
January/February 2000
Vol. 32, nos. 1-2

Photo taken in Nova Scotia
Karen McGrath, National Library of Canada; Grace Rogers, Teacher-Librarian, Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Nova Scotia; Jessica MacLennan, School Library Consultant, English Program Services, Nova Scotia Department of Education; Roch Carrier, National Librarian.

Photo taken in Nova Scotia
Carole Compton-Smith, Coordinator, Technical Services, Nova Scotia Provincial Library; Debbie Ross, Secretary to the Nova Scotia Provincial Librarian; Roch Carrier, National Librarian.

Photo taken in Calgary
Nose Hill Public Library, Calgary.

Photo taken in Moncton
Roch Carrier signing copies of his works from the Moncton Public Library Collection.

Photo taken in Nova Scotia
Michael Jeffrey, Director, Learning Resources and Technology, Nova Scotia Department of Education; Michael Colborne, Coordinator, User Services, Nova Scotia Provincial Library; Roch Carrier, National Librarian; Ray Whitley, Coordinator, Production, Learning Resources and Technology, Nova scotia Department of Education.

Photo taken in Nova Scotia
Roch Carrier with students at Sir John A. MacDonald High School, Nova Scotia.

Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 2000-1-2).