Ottawa , June 14, 2004 – Now that all the parties have issued their official platforms, and given the horse race that is unfolding, there is a palpable feeling of foreboding among Canadians who support the arts.   Having learned that there are no questions on the arts, culture or heritage in the leaders' debate, CCA has set out some questions of its own.


Three sets of questions for the Liberals





Conservatively Questioning


A spokesperson for the Conservative Party stated that "no mention in the platform indicates status quo for a first Conservative mandate".





On Friday June 11 CCA issued a bulletin quoting further statements from the Conservatives (28/04: CCA Gets to Know its Neighbours, the Conservative Party of Canada) in response to specific questions.


NDP: Does "No one left behind" include artists?


In questioning the NDP one wonders why there is not more detail in the platform of a party that has been so supportive of the arts in the past.   The NDP continues to show support - for example, it stood alone with the Bloc at a gathering of arts and media labour groups that met on Parliament Hill last winter to defend Canadian ownership of the broadcast industry under the slogan Our Canada is Not for Sale .   However, questions remain.




A chip at the Bloc


The Bloc leads all parties in its articulation of sensible cultural policy measures and its support of the arts.   However this support is limited to cultural issues in "La belle province" and the Bloc cannot always be counted on to support measures that benefit artists in the rest of Canada .



Nearly one out of ten Canadians works in the arts and cultural industries sector, meaning that all of these people, and their friends and relations, are vitally interested in how the leaders would respond to these questions.   So why is culture ignored in the media and in the leaders' debate?


For more information:

Kevin Desjardins

Communications and Public Relations Manager

(613) 238 3561 ext.11

Fax (613) 238 4849




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