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RSS Channel: Comments on: National Director’s Blog
Shaping a vibrant future for Canada’s Arts and Culture

By: November 2012 News | BC Touring Council
[...] be leaving behind a legacy of research, archives and projects. A message on the closure, from both Alain Pineau and Kathleen Sharpe, is available on the CCA’s web­site at [...]

By: myrna kostash
When I stepped down from the Board of Directors of the CCA (a rather long time ago), I was honoured with a lifetime membership in the CCA. In my heart, I will always be a member of the CCA.

By: Jann LM Bailey
The closure of Canadian Conference of the Arts is MAJOR loss for arts advocacy in this country. The staff and Board of Trustees of the Kamloops Art Gallery salute your diligence in trying to keep the doors open to this vital organization. Jann LM Bailey Executive Director Kamloops Art Gallery

By: Anne-Marie Samson
Quelle tristesse... Il ne nous reste qu'à espérer un front commun du milieu des arts et de la culture pour défendre l'existence de la CCA et trouver une solution pour la remettre sur les rails, autrement. Je félicite l'équipe qui s'est démenée jusqu'à la fin et a tenté par tous les moyens d'empêcher la fermeture. Public, organismes, artistes, intervenants culturels: que pouvons-nous faire, ensemble ? Des solutions créatives à l'horizon ?

By: Quill & Quire » Canadian Conference of the Arts shutting down after 67 years
[...] CCA national director Alain Pineau says the University of Ottawa will take over the organization’s annual analy­ses of provin­cial arts, culture, and heritage bud­gets, and plans are underway to continue its federal analysis. Important CCA documentation will be moved to the National Archives and a board of gov­er­nors will be appointed to oversee the organization’s legacy. [...]

By: Lynne Toupin
Désolé d'apprendre cette mauvaise nouvelle. C'est une grande perte pour le secteur culturel et aussi pour le secteur à but non lucratif dans son ensemble.

By: Sadly the CCA Canadian Conference of the Arts has announced it’s closing its doors after 67 years. - Ottawa Seniors News - Ottawa Seniors Article Section
[...] Read more at http://ccarts.ca/front-page-slider/national-directors-blog/ [...]

By: Graham Kelsey
Un jour des plus tristes. I have admired your work since the early 1980s when my involvement with SSFC and CFH introduced me to it. I have been an indiviual member for the past several years and even though I am remotely located in BC's interior would be happy to help in any way I can in theformation and support of a successor organization.

By: Norm Hamilton
So disappointing to see the art and cultural sector continue to be under siege. The services and integrity of The Canadian Con­fer­ence of the Arts will be sorely missed.

By: Joyce Millar
A very sad day and a great loss to Canada and the cultural community. The CCA has been the voice and champion of all of us and they deserve our heartfelt thanks for being there for the last 47 years. Let's hope that we can all find a way to bring back this vital resourse for Canadian culture. The first step is to hold the Harper government accountable. This government obviously has a very dangerous lack of respect for our cultural institutions - and no vision for the future. Very sad indeed!