History of Nova Scotia
with special attention given to
Communications and Transportation
Chapter 19
1 January 1940 to 31 December 1949
Index with links to the other chapters
Fewer Workplace Fatalities in 1939
Fatal accidents in Nova Scotia workplaces totalled 47 in 1939, compared to 65 in 1938.
[60 Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 12 April 2000]
TCA Carried 22,332 Passengers in 1939
Trans-Canada Air Lines carried 22,322 passengers during 1939, according to the company's recently-issued annual report for that year. Mail carried totalled nearly half a million pounds slightly over 200,000 kilograms, and air express 49,899 pounds 22,580 kilograms.
[60 Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 2 February 2000]
Average 72 passengers each day
Assuming TCA flew six days a week, a total of
22,332 passengers in a year works out to an
average of 72 passengers each working day.
TCA set forth on its inaugural flight on 30 July 1937.
C.D. Howe boarded a Lockheed aircraft in Montreal at dawn,
and more than 17 hours later landed in Vancouver at dusk,
after touching down in five cities across the country.
In 1965, the company's name was changed
from Trans-Canada Air Lines to Air Canada.
CBC School Broadcasts
Radio station CBH began producing and transmitting the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's first school broadcasts in Canada.
1940 February
10,000 Cans of Apple Juice a Day
Berwick Fruit Products Limited recently installed new pasteurizing and filling equipment and is now turning out 10,000 cans of apple juice per day, from several hundred barrels of apples. The Berwick plant is the only one in the Maritime Provinces making this product.
[60 Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 2 February 2000]
1940 February
Church Sheds Disappearing
Church sheds in Nova Scotia, mute evidence of the old horse and buggy days, are becoming relics of the past. They were great places to chat. The drivers would let the women folk and children out at the church door and put their steaming steeds in the shelter. It was always rather entrancing for youngsters to see the horses taken out of the sheds after the service on a cold winter's day. Some of them perhaps had had no exercise all week, and "they were up on the bit." There was always a chance that some horse would "act up" and provide a bit of exceitment. Many drivers took quite a thrill, secretly of course, out of a prancing steed or team. The men would see what fine fettle the horses were in.
[60 Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 23 February 2000]
1940 March
Application to Discontinue Passenger Service to Weston
For the second time within four years, the Dominion Atlantic Railway has made application for an order granting leave to discontinue regular passenger train service between Kentville and Weston on its North Mountain branch line railway in Kings County, Nova Scotia. Fourteen miles in length, construction of the North Mountain branch was started in 1913, and the first train in regular service ran in 1916. Stations along the line are Weston, Somerset, Grafton, Woodville, Lakeville and Billtown. At Centreville, it joins the Cornwallis Valley Railway's track from Kentville to Kingsport. The CVR is owned by the DAR. At the present time, regular passenger service is maintained three days a week, with double runs from December 1st to May 1st.
[60 Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 8 March 2000]
Transport Board Reserves Decision
No official opposition was voiced by Kings County as a whole, or by the district most concerned, when the Dominion Atlantic Railway, at a brief session of the Board of Transport Commissioners, requested permission to withdraw regular passenger train service from the North Mountain branch of the railway. The Board will announce its decision at a later date.
[60 Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 22 March 2000]
History of the Cornwallis Valley Railway
1940 April
Three Children Rescued from Runaway Team
In true western-movie style, Fire Chief Whitney West made a spectacular rescue of three little girls from a runaway team on Commercial Street in Berwick. The three were seated in a wagon behind a two-horse team owned by Merle Magee, Somerset, behind the store of D.B. Burgess, when the horses started around the building and on to Commercial Street. With no one handling the reins, the horses broke into a run down the street. The fire chief, observing the danger as the runaway passed his garage, boarded an automobile and, standing on the running board, the chase started. As they neared Main Street, the car drew alongside the runaway and Mr. West leaped to the wagon, and just before it reached the corner he was able to bring the horses under control. Undoubtedly, serious injury would have resulted if the team had turned the corner at the pace it was travelling.
[60 Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 5 April 2000]
1940 April
Voted in Every Election Since Confederation
John Cochrane of Pleasant Valley Road maintained an unbroken record when he cast his vote at Somerset in the federal election last week. He has voted in every election since Confederation in 1867. Mr. Cochrane, who was born at Ross Corner, will be 94 years old July 5th, and is probably the oldest voter in Western Kings constituency. He entered the polling booth as spry as any of the younger generation and did not require glasses to mark his ballot.
[60 Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 5 April 2000]
1941 March 16
New Passenger Train Put Into Operation
Halifax to/from Montreal
In an effort to cope with wartime passenger traffic, on this day, The Scotian, Canadian National Railways' new Montreal - Halifax passenger train, began regular service. Known named passenger trains operated by CN or its predecessors to/from Nova Scotia were:
Date of
first run
1 Mar 1898 The Maritime Express Montreal - Halifax
3 Jul 1904 Ocean Limited Montreal - Halifax
26 Jun 1927 The Acadian Montreal - Halifax
28 Jun 1929 Down Easter New York - Halifax
28 Jun 1929 Pine Tree Acadian Boston - Halifax
2 Mar 1930 The Gull Boston - Maritime Provinces
16 Mar 1941 The Scotian Montreal - Halifax
14 Jul 1956 The Bluenose Edmonton - Halifax
1 Jun 1967 The Cabot Montreal - Sydney
Source: Canadian National in the East, Volume Three (book) by J. Norman Lowe, ISBN 0919487149, October 1985. Published by the Calgary Group of the British Railway Modellers of North America, 5124 33rd Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2L 1V4.
1941 March 29
The Great Frequency Change
Electromagnetic Spectrum
International Treaty Allocations
On this day, a new international agreement covering the allocation of radio frequencies in all of North America, came into effect. Most radio broadcasting stations in the United States changed their carrier frequencies. Under the treaty, all radio broadcasting stations in Canada were required to comply.
On March 29, 1941, radio stations all over North America changed frequency.
Not one or two at a time. Most all of them. On one day. In fact, 802 of 893 AM stations in the USA changed overnight from one spot on the dial to another. What was the reason for this? It was the NARBA (North American Radio Broadcast Agreement). Negotiated among the US, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti, this agreement was the result of four years of negotiations...
The Great Frequency Change of 1941 by Barry Mishkind
The Wayback Machine has archived copies of this document:
The Great Frequency Change of 1941 by Barry Mishkind
Archived: 1998 December 3
Archived: 1999 November 17
Archived: 2000 December 16
Archived: 2001 November 24
Archived: 2002 June 13
1941 August 13
National Transport Controller Appointed
Appointment of W.J. Lynch of Quebec as transport controller, with "widespread powers over all forms of transportation throughout Canada," was announced this day in Ottawa by Munitions Minister C.D. Howe. Under the Order In Council authorizing his appointment, Mr. Lynch has complete control over use and operation of transportation companies, with power to establish schedules, and fares to be charged by transport companies. "The new transit controller has the authority to issue, reissue, or cancel permits or licenses, and to prohibit, restrict, limit, or extend the working of vehicles. Empowered to stagger working hours to relieve transportation congestion, Mr. Lynch may order any employer to arrange or alter hours of employment of employees in order to assure that such proportions as the controller may fix will, as far as possible, arrive at, or depart from, their place of employment at such times as may be directed."
[Toronto Globe and Mail, 14 August 1941]
1941 August 21
Five Small Electric Power Companies Sold
On this day, the Public Utilities Board gave official approval for the sale of five small electric power companies in Kings County, to the Avon River Power Company of Windsor, then a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nova Scotia Light & Power Company of Halifax. The companies, and the sale price of each, were:
- Habitant Electric Light Company, $800 (incorporated 1921)
- Hillaton Electric Light & Power Company, $350 (31 customers)
- Kingsport Electric Light Company, $2,600
- Pereaux Electric Light & Power Company, $3,250 (incorporated 1934)
- Woodside Electric Light Company, $800
An individual ruling was given for each company; all five were dated 21 August 1941. In each case, approval was given for the sale of "all of its property and assets of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situate, including the whole of its undertaking". None of these companies generated electric power; all five bought their electricity wholesale from the electric utility system operated by the Canning Water Commissioners.
Source: Public Utilities Board Annual Report, 1941, pages 82-88
Canning Electric Utility Sold
28 August 1941
On 28 August 1941, the electric power system, owned and operated by the Canning Water Commission, was sold to the Avon River Power Company. The Canning system was the wholesale supplier of electric power to the five companies sold one week earlier, Habitant, Hillaton, Kingsport, Pereaux, and Woodside. The Canning electric system did not generate electric power, it got its electricity wholesale from the Avon River Power Company at a point north of Port Williams.
1941 December 12
No More Tires for Automobiles
Beginning on this day, production of tires for passenger automobiles was forbidden in Canada. This decision was put into effect just five days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th. The Japanese armed forces were advancing quickly toward Burma and other rubber-producing regions in southeast Asia, and the outlook for a continuing supply of rubber to North America was not optimistic. No tires were made for use on civilian passenger automobiles for the next thirteen months, until January 1943, when limited quantities of reclaim rubber were released.
[Toronto Globe and Mail, 16 August 1945]
History of Automobiles in Nova Scotia
1942 March
Air Raid Blackout Drill at Wolfville
11 March 1942
Wolfville's first trial blackout, held in the evening of March 11th, 1942, between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m., was reported 100 percent effective. Fire siren alarms at the Wolfville fire station on Main Street and at Acadia University Hall were sounded. The community was divided into eleven zones, under the direction of ARP Wardens Karl Nowlan, J.H. Baltzer, C.W. Small, Clarence Brown, R.C. Vanwart, D.R. Cochrane, Harold Bowlby, W.D. Withrow, O.H. Foshay, E. Wickwire, and James Farris. The Acadia Campus zone was subdivided with Maintenance Superintendent Robie Roscoe in general supervision of all buildings. Students in residence were grouped in basement common rooms with windows blacked out. Campus sub-wardens were Bernard Ryan, Miss Marjorie Wickwire, Burton Shaffleburg, L.C. Trites, Dr. Marion Grant, and Miss Ethel Chadwick.
[The Halifax Herald, 12 March 1942]
Air Raid Blackout Drill at Truro
mid-March 1942
The recent blackout drill held at Truro which was a "surprise test" caught some of the wardens miles from their posts. We happened to be one of those 'stray fellers' about three miles about five km from our post. With due haste we started to drive the long distance, but met with many reverses. We had just started to feel confident we could make the journey (we went about a quarter of a mile about half a km) when a big Mountie [R.C.M.P.] was heard to yell "say, where 'ye go'n with them headlights on?" We replied " we're A.R.P. workers, and heading for our posts." "O.K., proceed." After being held up with flashlights, some gentle words, others not so gentle, we finally decided it was time to pull into the curb and wait for the "all clear." To give an idea of the thorough organization in Truro, we were held up no less than fifteen times in a distance of about one mile about one and a half km. All this time we were travelling with dim lights on.
[The Halifax Herald, 16 March 1942]
Air Raid Precautions at Canning
15 March 1942
With the purpose of appointing district Wardens, an ARP meeting was held in the Canning Community Hall with Harry North presiding and James Archdeacon as secretary. Districts represented were Kingsport, Sheffield Mills, Canard, Woodside, Pereaux, Medford, Dalhousie, and Blomidon. Harry North was appointed Chief Warden, R. Spicer assistant, and Dr. Foley First Aid Officer.
[The Halifax Herald, 16 March 1942]
Air Raid Precautions at Amherst
15 March 1942
A strong ARP organization has been formed at the aircraft plant of the Canadian Car & Foundry Company, and plans to co-operate closely with the corresponding organization in the Town of Amherst. The Chief Warden is George A. Hill, with Percy A. Roome, secretary. Other officers include G.K. Chapman, M.G. Flett, G.A. Davis, W.A. Brown, Frank Reid, O.E. Lister, George McArthur, William Neal, A.R. Murray, J.C. Murray, Medley Atkinson, and George Ward.
[The Halifax Herald, 16 March 1942]
Local ARP committee mebers in Amherst are making immediate preparations for the blackout which the Minister of Health, Dr. F.R. Davis, has announced for the whole province in the near future. The mode of signalling has been placed in the hands of G.F. McNeil on instructions of Mayor Kaufman and details will be announced soon.
[The Halifax Herald, 23 March 1942]
ARP supplies are beginning to arrive at Amherst and will be put to use at once in the preliminary training. The supplies include one hundred steel helmets for the ARP Captains and Wardens, and five stretchers. It is understood that hose, pumps, and other fire fighting necessities are on the way. An air raid siren at Robbs was given its first test on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 24th, and other sirens will operate from the Canadian Car & Foundry Company, Enamel & Heating Company, and the Amherst town hall. The code of signals has not yet been worked out but will be arranged this week. Special telephone connections are being made to the firemen's room at the town hall which is to be the main quarters for the Wardens.
[The Halifax Herald, 25 March 1942]
The code of signals to be used in the town of Amherst in case of blackouts was announced on Wednesday, March 25th, by the local ARP committee. Sirens on local factories as well as at the fire station will blow continuously for three minutes. It was stated in the instructions that all traffic on the streets must stop and park at the curb while pedestrians are to leave the streets and find shelter. In night alarms no lights are to be shown but street lights will be left on for a few minutes to give the wardens and captains time to reach their posts. A half-minute blast of the sirens will signalize the expiration of the alarm.
[The Halifax Herald, 26 March 1942]
Air Raid Precautions at Oxford
15 March 1942
At a meeting held in the Oxford town office to further formulate plans in connection with the Civilian Emergency Preparations and ARP, cards were passed out to each Zone Warden, such to be distributed to each householder in town, as well as forms to be filled out by each householder and to be returned to the ARP executive. This will give the central committee much-needed information and will form a basis for immediate completion of the organization. In the Capitol Theatre next Friday evening, R.C.M.P. will show pictures and give a talk about blackout preparations and the duties of Wardens, Police, Firemen, and citizens in case of an emergency. Councillor R.G. Hills presided at the meeting, with secretary J.I. Thompson, Chief Warden H.V. Thompson, Assistant Warden H.W. Chase, St. John Ambulance Supervisor R.D. Russell, and Zone Wardens O.E. Hunter, G.R. Gatchell, F.N. Colbourne, C.E. Thompson, T.E. Reid, I.H. Rhindress, present.
[The Halifax Herald, 16 March 1942]
The Capitol Theatre in Oxford was crowded to the doors on Friday evening, March 20th, when R.C.M.P. Alex Campbell gave a comprehensive talk about Civilian Emergency Preparations, and showed pictures of the Blitz of London. Pictures were also shown of the proper method of dealing with incendiary bombs after they have crashed through the roof of a building.
[The Halifax Herald, 23 March 1942]
The first equipment for Civilian Emergency Preparations arrived in the town of Oxford on Thursday, March 26th, consisting of metal stretchers, first aid supplies, ARP haversacks, etc. Oxford's first practice blackout will be held Sunday evening March 29th, from 9:30 to 9:45.
[The Halifax Herald, 28 March 1942]
Air Raid Blackout Drill at Annapolis Royal
15 March 1942
The first blackout without warning was sprung on the town of Annapolis Royal about nine o'clock on Sunday evening, March 15th, 1942, the signal being the dimming of the lights three times, followed by the fire truck with siren attached rushing through the streets. In nine minutes fourteen seconds, the Wardens announced at headquarters a perfect blackout, and the street lights were then turned on.
[The Halifax Herald, 16 March 1942]
Air Raid Precautions at Stewaicke
15 March 1942
A meeting of the A.R.P. committee was held in the Stewiacke town hall Sunday afternoon, March 15th, with R.W. Walker as chairman. It was decided at this meeting to hold a test blackout on Sunday evening, March 22nd, from 9 to 9:30. The 16 air raid wardens were given materials as put out by the Provincial Government on blackout rules, to be distributed to homes throughout the town.
[The Halifax Herald, 17 March 1942]
Air Raid Blackout Drill at New Glasgow
19 March 1942
New Glasgow's Air Raid Warden Bannerman has been notified that a surprise district blackout may be called from Halifax at any time and might be expected shortly, also that considerable equipment including sirens, steel helmets, and Bickle pumps have been ordered for Pictou County. A semi-surprise blackout has been under consideration, that is one in which the public would be told one was coming but would not be given the actual time so they would have to stay on alert. Special instructions will be given all special firemen. A schedule has been worked out under which groups of men will be taken by experienced hands and shown how to use the hose, fire ladders, and chemicals.
[The Halifax Herald, 20 March 1942]
Bickle motor-driven water pumps, steel helmets, and inch and a half 3.8 cm hose have arrived in Pictou County for ARP firemen. The sirens have not yet arrived. Fire Chief Ralph Fraser has called a test for Wednesday, March 25th, to try out the new equipment at the New Glasgow town wharf, which will enable the public to see the demonstration. ARP firemen will be there to familiarize themselves with the new equipment. Fire Chief Fraser is considering relocating the regular equipment so if a bomb scored a direct hit it would not wipe out the entire fire protection of the town.
[The Halifax Herald, 24 March 1942]
Principal J.H. MacDonald is now holding regular air raid drills in the South School in New Glasgow and teachers are giving pupils instructions on what to do should an emergency of this kind arise.
[The Halifax Herald, 24 March 1942]
The ARP sirens for Pictou County have arrived at New Glasgow from the United States. The sirens, two for New Glasgow and one each for the other towns in Pictou County, will not be installed until the arrival of an expert from the manufacturer. Pending installation, it is not anticipated there will be a blackout drill called. However, local ARP heads are standing by since word came from Halifax that a province-wide blackout drill might be ordered.
[The Halifax Herald, 1 April 1942]
Province-Wide Surprise Blackout Planned
20 March 1942
A Province-wide blackout test of emergency air raid precaution systems may be called at any time. It will be the first tryout of the civil defence facilities in the whole of Nova Scotia. In all districts in the Province emergency systems are being organized rapidly to reach maximum readiness for the initial test. News of the projected Provincial test was announced on March 20th by Hon. F.R. Davis, Provincial Minister of Health and head of the whole civil defence organization in Nova Scotia. The Minister has written to all the mayors in the Province, advising them to have their local organizations ready for the surprise blackout test that may come at any time. The Nova Scotia alarm would be initiated from Halifax and would be flashed throughout the Province, plunging the whole of Nova Scotia into darkness. Civil defence units in the respective communities, cities, and towns would be expected to function just as if a real air raid were taking place. All personnel would report to their posts. Air raid wardens would patrol their beats. The results of the test, the success of the blackout and the response of personnel, will be reported to those in charge.
[The Halifax Herald, 21 March 1942]
All-Night Blackouts in Halifax
20 March 1942
On March 20th, residents in the Halifax area were advised they must contemplate and prepare for all-night blackouts as an almost certainty in the very near future. Mayor W.E. Donovan indicated this at a meeting of the Halifax Civil Emergency Committee when he warned "All blackouts will not be announced in advance." He said "We have information that we may run into all-night blackouts, and that before very long."
[The Halifax Herald, 21 March 1942]
Air Raid Blackout Drill at Lunenburg
23 March 1942
At a meeting of ARP workers presided over by Chief Warden D.J. Bourque, final preparations were made for a genuine surprise blackout in the town of Lunenburg, with an air raid warning of which there will be no mistaking or subsequent fault-finding. Wardens and ambulance drivers have received explicit directions regarding their duites and have been given printed cards to distribute to each household which contains directions for their actions in emergency tests. One hundred steel helmets have been received for volunteer workers in case of an air raid.
[The Halifax Herald, 24 March 1942]
Air Raid Blackout Drill at Bridgetown
23 March 1942
Bridgetown had its first surprise blackout on the evening of Tuesday, March 24th. Owing to there having been some confusion in the public mind in regard to raid signals, it was ten minutes in some districts before all lights were out. The signal this time was a change from the former one when all lights were doused three times. Tuesday night the signal was sounded by the fire alarm and the blowing of horns. In the Granville Street east district, these sounds were not heard in a number of homes, while in the town proper, some people thought there was a fire and started out to find where it was.
[The Halifax Herald, 25 March 1942]
Air Raid Precautions at Berwick
late March 1942
Corporal Campbell, ARP coordinator, addressed a public meeting in Bligh's theatre in Berwick this week. There was a good attendance, with Mayor Illsley presiding. Arrangements have been made for a meeting to appoint Wardens for various town sections.
[The Halifax Herald, 28 March 1942]
Air Raid Blackout Drill at Parrsboro
26 March 1942
Parrsboro's first trial blackout on the evening of Thursday, March 26th, was considered almost 100 per cent effective, according to Chief ARP Warden H.A. Lavers. All wardens, with their assistants, were at their posts and reported immediately following the all-clear signal. Firemen were on duty, the first aid station was manned, and all committees fully carried out their instructions.
[The Halifax Herald, 28 March 1942]
Air Raid Blackout Drill at Weymouth
31 March 1942
Weymouth will have its first blackout test at 8:45 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31st. The church bells will be rung at half minute intervals and after fifteen minutes the all-clear signal will be the ringing of the bells for half a minute.
[The Halifax Herald, 28 March 1942]
Weymouth's first blackout drill, on Tuesday evening, March 31st, was very successful. Traffic was stopped at designated points. After the all-clear signal the Deputy Chief Wardens, Weymouth Fire Department, Red Cross, doctors, and other members of the Committee met at the Community Theatre to discuss the blackout. It was decided that the present alarm system was inadequate and immediate arrangements are being made to install sirens in each district. The town was completely blacked out, except for an occasional light in outlying districts, apparently due to the inadequate warning. The second and final blackout drill is to be held on Tuesday, April 14th, at 9:30 p.m., for the duration of one half hour.
[The Halifax Herald, 2 April 1942]
Air Raid Blackout Drill at Clark's Harbor
early April 1942
ARP and Emergency organizations were put to the test in the town of Clark's Harbor this week when the first blackout drill was staged. Wardens reported the blackout was nearly 100 per cent successful in their first practice and hope to have it complete in the next.
[The Halifax Herald, 4 April 1942]
Province-Wide Air Raid Blackout Drill
2 November 1942
On Monday evening, November 2nd, we had a province-wide blackout test and reports coming in from various sections indicate that we are not yet fully aware of the possibility of an attack from enemy forces. In Kentville we had a fair response; by that we mean that there were some citizens who had left their homes for the evening leaving lights burning. We are reliably informed that an ARP Warden left his house with lights burning and that during the blackout men patrolling that district endeavored to secure entrance without success. It is reliably reported that this Warden was "on the carpet" before the Chief Air Warden, Magistrate Yould, the following morning. If the blackput is to be a success it is imperative that every householder either put out all lights or provide blinds and curtains to prevent light from being seen from the outside.
[Kentville Advertiser, 5 November 1942]
1942 March 11-17
Canadian Army Train at Halifax
Wednesday, 11 March 1942
The Canadian Army Exhibition Train, 15 cars containing more than three million dollars worth of the tools of war for which Canadians are working and saving, arrived in Halifax early this morning. Preparations were made immediately to display the train to thousands of Haligonians the greatest assembly of weapons of war ever exhibited here.
Where to See the Train
The train is standing in Halifax at the South Terminal, Union Station, on a siding on the east side of the station. Enter the front of the station and guides will direct the way to the train. The train will be open for the public to view from 11:30 this morning until 10 o'clock tonight. As an added feature the Pictou Highlanders band will play at the Parade Grounds and parade to the station three times during the day: 11 a.m., 2 p.m., and 7 p.m.
The purpose of the Army Train inspection is to acquaint Canadians with the expensive tools of war and the great need for them, and to give youth an insight into the highly modernized way of army life.
The train is made up of fifteen coaches which bear the colors of the four Canadian Divisions now overseas: red, blue, French gray, and maroon.
Members of the Signal Corps, working with the latest in modern communication equipment, will demonstrate communications systems of armies in the field. A placard display shows how folding boat bridges and pontoon bridges are rapidly thrown across rivers by the Royal Canadian Engineers, and how other natural obstacles are surmounted.
An interesting display of army food is brought to the train daily and arranged in one of the largest exhibits featured on the train. One car is devoted to showing the completeness and utility of the soldier's wardrobe. All the essential items of army dress in all climates are featured in this car which is under the supervision of the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps.
[Excerpted from The Halifax Herald, 11 March 1942]
Canadian Army Train at New Glasgow
Thursday, 12 March 1942
Due to the large crowds from the town of New Glasgow and surrounding districts, the Army Train which was scheduled to stay at New Glasgow from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., remained until 12:45 to give everyone the opportunity to view the train's exhibits. At 12 the station was still densely packed with people, many of them school children who had been standing more than an hour waiting their turn. It was estimated that over 4,000 people passed through the train.
[The Halifax Herald, 12 March 1942]
Canadian Army Train at Antigonish
Thursday, 12 March 1942
The Canadian Army Train was inspected by 2912 people at Antigonish this afternoon. Half an hour late from New Glasgow, the train arrived at 2:30, and left for Sydney at 5:15 o'clock.
[The Halifax Herald, 12 March 1942]
There seems to be some confusion in these dates. How could a report of events
in New Glasgow and Antigonish, which occurred in the afternoon of March 12th,
been printed in a Halifax newspaper dated the same day, March 12th?
The printing deadline for this newspaper must have arrived several hours before
the events occurred. Nonetheless, these dates are given here as they were
reported in the newspaper of that date.
Canadian Army Train at Pictou
Sunday, 15 March 1942
Conductor Dan Hay left Stellarton railway yard on an extra [not part of the regular schedule] train on Saturday, March 14th, to bring the Canadian Army Train, consisting of 15 cars, from Mulgrave. The train arrived in Stellarton Sunday morning, March 15th, and was taken to Pictou, where thousands of people passed through the train.
[The Halifax Herald, 19 March 1942]
The Army Train, on a four-hour stop at Pictou, was visited by 4151 persons. Many from the upper towns who had not an opportunity of seeing it when it stopped in New Glasgow last Thursday, motored down on Sunday, and surrounding rural districts were also well represented. Shipyard employees working seven days a week were given an extra hour at lunch to visit the train. Originally scheduled to be open for inspection from 10 to 11:59 a.m., the time was extended to 2 p.m. so that it did not necessarily interfere with attendance at morning church services.
[The Halifax Herald, 16 March 1942]
Canadian Army Train on the South Shore
Shelburne, Liverpool, Bridgewater, and Lunenburg
Tuesday, 17 March 1942
The Canadian Army Train passed over the South Shore railway line on Tuesday, March 17th, making stops at Shelburne, Liverpool, Bridgewater, and Lunenburg. Some 2400 people visited the train at Liverpool, about 2700 at Bridgewater, and about 2500 at Lunenburg. The train was in charge of Conductor R.C. Roop, and was powered by two steam locomotives, required to handle the unusual weight of a long train of heavy passenger equipment on the steep grades of the Halifax & South Western Railway. It had fifteen cars, consisting of one observation car, one diner, four sleepers, seven baggage cars carrying the demonstration equipment, and two flat cars with other equipment. Railway officials accompanying the train over the South Shore railway were Master Mechanic J.A. Fraser of Halifax, Trainmaster G.O. Baker, and Roadmasters S.J. Cook and J.E. Kelly of Bridgewater.
[The Halifax Herald, 20 March 1942]
The railway was giving this train special treatment. Travelling with the train
were several important railway operating officials: a Master Mechanic, a
Trainmaster, and two Roadmasters, who were there to see that nothing would
delay the train in meeting its very tight schedule. Whatever problems might
arise — anything from a hot bearing on a steam locomotive driving axle,
to a freight train being slow to clear the line, a derailment at a switch,
or whatever — the appropriate official was there with authority to get the
problem solved quickly. Of course, the mere presence of so much 'brass'
(powerful officials) sent a clear message to all railway employees that
this train was not to be delayed by anyone or anything whatever.
Canadian Army Train has 500,000th Visitor
Monday, 30 March 1942
The Canadian Army Train celebrated its visit to Hull, Quebec, on March 30th, by passing the 500,000th visitor through its displays of army weapons and equipment.
[The Halifax Herald, 31 March 1942]
1942 April 1
Gasoline Rationing
and Highway Speed Limit 40 mph
On this day, the federal government imposed gasoline rationing throughout the country, and a national speed limit of 40 miles per hour 65 km/h. These measures were implemented to conserve essential fuel for military purposes during World War Two.
[National Post, 1 April 1999]
1942 April 6
Special Passenger Train from Shelburne
On this day, a special passenger train was operated from Shelburne to Halifax, over the Halifax & South Western Railway.
[The Halifax Herald, 9 April 1942]
1942 October
Bus Trips Limited to 50 Miles
Passenger trips on Canadian bus lines were restricted to not more than fifty miles eighty kilometres from the starting point. The new regulations allowed a bus passenger to buy a round-trip ticket to a destination up to fifty miles from the departure point, but ruled out any continuous bus journey of more than fifty miles except on routes approved by the government transport controller.
[Sixty Years Ago in the Berwick Register, 30 October 2002]
1942 October 14 2:40am
Ferry Caribou Torpedoed
136 Die
Sailed from North Sydney, Nova Scotia
On this day, 136 people, passengers and crew, died when the ferry Caribou was attacked and sunk by German submarine U69 in the Cabot Strait between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Caribou was on the regular run from North Sydney to Port-aux-Basques.
In 1942 World War Two was well under way. St. John's was bustling with men from all branches of the service and from many countries. Blackout regulations were strictly enforced and on any day of the week many corvettes and merchant supply vessels could be seen at anchor in the St. John's Harbour. In spite of this ominous military presence, most Newfoundlanders felt secure and protected from the deadly confrontations taking place in Europe and other parts of the world. This sense of security and over confidence was badly shaken when news reports on October 14th revealed that earlier that day, just forty miles south west of Port aux Basques S.S. Caribou, a Newfoundland Railway ferry, had been blasted out of the water by a Nazi U-boat. Caribou was carrying 237 people; 46 crewmembers, 73 civilians and 118 military personnel. Of this number, 136 men, women and children died in the Caribou disaster.
Caribou was a Newfoundland Ferry steamship built in Rotterdam, Holland. It was a large ship, 2222 tons, with a length of 266 feet and a width of 40 feet. Caribou's top speed was 14.5 knots, and she was specially designed for maneuvering in heavy ice. Caribou arrived at St. John's on October 22, 1925, to take up service as a railway ferry traveling between Port aux Basques, Newfoundland and North Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Caribou departed from North Sydney, as usual, at 1900 Atlantic Standard Time on the evening of October 13. On board were 237 people, about 900 bags of mail and 51 head of cattle. Caribou was escorted by a naval ship, HMCS Grandmere. At about 0240 (AST) on October 14, Caribou was hit on the starboard side by a torpedo. The attack came from a 500-ton German U-boat, the U69. Approximately four minutes later, Caribou disappeared beneath the dark surface of the Cabot Strait. During this time, Grandmere attempted to ram the submarine, but the attempt was in vain.
Of the crew of 46, mostly Newfoundlanders, 31 were lost, including the master, Captain Benjamin Taverner, and his two sons, Stanley and Harold, the first and third officers. All three men were from Channel - Port aux Basques. Fifteen month old Leonard Shiers was the only survivor of the 15 children on board. With the loss of the majority of the crew, the result in the Port aux Basques area was a total of 21 widows and 51 orphaned children.
U69 was commanded by Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Gräf. U69 was sunk on 17 February 1943 in the North Atlantic east of Newfoundland at 50° 36' N, 41° 07' W by depth charges from the British destroyer HMS Fame, 46 dead (all hands lost). [Some sources report that U69 was sunk by HMS Viscount, but Viscount's attack on 17 February 1943 sank U201 in the North Atlantic at 50° 50' N, 40° 50' W.]
Excerpted from:
Halifax Daily News, 14 October 1999
National Post, 30 October 1999
Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 14 October 2002
The sinking of the SS Caribou, in the Cabot Strait, with the loss of 135 lives in October 1942...
When Nazis Sailed the St. Lawrence, an excellent overview of
the Battle of the St. Lawrence from the summer of 1942 to the
winter of 1944, by Peter C. Newman, appeared in The National Post
on 30 October 1999. Mr. Newman wrote: "At a ceremony next Friday
(5 November 1999) on Parliament Hill, that little-known and
less remembered sea battle will be commemorated for the first time,
55 years after the event." Mr. Newman mentioned the "definitive
account" of this battle, the book U-Boats Against Canada,
by Michael Hadley, 1985, McGill - Queens University Press,
Montreal - Kingston. ISBN 0773505849 or 0773508015.
Fire on Ammunition Ship in Halifax Harbour
During 1943, while Captain O.C.S. Robertson was serving as King's Harbour Master in Halifax, he averted a second Halifax Explosion through daring leadership. The SS Volunteer, an American ammunition carrier, had caught fire in Bedford Basin and been abandoned by its crew. "Long Robbie" led a fire fighting party that successfully navigated the time bomb clear of the harbour, grounded it, and extinguished the deadly blaze. His daring leadership won him the George Medal. In July 1945 there was an explosion and fire at the Naval Magazine in Bedford. Once again, Robertson was placed in charge of quelling the inferno. After four tense days, he led his team to success and averted an unthinkable disaster.
Robertson retired from the navy a Commodore in 1962. Attached to the United States Navy for polar operations, he was in the crew of Blimp ZTG-2 during its voyage to Arctic Ice Island T-3 in 1958. Then he served as Ice Pilot for the submarine USS (United States Submarine) Seadragon during its submerged transits of the Northwest Passage in 1960. He thus became the first naval officer-in-command to transit the Northwest Passage and circumnavigate North America, and the first person to transit the Northwest Passage both on the surface and submerged. Robertson's lifetime achievements would win him appointment as an officer of the Order of Canada. Commodore O.C.S. Robertson, OC, GM, CD, died on 22 November 1994.
Excerpted from HMCS Labrador: First Warship to Circle North America
The Wayback Machine has archived copies of this document:
HMCS Labrador: First Warship to Circle North America
Archived: 2000 May 16
Archived: 2000 October 8
Archived: 2000 December 3
Archived: 2001 February 10
Archived: 2001 August 4
Archived: 2001 December 22
1944 July 7
Radio License Fees
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was organized as a "non-commercial" national radio system — in the public interest. To keep it "non-commercial," the public is taxed, each radio receiver owner having to pay an annual license fee of $2.50. Six years ago the CBC got permission to sell a "limited" amount of time to advertisers in order to finance improvements and avoid increasing the radio license fee. The "limit" was fixed at $500,000 per year, and Hon. C.D. Howe then told the Commons: "It is not the desire or intention of the corporation at any time to obtain a revenue of over $500,000 per year from commercial sources for reasons that are obvious" — the public interest.
Last year the CBC grossed $2,930,000 from advertising. And last year it increased its take from the public by $88,851 for a total in license fees of $3,787,886.
[Toronto Globe and Mail, 7 July 1944]
1944 September 10
Winston Churchill Arrives
On this day, Winston Churchill arrived in Halifax en route to Quebec.
[Halifax Daily News, 10 September 1999]
1944 September 29
Cape Breton Bus & Tram Company Limited
On this day, Cape Breton Bus & Tram Co. acquired all the property of Cape Breton
Tramways Ltd.
1945 May 12-13
U-190 Surrenders at Halifax,
U-889 Surrenders at Shelburne
German submarine U-190, Type IXC/40, was launched on 8 June 1942, and commissioned on 24 September 1942. Surrendered at Halifax, Nova Scotia, on 12 May 1945 under Oblt Hans-Edwin Reith. It was used for tests, and was sunk southwest of Newfoundland on 21 October 1947 by gunfire from the Canadian destroyers HMCS Nootka and New Liskeard.
German submarine U-889, also Type IXC/40, commissioned on 4 August 1944, surrendered at Shelburne, Nova Scotia, on 13 May 1945 under the command of Kptlt. Friedrich Braeucker. Transferred to the U.S. Navy on 10 January 1946 at Halifax, and was scuttled late in 1947 after torpedo trials off New England.

U-889 off Shelburne, Nova Scotia, 13 May 1945
[National Post, 29 May 2001]
U-889 was the second U-Boat to surrender to Canada, 250 miles off the Flemish Cap. Two days after receiving the message ceasing hostilities, U-889 was overflown by a Liberator from the Royal Canadian Air Force. It took two low passes before a flag was seen — the Liberator had been arming the depth charges and setting the bombsight when the submarine surrendered. The Liberator stood by until HMC Ships Rockcliffe, Dunvegan, Saskatoon and Oshawa arrived on the scene. Twenty four hours after the interception, U-889 was turned over to HMC Ships Inch Arran and Buckingham and escorted to Shelburne, Nova Scotia where formal articles of surrender were signed on the 13th of May. The following day His Majesty's Canadian Submarine U889 was formally commissioned in the Royal Canadian Navy.
1945 July 18
Ammunition Dump Explodes
Fires and explosions continued most of the day at the Bedford magazine.
1945 August 15
Gasoline Rationing Ended
Tire Rationing Continues
Gasoline rationing and all restrictions on the use of fuel oil in Canada were lifted this day. Similar action was taken a short time before in the United States. In knocking down the first of the consumer rationing rules, put into effect on 1 April 1942, all branches of the federal government joined (unofficially) in offering happy peace-day felicitations to all who are stuck with black market coupons.
The government also lifted all transport control restrictions on the operation of taxis, buses, and drive-yourself cars, but warned that rationing of tires must continue until stocks become available. Transport controls had prohibited sightseeing tours, restricted taxis to operations within a 15-mile 24km radius of the community in which they ordinarily operated, limited the use of drive-yourself cars to certain specific purposes and prohibited the use of buses for charter trips.
Tire rationing cannot be abolished until the switchover from military production can be accomplished and sufficient stocks become available. However, the list of vehicle owners eligible for new tires would be broadened as soon as possible. Production of tires for passenger automobiles was forbidden in Canada five days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941, and no such tires were made for civilian use until January 1943, when limited quantities of reclaim rubber were released. In making the announcement, Munitions Minister C.D. Howe said: "I am pleased that supplies in stock and forward position warrant the discontinuance of gasoline rationing in its entirety, and of all restrictions on the supply of fuel oil." He said the government owed to Oil Controller Q.R. Cottrelle and his staff "a debt of gratitude which can never be repaid."
The first year of rationing cut consumption by more than 150,000,000 gallons 680,000,000 litres. Throughout the war, the tempo of the fighting was closely reflected in stocks on hand. The first curtailment in distribution was made in 1941 when the United States and Canada were called upon to furnish tankers to supplement supply for the United Kingdom. First there was an appeal for voluntary curtailment. But by 1942 the Dominion was down to a hand-to-mouth basis. Canada pioneered on the continent in gasoline rationing. Fuel oil was also in short supply. It became necessary in the late summer of 1942 to eliminate the use of oil for heating except for bona fide dwellings containing apartments for not more than two families. Canadian gasoline ration coupons had a value of four gallons 18 litres.
[Toronto Globe and Mail, 16 August 1945]
1945 November
Transit Figures Show Decrease
Nova Scotia's public transit systems carried 4,361,147 passengers during the month of November 1945, 172,000 fewer than the same month of 1944. The electric cars lead other vehicles with 2,740,814 paying fares, followed by the urban motor bus system with 1,424,168 passengers. The interurban and urban services burned 122,546 gallons 556,360 litres of gasoline and 1,587 gallons 7,205 litres of diesel oil, while travelling 1,134,371 miles 1,825,200 km . Revenue from both systems amounted to $369,206.
[The Halifax Herald, 3 April 1946]
1945 November 13
CFAB Begins Broadcasting
Radio station CFAB, at Windsor, went on the air this day. It was organized and managed by Willard Bishop. Canadian Press carried the story, referring to Willard as "Canada's youngest program director at age 19." A year later CFAB went to 250 watts, and plans were being laid to expand coverage to more of the Annapolis Valley. In 1948, a second transmitter, CKEN Kentville, went on the air and studios were added there in 1949. In 1951 CKEN's transmitter power was increased to 1000 watts.
Willard Bishop, member of CAB Hall of Fame
The Wayback Machine has archived copies of this document:
Willard A. Bishop, member of CAB Hall of Fame
Archived: 1998 June 10
Archived: 1998 December 2
Archived: 1999 April 18
Archived: 1999 November 17
Archived: 2000 June 3
Archived: 2000 December 8
Archived: 2001 June 29
Archived: 2001 November 16
1945 December
Freight Loading Decreases
Revenue freight loaded at railway stations in Nova Scotia and received from foreign connections during December 1945 was 484,188 tons, according to the monthly report of railway traffic issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The Nova Scotia figures showed a drop of 112,559 tons when compared to the total for November 1945, and 85,567 tons less than December 1944.
[The Halifax Herald, 3 April 1946]
1946 February 10
The ocean liner Mauritania docked in Halifax on this day, carrying 943 war brides and children from England.
[The National Post, 10 February 2000]
1946 March 30
Truro's Last Horseshoeing Shop Closes
The closing this week, of Ira D. Thompson's blacksmith and horseshoeing shop, marks the end of the last horseshoeing shop in Truro. Completing 55 years in the horseshoeing and blacksmith business in Nova Scotia, the last 40 years during which he was located in Truro and took only two weeks holidays, Mr. Thompson has retired. He has sold the blacksmith shop to W.T. Frechette. Mr. Thompson has been horseshoeing continually for 55 years, having been associated with his father, L.A. Thompson of Caledonia in Queens County, and his uncle, C.W. Thompson of Bridgewater, before coming to Truro.
He arrived in Truro on April 1st, 1901, having bought the blacksmithing property on Waddell Street from the late Harry Wright. On April 3rd, 1901, he opened for business, and has completed 45 years of service at the same stand. Through the years, Mr. Thompson has seen many changes in his line of work. When he started there were four blacksmith shops on Waddell Street alone, with many others in the town and nearby countryside. The first horse shod when the shop opened was driven by James Millar, Mount Pleasant, who has been a steady patron all through the 45 years with his own farm horses. Several other old friends remain, who have continued to make regular visits to Mr. Thompson's smithy.
[The Halifax Herald, 3 April 1946]
1946 April 10
Kentville "Fast" Time Dates May be Changed
Daylight Saving Time for the Town of Kentville was again before the Town Council in monthly session tonight, but apparently it was only a question of the dates on which it should start and end. At a previous Council meeting, "fast time" for the period April 27 to September 28 was adopted by a 4-2 vote. Tonight when it came to the matter of issuing an official proclamation to that effect Mayor Gladys Porter suggested a change in the dates.
Her Worship pointed out that trains would still operate on Standard Time, therefore students along the Cornwallis Valley Railway line (Kingsport to Kentville) who attend Kings County Academy here, would arrive an hour late for classes.
In view of this situation, that a change in the period of "fast time" might be of benefit, Mayor Porter proposed that the dates be altered to June 3 to September 3. A motion to that effect was made by Councillors G.L. Caulkin and B.R. Wade. Immediately Councillors R.D.L. Bligh and Roy Rottler, who voted against Daylight Time several weeks ago, advocated the whole matter be reconsidered. Such action, it was pointed out, would require a two-thirds vote of Council. After much discussion, in which Councillor Wade said he was agreeable to a plebiscite if it was felt necessary, the subject was adjourned to a special meeting Friday night. This was due to the absence of Councillor Roy Grant from tonight's session. At the previous meeting he voted for Daylight Time.
[The Halifax Herald, 11 April 1946]
History of the Cornwallis Valley Railway
1946 December 6
Max Ferguson Begins Working at CBH
On this day, Max Ferguson worked his first shift as a CBC staff announcer at CBH, the CBC's 100-watt radio station in Halifax, then an AM [amplitude-modulated] station transmitting on a carrier frequency of 1240 kHz, from studios located at the south-east corner of Sackville Street and North Park Street. One of his earliest assignments was After Breakfast Breakdown, a 30-minute country music program. Ferguson disliked hillbilly music, and disguised his voice so his friends would not recognize him. Then he started making fun of the music he was playing. Thus, quite by accident, Old Rawhide came into being. After Breakfast Breakdown soon became immensly popular, and was known to all as The Rawhide Show. Ferguson stayed with the CBC for 51 years 274 days, until the last broadcast of The Max Ferguson Show on 5 September 1998. The last broadcast originated from the CBC main studios in Toronto, and was carried on the CBC Radio 2 network; in Halifax it was broadcast from CBH, by now an FM [frequency modulated] station transmitting on 102.7 MHz, with 92 kW, still located at the south-east corner of Sackville Street and North Park Street.
[Excerpted from the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 3 September 1998, and other sources.]
1947 April 14
Radio Station CHNS
Increases Transmitter Power
Radio station CHNS, Halifax, put into operation a new 5,000 watt transmitter; the old 1,000 watt transmitter was kept as a standby. Both transmitters used vacuum-tube technology.
1947 September
Radio Stations in Operation
This is a complete list of all "commercial broadcast" radio stations (defined as those operating with a carrier frequency in the range 540 kHz to 1600 kHz, which was the legal tuning range of ordinary radio receivers used in homes and automobiles) and their associated shortwave (high frequency) stations, in operation in Nova Scotia at this time. All of them are AM (amplitude modulation) stations; in 1947 there were no FM (frequency modulation) stations, and no television stations. The third column FREQ is the transmitter carrier frequency in kHz (kilohertz) [of course, the modern measurement unit for frequency, the "hertz", did not come into use in Canada until the late 1960s — the contemporary unit was "cps" meaning cycles per second]. The carrier frequency is the number shown on the tuning dial of radio receivers. The fourth column POWER is the transmitter power in watts.
Commercial Radio Stations in Nova Scotia
September 1947
FREQ kHz |
POWER watts |
Halifax |
1240 |
100 |
Windsor |
1450 |
250 |
Halifax |
960 |
5,000 |
Halifax |
6130 |
500 |
Sydney |
1270 |
5,000 |
Halifax |
920 |
5,000 |
Sydney |
6010 |
1,000 |
Antigonish |
580 |
5,000 |
Yarmouth |
1340 |
250 |
All of these stations were AM (amplitude modulated)
1947 October
Area Code 902 Assigned
The original system of allocating telephone number area codes in North America was decided upon in October 1947. It was then that area code 902 was assigned to the Maritime Provinces.
Newfoundland wasn't yet part of Canada in October 1947. It is not known for sure how Newfoundland fitted into the original plan, but it does seem possible that the original NPA 902 (which at that time also served New Brunswick, in addition to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island) also served Newfoundland & Labrador. In the mid-1950s, NB and NF-LB split from 902 (which was retained for NS and PEI), into their own 506; and then in 1962, NF-LB split off from 506 (which was retained for NB), into its own 709. [NPA : Number Plan Area]
which has lots of information about telephone numbering systems and other telephone technology. A brief sample:
The Original 1947 Area Code System
How Telephone Numbers Are Assigned
Exchanges in the 902 Area Code
Guide to Special Prefixes/Numbers
For additional information, see Linc Madison's
Telephone Area Codes and Splits
which has details about the 86 original area codes assigned in 1947:
Map showing the original 1947 area code assignments
Table showing the original 1947 area code assignments
Note that 902 was then (1940s to 1980s) considered to be a very undesirable area code, because it had two "long dial pull" digits. In 1940s - 1960s, when all telephone dials were just that — rotary dials — the lower digits such as 2, 3, or 4 were "short dial pulls", while 8, 9, and 0 were "long dial pulls" which took significantly longer times to rotate back to the rest position.
Numbers containing several long-pull digits were unpopular because they took irritatingly long times to pulse through. Short-pull area codes were assigned to high-traffic regions such as New York City 212, Los Angeles 213, Dallas 214, Philadelphia 215, Chicago 312, Detroit 313, St. Louis 314, and Pittsburgh 412, which had short-pulls for all three area code digits. Populous states such as New Jersey 201, District of Columbia 202, Connecticut 203, Maryland 301, Delaware 302, and Rhode Island 401, had two short-pull digits out of three. 416 was assigned to southern Ontario, including Toronto. 514 was assigned to western Quebec, including Montreal.
In contrast, the Maritime Provinces were assigned two long-pull digits out of three in the area code 902, because we generated a relatively small calling volume.
If you measure "dialling effort" by the number of degrees the dial had to turn to accomplish the input of the three-digit area code, the highest "dialling effort" of all the original 1947 area codes assigned in North America, were 902 which then covered the Maritime Provinces, South Carolina's 803, North Carolina's 704, and South Dakota's 605. (506, 407, 308 and 209 were not then assigned.) These area codes required more total rotation than any other area codes of that time.
Of course, when rotary dials were replaced by touch-tone buttons, the disadvantage of long-pull digits became merely an historical curiosity, long forgotten by almost everyone.
1947 December 22
Halifax Company Buys Cargo Fleet of 58 Vessels
Purchase by Acadia Overseas Freighters Limited of 58 Fort class 10,000-ton freighters from the Canadian Government will make Halifax the home port of one of the largest — "if not the largest" — cargo-carrying fleets in the world, Harry Mathers, 32-year-old president of the company, said today. Purchase of the 58 Crown-owned steamships, to be delivered some time in 1950, was confirmed by Reconstruction Minister C.D. Howe, who said the deal involved $15,000,000. Mr. Mathers, however, said Mr. Howe's figure was "way low." At present the company operates twelve ships, one more is scheduled to be added next spring, and nine more are due from Britain next summer. So far, Mr. Mathers said, no definite trade routes have been mapped out for the new ships.
[Toronto Globe and Mail, 23 December 1947]
The following is an excerpt from Spurgeon G. Roscoe's manuscript
Radio Stations Common? Not This Kind a history of marine communications, written in 1982:
...Each of these one hundred seventy ships that survived World War Two has a very interesting personal history. (Two other Parks were lost from the normal hazards associated with working such a large fleet to the limits). Like many of the warships these Parks came up on the auction block for disposal as soon after termination of the war as possible. The most difficult part of trying to describe these one hundred seventy ships is that on termination of the war everyone was so glad to see the end of such a horrible existence that the Fort class merchant ships and the Parks, which were the same ship, were all lumped together and sold from the same auction block. Many of the ships which I have been told over the years were Parks, were actually Forts.
The two are so intermarried that in order to do an accurate description, you would have to take each individual hull and trace it through from beginning to end. Canada produced 456 merchant ships during this war and at least ninety were Fort Class, supposedly sold to the United States who in turn loaned them to the United Kingdom on lend-lease. Some Forts started out as Parks and some Parks started out as Forts, and it can be confusing.
Possibly the largest portion of these ships was purchased by a well known and established shipping firm in Halifax. The records of many of our sailing vessels indicate a number were named for members of this family. I.H. Mathers and Son Limited purchased sixty-five of these Park/Fort ships. They retained fifteen, named them for counties and operated these fifteen through a branch company named Acadia Overseas Freighters Limited. The other fifty were operated under the flag of the United Kingdom with British crews...
This fleet lasted only long enough for half of them to get published in the International List of Ship Stations, but nonetheless was an honest attempt at becoming a Canadian fleet...
Acadia Overseas Freighters Limited
(The left-side column shows each ship's radio call letters.)
1947 December 24
Long Bus Ride to Annapolis Valley
"On the morning of December 24, 1947, light snow had commenced to fall in the Halifax area and by bus departure time, a respectable amount had accumulated on the ground." The Acadian Lines bus "departed on time with all seats full and with about 12 to 18 standing, as was the custom in those days. Only when the bus was out of the city did it become apparent it was heading into a real, old-fashioned Nova Scotia blizzard. About one hour out of Halifax, somewhere near Mount Uniacke, all traffic stopped and there the bus was to stay until about two o'clock on Christmas morning, when a snowplow opened the road and escorted the bus into Windsor."
"In Windsor, the decision was made by Acadian Lines to return the bus to Halifax and the passengers were given two options: to return to Halifax on the bus or to wait in the Windsor train station for the DAR (Dominion Atlantic Railway) train, due in about 10am. Most, including myself, chose the train option and arrangements were made to open the train station to accommodate the stranded passengers. There was no free breakfast offered in those days. The train arrived... The trip was rather pleasant by train, after the bus experience. Without any other problems, I arrived at my destination in Round Hill, Annapolis County, just about 24 hours after I had left Halifax."
"Being a teenager at the time made the bus part of the trip a fun experience. I still remember the kind truck driver who, stopped in front of the bus, as he opened his truck and donated a crate of oranges to the passengers; and the very kind family in the Mount Uniacke area who made and delivered sandwiches to the bus passengers. There were about fifty passengers on the bus..."
"As I think back, I don't remember anyone complaining that night — even about the weather ... The exact spot where the bus and all other Valley-bound traffic became immobilized by a snowstorm, I was never able to exactly determine on subsequent Valley bus trips..."
"The following year on Christmas Eve, I travelled home on the DAR night train and as I was the only passenger that night for Round Hill, the conductor stopped the train at the lower Round Hill crossing instead of at the Round hill station. This kindness saved me a long walk, and I remember his cheery 'Merry Christmas' as he helped me off the train..."
[The quotes are from an account written fifty years later by one of the passengers on that trip, Vernon M. Spurr, then living in Dartmouth, and published in the Halifax Chronicle-Herald on 24 December 1997.]
1948 June 14
TV Channel One
In the 1960s through the 1990s, this question was frequently asked:
Why is there no Channel 1 on the television?
A Globe reader sent in this explanation: Actually, there were two channel ones. The first one was removed by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1940 to make room for FM radio (between 42 and 50 MHz). In 1945, the second channel one was reserved (this time between 44 and 50 MHz) for community television stations operating with no more than one kW of power (compared to a maximum of 50 kW for commercial stations). FM broadcasters were given some time to move to 88-108 MHz, but unfortunately the FCC also had agreed to allow land mobile radio a share of the entire TV spectrum. As TV grew, there were interference problems, and the ham operators began clamouring for a primary frequency band of their own. So, on 14 June 1948, the FCC gave them channel one's frequencies and decided not to renumber the other channels.
Because Canada's electromagnetic spectrum allocations had to be closely coordinated with the USA allocations, and because the electronic equipment markets in the two countries were closely linked, with equipment manufactured in one often being imported to the other (this was in the late 1940s, when the USA dominated the manufacturing of practically all electronic apparatus, including television equipment) it was perceived to be impractical for Canada to differ from the USA in its allocated television frequencies. Thus the FCC decision was adopted in Canada.
[Excerpted from The Globe and Mail, 1 June 1998]
1948 August 12
TCA DC-4 Crashes at Sydney
On this day, a DC-4M1 Argonaut operated by Trans Canada Air Lines crashed at Sydney, Nova Scotia, with 17 people on board, 11 passengers and 6 crew. No fatalities.
Source: Aviation Safety Network website at
and http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/9575/1948.htm#480812-0
and http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/9575/c.htm
1948 November 19
First Commercial Microwave Link
Maritime Telegraph & Telephone Company put into regular operation the first commercial microwave communications link in the world, between Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.
1949 January 14
First Non-Stop Trans-Canada Flight
On this day, the first non-stop trans-Canada flight, from Vancouver to Halifax, was completed.
[Halifax Chronicle-Herald, 14 January 2002]
[Halifax Daily News, 14 January 2002]
1949 March 26, Saturday
Last Electric Streetcar Service
in Downtown Halifax
This was the last day of operation of electric streetcars in downtown Halifax. During the night of 26-27 March, the overhead wire which had supplied electric power at 600 volts DC to the streetcars was taken down by crews of the Nova Scotia Light & Power Company, which owned and operated the transit system in Halifax; the overhead system to supply the replacement trolley coaches had previously been installed about one foot about 30cm above the old streetcar overhead.
A few streetcars continued to operate for a few weeks, on five outlying routes: route 3 on Gottingen Street north of Cunard, route 3 on Barrington Street north of Cogswell, route 5 on Quinpool Road west of Oxford, route 6 on Oxford Street south of Coburg, and route 9 on Tower Road south of Inglis. Over the next few weeks, these "orphaned" streetcar routes were converted one at a time to trolley coach operation.
1949 March 27, Sunday
First Electric Trolley Coach Service
in Downtown Halifax
The first day of operation in downtown Halifax of electric trolley coaches, which replaced the old electric streetcars on the four downtown routes, 1, 2, 7 and 8. Traffic was two and a half times the normal volume for a Sunday, and even with 33 trolley coaches in operation they were crammed to capacity most of the day. The rubber-tired coaches were powered by 600 volts DC supplied through two overhead wires.
The cash fare was 10 cents, the same rate that had been in effect since 1925 and was to remain in effect until 1957. A lower fare was available by buying three tickets for 25 cents, or lower yet at 14 tickets for one dollar. Passengers could also buy a weekly pass, good for unlimited riding for seven days, for $1.25.
1949 April 28
Last Electric Streetcar Service
The last transit route in Nova Scotia on which the public could ride an electric streetcar was the Richmond line in Halifax, route 3 on Barrington Street, north of Buckingham Street, which was the last survivor of the five outlying streetcar routes "orphaned" when the downtown area was converted to trolley coach operation one month earlier.
April 28th was the last day of operation of the Richmond line. The next day, trolley coaches took over, and the last streetcar was towed over the abandoned track, to the car barn on Lower Water Street.
1949 September 25
Halifax - Windsor - Kentville - Digby - Yarmouth
Yarmouth - Digby - Kentville - Windsor - Halifax
Passenger Train Service
Dominion Atlantic Railway
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective on and after 25 September 1949
Atlantic Standard Time
Westbound read down |
Eastbound read up |
Train No. 99 |
Train No. 97 |
Train No. 95 |
Station |
Train No. 100 |
Train No. 96 |
Train No. 98 |
Daily except Sunday |
Daily except Sunday |
Daily except Sunday |
Daily except Sunday |
Daily except Sunday |
Daily except Sunday |
8:00pm |
2:35pm |
7:45am |
Dp. Halifax Ar. |
6:20am |
12:20pm |
5:35pm |
10:30pm |
5:10pm |
9:50am |
Windsor |
4:15am |
10:10am |
3:50pm |
10:50pm |
5:29pm |
10:08am |
Hantsport |
3:36am |
9:29am |
3:18pm |
11:22pm |
5:57pm |
10:32am |
Wolfville |
3:11am |
9:03am |
2:53pm |
12:15am |
6:15pm |
11:05am |
Kentville |
2:55am |
8:45am |
2:35pm |
1:35am |
12:20pm |
Middleton |
12:55am |
1:20pm |
2:10am |
12:54pm |
Bridgetown |
12:15am |
12:54pm |
3:00am |
1:20pm |
Annapolis Royal |
11:40pm |
12:30pm |
4:10am |
2:35pm |
Digby |
10:25pm |
11:40am |
7:00am |
4:50pm |
Ar. Yarmouth Dp. |
7:30pm |
9:00am |
Daily except Monday |
Daily except Sunday |
Daily except Sunday |
Daily except Saturday |
Daily except Sunday |
Daily except Sunday |
These trains were powered by coal-burning steam locomotives.
Detailed version of above timetable, showing all stations
Source: Dominion Atlantic Railway Public Timetable
taking effect 12:01am, Sunday, September 25, 1949
— Thanks to Mr. Harold Woodman, Wolfville
- Notes:
- Sleeping Car operated on Trains Nos. 99 and 100.
- Air-conditioned Buffet Parlour Car and Day Coach operated on Trains Nos. 95 and 98.
- Train No. 99 departed Halifax at 8:00pm daily except Sunday, and arrived Yarmouth at 7:00am daily except Monday.
- Train No. 100 departed Yarmouth at 7:30pm daily except Saturday, and arrived Halifax at 6:20am daily except Sunday.
1949 September 25
Kings County
Kingsport - Canning - Centreville - Kentville
Kentville - Centreville - Canning - Kingsport
Passenger Train Service
Dominion Atlantic Railway
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective on and after 25 September 1949
Atlantic Standard Time
Daily except Sunday
Morning trip |
Afternoon trip |
7:30am |
Dp. Kingsport |
1:15pm |
7:39am |
Canning |
1:24pm |
8:10am |
Centreville |
1:42pm |
8:30am |
Ar. Kentville |
2:00pm |
Return Trip |
11:30am |
Dp. Kentville |
4:00pm |
11:46am |
Centreville |
4:16pm |
12:05pm |
Canning |
4:35pm |
12:15pm |
Ar. Kingsport |
4:45pm |
These trains were powered by coal-burning steam locomotives.
Detailed version of above timetable, showing all stations
DAR Public Timetable taking effect 12:01am, Sunday, September 25, 1949
1949 September 25
Kentville - Windsor - Kennetcook - Truro
Truro - Kennetcook - Windsor - Kentville
Passenger Train Service
Dominion Atlantic Railway
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective on and after 25 September 1949
Atlantic Standard Time
Saturday only
Eastbound read down |
Westbound read up |
6:00am |
Dp. Kentville Ar. |
9:05pm |
6:15am |
Wolfville |
8:48pm |
6:40am |
Hantsport |
8:23pm |
7:05am |
Windsor |
8:05pm |
8:14am |
Kennetcook |
6:45pm |
9:30am |
Ar. Truro Dp. |
5:30pm |
These trains were powered by coal-burning steam locomotives.
Detailed version of above timetable, showing all stations
DAR Public Timetable taking effect 12:01am, Sunday, September 25, 1949
1949 December 25
Bakelite Earphones and Meccano No. 10
Ghosts of Christmas past
Some childhood memories are impossible to beat
By Brian Flemming
The ten-year-old boy had to be extra careful this Christmas Eve. A few days before, his Dad had tripped on the wire he'd strung from his bedroom to the copper pipe behind the family bathtub. Tonight, he'd shoved the wire well under the upstairs hall runner. His crystal set worked far better since he'd grounded it on the pipe, and shinnied out onto the porch roof to get his aerial as high as possible. Mom, Dad and Nanny had gone off to midnight mass. Because this was to be the last year the boy was to believe in that great and good adult lie — Santa Claus — he could hardly sleep.
Clear reception
New York radio stations WOR and WQXR were broadcasting through his bakelite earphones. They came in extraorinarily clearly on winter nights, when international broadcasting treaties required coastal American stations to turn their antennas east towards the ocean — and Nova Scotia. The Green Hornet and The Fat Man were his current favourites, after Uncle Mel had finished reading his preferred comic strips, Mandrake the Magician and Tim Tyler's Luck, on CBC.
What time of night would Santa actually land on the roof? Would his Dad's recent blocking off of the living room fireplace and the installation of an electric fire keep the Great Elf from getting through? The boy crossed his fingers and wished hard. His letter to Santa had been long this year. It was headed by a No. 10 Meccano Set. The boy already had smaller sets, but this year he wanted the biggest one so he could cobble together large cranes and ships. If he was really lucky, he'd get the Deluxe No. 10 with the electric motor to bring his creations to life.
Sales on his Liberty magazine route had been
brisk in December, surpassing 100 a week. He'd hoarded these earnings to buy the best gifts ever for mom and dad. Newspapers were pushing silver Ronson "table lighter sets." Unfortunately, no one at his west-end home smoked, so he'd had to pass on these glittering gadgets. His mother would get a mother-of-pearl compact from Leon Neima's and dad would get an LP of Annie Get Your Gun, starring Ethel Merman, from Bligh's. (Thirty years later, the boy would attend Merman's last concert in New York.)
His own present
In case Santa disappointed him, the boy had backstopped the situation by buying a Monogram balsa airplane model along with the Lepage's glue and X-Acto tools needed to assemble it. (For the rest of his life, he would annoy his family by always buying Christmas gifts for himself and putting cards on them reading: "To Brian, with love from Brian.") Footsteps on the stairs woke him with a start. He'd nodded off. Now, everyone was home from church. He stowed his crystal set under his bed just before his parents opened the door a crack to ensure he was asleep. As he met Morpheus, he heard the attic trap door open and the fold-up ladder being lowered. He didn't know it then, but Santa had just "arrived."
The Christmas dawn flooded into his east-facing window. He threw off his Hudson's Bay blanket and crept, commando-like down the creaking stairs, praying no one would stir. Beside the chimney, there it was — a Deluxe No. 10! Seizing it, he ran to the dining room table and flipped through the wonders Mr. Meccano would soon let him build. Nothing could be better, he thought, before slipping back upstairs. Later that morning, the boy donned soutane and surplice for High Mass. St. Agnes's choir always sang the Gregorian Mass of the Angels on Christmas Day. It boasted the great, and politically diverse, voices of tenor Harold Connolly and baritone Richard Donahoe, singing in harmony.
Before the huge turkey was carved, the boy's family gathered around the Philco radio to hear the King's Christmas message to the Empire. Fortunately, it was brief because George VI was a less-than-inspired speaker. When dusk fell, and the boy had nearly built a Meccano submarine, he was frog-marched, protesting vehemently, to the family's first car, a green Pontiac Chieftain. It was time for him and his sisters to see the Halifax Christmas lights, whether they wanted to see them or not.
As the boy finally fell asleep, listening to the Ford Radio Theatre, he wondered whether any Christmas would be better than Christmas 1949, at the Flemming home at 88 Poplar Street, Halifax.
Perhaps not.
[Halifax Daily News, 22 December 1999]
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