William Hall
Victoria Cross

Lucknow   November 1857

Photographs of

Hants County
Nova Scotia

Located at the intersection of Main and Willow Streets

GPS location:   45°03'51"N   64°10'51"W

Hantsport: William Hall monument

Photographed on 8 October 2002

Hantsport: William Hall monument

Photographed on 8 October 2002

Hantsport: William Hall monument

Photographed on 8 October 2002

Hantsport: William Hall monument

Photographed on 8 October 2002

Victoria Cross commemorative stamp, 2004

Victoria Cross commemorative stamp, 2004

Links to Relevant Websites

William Hall Able Seaman, Royal Navy

The Register of the Victoria Cross

The Victoria Cross is by far the world's most coveted medal for bravery. Cast in bronze
from the cannons captured at Sevastopol in the Crimean War (1853-1856), the Victoria Cross
retains a mystique that no other decoration has ever achieved. Although instituted more than
a century ago and spanning the four most terrible wars in Britain's history, it has been
awarded to only 1,350 men, three of whom have won it twice, plus one more for the
American Unknown Warrior, who lies buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Washington,
as a symbol for all those who died in the Allied cause. The British Unknown Warrior, who
was buried in Westminster Abbey, received the Congressional Medal of Honor from the
United States Government. He was not awarded the Victoria Cross...

William Hall by Wikipedia

William Hall clippings mostly from the Berwick Register

Map showing location of Lucknow

Map of Lucknow, Showing operations in 1857 - 1858

The Siege of Lucknow, 1857

Lucknow, population about two million people in 2002, is the capital of Uttar Pradesh
state, in north central India, on the Gomati River. Lucknow was the capital of the kingdom
of Oudh from 1775 to 1856, and then of Oudh province. Lucknow is chiefly notable in the
history of British India as the capital of the nawabs who had dealings with Warren Hastings,
and their successors the kings of Oudh, whose deposition by Lord Dalhousie was one of
the chief causes of the Mutiny. Amongst the events of the Mutiny the defence of the
residency of Lucknow comes second in historic interest, after the massacre at Cawnpore.
The Indian Mutiny broke out in 1857 and it rapidly became the greatest of all the imperial
wars. Lucknow suffered heavy casualties during a siege, June to November, 1857. If Delhi
was the symbolic centre of the Mutiny, and Cawnpore provided its most horrific episode,
it was Lucknow that caught the imagination of the British public and became, perhaps,
the most well-known action of all Britain's 19th century wars. It had all the dramatic
elements of a siege and even better, a happy ending. It became indeed a paradigm for
later British colonial conflicts. There were the initial reverses, the spectacle of the
'thin red line' battling against overwhelming odds, heroism in the face of adversity,
the stoicism of the ladies living in appalling conditions, the death of a gallant commander,
finally the sound of bagpipes on the wind and a relief column marching into the British
position with flags flying and kilted highlanders leading the way...

References, Ink-on-Paper

Many excellent books have been published on the subject of
the Indian Mutiny of 1857. A few are mentioned below:

Devil's Wind: The Story of the Naval Brigade At Lucknow by Major-General G.L. Verney,
176 pages, published 1956 by Hutchinson & Company, London, England

The Indian Mutiny of 1857 by Colonel G.B. Malleson, 421 pages, published 1892;
facsimile edition published 1993 by R.J. Leach Company, London, England

Battles of the Indian Mutiny by Michael Edwardes, 216 pages, published 1969
by Macmillan Company, New York

Lahore to Lucknow: Journals of Arthur Moffet Lang edited by David Bloomfield,
192 pages, published 1991 by Leo Cooper Books, London, England; based on
the Diaries of Arthur Lang, an officer in the Bengal Engineers during the Indian Mutiny.
Lang played a vital role in the siege of Delhi and was three times recommended for
the Victoria Cross. He was also at the recapture of Lucknow. He was the only
Engineer Officer who took part in all the main battles of the Mutiny.

Photographs of War Memorials, Historic Monuments and Plaques in Nova Scotia

Hants County war memorial Hants County war memorial Windsor

Brooklyn war memorials Brooklyn war memorials Brooklyn

Hantsport war memorial Hantsport war memorial

Veterans Memorial View Park Veterans Memorial View Park Avonport

Wolfville war memorial Wolfville war memorial

Acadia U. Memorial Gym Acadia U. Memorial Gym Wolfville

Kentville Legion war memorial Kentville Legion war memorial Kentville

Kentville Park war memorial Kentville Park war memorial Kentville

Canning war memorial Canning war memorial

Monument: 1747 Attack at Grand Pre Monument: 1747 Attack at Grand Pre Grand Pre

Falmouth: Sainte-Famille Parish Cemetery Sainte-Famille Parish Cemetery Falmouth

Sir Robert Laird Borden monument Sir Robert Laird Borden Monument Grand Pre

Abraham Gesner monument Abraham Gesner Monument Chipman Corner

Robert Christie plaque Robert Christie plaque Windsor

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First uploaded to the WWW:   2002 October 13
Added 2004 stamp:   2007 February 28