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Discussion Paper

The discussion paper prepared by Rachael Maxwell, entitled The Place of Arts and Culture in Canadian Foreign Policy, is now available at the links below:

In French   (PDF - 633 KB)

In English   (PDF - 553 KB)


The Author:





Rachael Maxwell :

Rachael Maxwell obtained a BA (Honours) in Italian Studies from the University of Alberta in 2006 and an MA in Cultural Policy and Arts Management, from the University College of Dublin, Ireland, in 2007. She has studied extensively in France and Italy throughout her academic career. She collaborated with an archaeological field school with the University of Alberta in Italy, was awarded the Ambassador of Switzerland Award for Outstanding Achievement in Italian in 2005 and completed an internship with the CCA in 2007, as part of her MA research paper.

Rachael Maxwell currently lives in Paris, studying to take the DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française), volunteering with WICE, a cultural and educational organization that offers cultural/educational programming for the Anglophone community in Paris. She hopes to return to Canada soon, to work in the cultural policy field.



An article by Guillaume Sirois, Cultural Policy and Communications Advisor for the CCA:

Guillaume Sirois wrote a background paper entitled Cultural Elements in Public Diplomacy: The Challenges of

Globalization, in preparation for the November 22, 2007 Symposium on The Role of Arts and Culture in Canadian Public Diplomacy

You can download a copy of this paper by consulting the Culturescope website.