Ottawa, July 22, 2004 - CCA was heartened by new Minister Liza Frulla's statement on CBC TV's broadcast of The National on Wednesday July 21 st , that the artist is at the heart of all artistic production:   “I just want to make sure that when we're funding, we truly fund the people that make it happen.   For me that's really important because it starts with the creator.”   Her further comment also speaks to the question of foreign ownership:   “We're surrounded with a certain menace coming from the States.   Let's face it.”   CCA has asked for a meeting with Madame Frulla at her earliest convenience and will discuss the issues of stable, multi-year funding for the sector, Status of the Artist legislation, foreign ownership, and freedom of expression at that time.   CCA is encouraged by this early sign of her commitment to the importance of culture to all Canadians, which has also been reflected in her comments in other media stories this week, including articles in the Globe and Mail and Canadian Press .    As part of the same story on The National , new CCA National Director, Jean Malavoy , stated his hope that “The first sentence should be from her that she will champion artists' rights”.




In the wake of Paul Martin's announcement of his minority government's new cabinet this past Tuesday, Canada's opposition parties have moved to form their own “shadow cabinets” and have announced their critics for the Canadian Heritage portfolio.


Today, the Conservative party announced that Bev Oda, rookie Member of Parliament for Clarington-Scugog-Uxbridge ( Ontario ), will assume the role of Canadian Heritage critic.   Ms. Oda has more than 25 years of experience in the private and public Canadian broadcasting industry and has held a variety of production and management positions.   From 1987 to 1993 Ms. Oda served as a full-time CRTC Commissioner and, during her term, “helped introduce competition to the telecommunications industry and participated in the deregulation of radio and cable”, according to her bio on the Conservative party's website.   She also chaired a Commission task force reviewing gender portrayal in Canadian television.   In 1999, she was appointed Senior Vice President, Industry Affairs for CTV Inc and has also worked as an industry consultant.


The NDP has given the nod to Charlie Angus, an artist and first-time MP for Timmins-James Bay ( Ontario ), who will also serve as the party's agriculture critic.   The July 17 th edition of the Timmins Daily Press reports:   “ Meanwhile, the MP's post as Canadian arts and heritage critic will be a natural fit for Angus, a former broadcaster and a guitarist and songwriter for his Juno-nominated band Grievous Angels .   Angus said it will be a busy summer catching up on both portfolios. ‘I've got lots of night time reading,' he said.   But copyright issues, Internet downloading and protecting the Canadian book publishing industry, all familiar territory for the published author and musician, were among his initial concerns.”


A spokesperson for the Bloc Quebecois informed CCA that the party has yet to announce its own “shadow cabinet”, but will do so shortly.   The spokesperson said that Christiane Gagnon, a respected MP ( Quebec ) who was culture critic in the previous Parliament and was active on the issue of maintaining foreign ownership restrictions, will likely remain in the post.   However, there is also speculation that new MP Maka Kotto (Saint-Lambert), who is a recognized actor, writer and director in the province, might be selected for the job.   CCA will update its members when news of this appointment is made public.




The CBC /Radio-Canada Board of Directors yesterday approved the appointment of Richard Stursberg as Executive Vice President, English Television effective October 1, 2004 .   Mr. Stursberg comes to the CBC with an extensive background in the Canadian entertainment, broadcasting, cable, telecommunications and cultural industries. He most recently was Executive Director of Telefilm Canada , where he defended the decision to hire Hollywood 's Creative Artists Agency and re-write policy so as to support productions with more “commercial appeal”.  


Hubert Lussier, who many in the arts and cultural sector remember from his days as Director General in Arts Policy Branch, will be moving on from his current position as DG Strategic Policy and Research Branch in the Department of Canadian Heritage to take up the position of Director General in Official Languages, beginning next month.   Hubert has been a long time supporter of the CCA and we wish him well.




As many of you know, the community of Peterborough , Ontario has been hit hard recently by floods and still remains under a state of emergency.   However, what has gone unmentioned in mainstream news coverage of the story is that Peterborough Artists Incorporated (Artspace) and the Peterborough Arts Umbrella saw their shared space completely destroyed.


Michael Martyn, Board Treasurer for Artspace, writes:   “Everything - dozens of original artworks, 35 years worth of archived materials, the region's only public access media centre, computer hard drives and databases, projection equipment - is completely destroyed.   Well over $100,000.00 worth of equipment and artwork sat under 9 feet of water  af ter just over two hours…   We have lost the place we do business, the place we socialize and the place where our voices, many of them quite marginal, are heard.   We are appealing to our colleagues in the arts and cultural sector across Canada and beyond for assistance in our time of need.   Letters of support, donations and other gestures of good will are greatly appreciated.  Our two organizations are of vital importance to the cultural economy and vitality of this region.   It is imperative that they resume operations as quickly as possible.”


At this time, Artspace st af f will be operating out of a corner of the Peterborough New Dance office.   The flooding places an uncertain timeline on the reconstitution of Artspace's programming, however the centre is confident that they should be able to re-locate and undertake programming before the end of the year.   Artspace is looking to the community to assist their cause and any interest in lending time, energy and/or expertise may be directed by email to or by voice-mail service to (705)748-3883.


Donations to the PAU and Artspace can be made directly through Canada Connects ( ) or by calling (705) 749-3220.



For more information:

Kevin Desjardins

Communications and Public Relations Manager

(613) 238 3561 ext.11

Fax (613) 238 4849




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