Registration is Open for the 2004 National Policy Conference


Ottawa , September 2 2004 – Registration is now open for the CCA 's 2004 national policy conference, to be held at the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina , Saskatchewan , on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 November 2004 .   The registration form can be downloaded from the CCA 's website at or is available by contacting or 613-238-3561, extension 14.


What is the conference about?

Entitled From Act to Action: Moving Forward on Status of the Artist , the conference will focus discussion on federal and provincial Status of the Artist (SofA) legislation.   How is existing legislation operating?   How does it af fect the lives of working artists?   What more could be done – for instance, in the areas of taxation and social benefits for individual artists – and how?   What is the situation for artists in other countries?   The conference will address these questions and more.


What are the conference's objectives?

The aims of the conference are threefold:

•  To discuss potential recommendations/amendments to federal SofA legislation to encompass social benefits, fiscal regulations, and other measures to benefit working artists.

•  To persuade the federal government to reinstate the Council on Status of the Artist, in accordance with the federal Status of the Artist Act, to defend and promote the professional status of artists in Canada.

•  To stimulate the development of SofA legislation in provinces where it does not exist, and to help move it forward in provinces where it does exist, to the benefit of professional artists across Canada .


Who is the conference for?

This conference will be of particular interest to cultural and labour activists, those with an interest (either at the professional or student level) in cultural policy, federal and provincial officials working in the cultural sphere, and individual professional artists whose lives are, or could be, af fected by Status of the Artist legislation at both the provincial and federal levels.


What is the cost to attend?

The fee schedule is indicated on the registration form, and includes some meals, receptions, and conference materials.   CCA members receive a preferred rate on all CCA conferences.   A special conference rate has been obtained for hotel accommodation; please refer to the registration form for details.


How do I register?

Registrations are now being accepted for the 2004 Conference in Regina .   Print off the registration form on CCA 's website and mail or fax it to:



ConferenceRegistration 2004

Canadian Conferenceof the Arts

804 – 130 AlbertStreet

OTTAWA , Ontario










Payment must be made at the time of registration.


What will the conference cover?

The following provides an outline of the conference agenda:



Friday 19 November

SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Albert Millaire, renowned Quebec actor and former chair of the Canadian Council on the Status of the Artist.


  • Professional artists speak to issues such as: How does SofA legislation af fect their lives?   What realistic amendments should be made for improvements?   Is there a relationship between existing federal and provincial legislations?   How could a federal Council on Status of the Artist benefit professional artists?
  • The sector has expressed a desire to resurrect the Council on Status of the Artist, but what should be its role?   What is the best way to achieve its reinstatement?   How could such a Council best serve artists?

CCA annual Awards ceremony, hosted by the Lieutenant-Governor of Saskatchewan , the Honourable Dr Lynda M Haverstock.


Saturday 20 November

Discussion of SofA at work in Quebec and in the international arena.


  • Status of the Artist legislation has been considered, and in some cases introduced, in a few provinces: What has happened on the provincial level regarding Status of the Artist?   What are the successes and failures?   What is left to do?   How are these issues being tackled?

Breakout workshops and Plenary (details to follow).

A number of artistic events will take place throughout both days.

Further details (guest speakers, panellists, special guests and artistic events) will be announced shortly.




For more information:

James Missen

Cultural Policy Intern

(613) 238 3561 ext.1 4

Fax (613) 238 4849




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