Constructive Suggestions

Suitable Content
Political Party Websites

This page contains suggestions, intended to be constructive, about content that, in my opinion, could and should be provided in websites operated by political parties in Nova Scotia. The suggested content would supply information for voters which is difficult to find elsewhere.

I make these suggestions because, judging by the content now (early June 1998) found in these websites, the people in charge of these websites have very little idea of what kind of content people would like to have access to. These suggestions are offered here in the hope that some significant improvement might appear in the existing party sites. I would prefer to offer these suggestions directly to the website managers, but I have been unable to find out just who are the managers of these websites. (I make a distinction between the managers, who decide content, and the webmasters, who handle the technical details involved in placing the content in the website.)

The suggestions below apply only for the NDP and PC websites. I omit the Liberals because the Nova Scotia Liberal Party does not have a website, and it seems pointless to make content suggestions for a nonexistent site.


In the NDP website, it would be useful to have a list of the NDP MLAs. Below, the NDP MLAs are listed alphabetically by surname. It would be a good idea to supply another list alphabetically by riding name. Both lists should be displayed in the website in a form suitable for a viewer to print a copy -- for example, a teacher wanting a printed copy for use in a high school class. ["Suitable for printing" means a dark-coloured (preferably black) font on a light-coloured (preferably white) background, with minimal clutter. The requirement for a dark font precludes the insertion of links in this printable list, because, in hyperlinks, the font colour is unpredictable and often appears in a colour that resists legible printing.]
May 1998

New Democratic Party
Members of the
Nova Scotia Legislature

MLA Riding
Atwell, Yvonne Preston
Chard, Don Dartmouth South
Chisholm, Robert Halifax Atlantic
Corbett, Frank Cape Breton Centre
Delefes, Peter Halifax Citadel
Deveau, John Yarmouth
Deveaux, Kevin Cole Harbour - Eastern Passage
Dexter, Darrell Dartmouth - Cole Harbour
Epstein, Howard Halifax Chebucto
Estabrooks, Bill Timberlea - Prospect
Godin, Rosemary Sackville - Beaver Bank
Holm, John Sackville - Cobequid
MacDonald, Helen Cape Breton The Lakes
MacDonald, Maureen Halifax Needham
MacDonell, John Hants East
O'Connell, Eileen Halifax Fairview
Parker, Charlie Pictou West
Pye, Jerry Dartmouth North

For each of the NDP MLAs, it would be very useful to have a link to the Hansard record of the Address In Reply made by that MLA. [There is a distinct need for a convenient index to facilitate finding, in Hansard, those sections of interest to a viewer. The online index provided by Hansard is very cumbersome, and it has limited usefulness for purposes such as finding a speech made by the viewer's choice of MLA. The NDP website could help by providing a convenient index to speeches made by NDP MLAs.]

The following is up to date through Monday, 29 June 1998, the end of this Session of the Legislature.

Atwell, Yvonne -- Preston
Address in Reply, Beginning 26 May
Address in Reply, Completion 28 May

Chard, Don -- Dartmouth South
Address in Reply, Beginning 28 May
Address in Reply, Completion 29 May

Chisholm, Robert L. -- Halifax Atlantic
Address in Reply, Beginning 21 May
Address in Reply, Completion 22 May

Corbett, Frank -- Cape Breton Centre
Address in Reply, Beginning 1 June
Address in Reply, Completion 2 June

Delefes, Peter -- Halifax Citadel
Address in Reply, Beginning 29 May
Address in Reply, Completion 1 June

Deveau, John -- Yarmouth
Address In Reply 2 June

Deveaux, Kevin -- Cole Harbour - Eastern Passage
Address In Reply 4 June

Dexter, Darrell -- Dartmouth - Cole Harbour
Address In Reply 25 May

Epstein, Howard -- Halifax Chebucto
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

Estabrooks, Bill -- Timberlea - Prospect
Address in Reply, Beginning 5 June
Address in Reply, Completion 8 June ("computer" appears 5 times)

Godin, Rosemary -- Sackville - Beaver Bank
Address in Reply 15 June

Holm, John E. -- Sackville - Cobequid
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

MacDonald, Helen -- Cape Breton The Lakes
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

MacDonald, Maureen -- Halifax Needham
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

MacDonell, John -- Hants East
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

O'Connell, Eileen -- Halifax Fairview
Address in Reply, Beginning 25 May
Address in Reply, Completion 26 May

Parker, Charlie -- Pictou West
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

Pye, Jerry -- Dartmouth North
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

Seems to me it would be helpful for the NDP to have, in its website, a page with a short (or long) essay on the significance of the Address In Reply To The Speech From The Throne.
When? What? Why?


In the PC Party website, it would be useful to have a list of the PC MLAs. Below, the PC MLAs are listed alphabetically by surname. It would be a good idea to supply another list alphabetically by riding name. Both lists should be displayed in the website in a form suitable for a viewer to print a copy -- for example, a teacher wanting a printed copy for use in a high school class. ["Suitable for printing" means a dark-coloured (preferably black) font on a light-coloured (preferably white) background, with minimal clutter. The requirement for a dark font precludes the insertion of links in this printable list, because, in hyperlinks, the font colour is unpredictable and often appears in a colour that resists legible printing.]
May 1998

Progressive-Conservative Party
Members of the
Nova Scotia Legislature

MLA Riding
Archibald, George Kings North
Baker, Michael Lunenburg
Balser, Gordon Digby - Annapolis
Bitter-Suermann, Hinrich Chester - St. Margaret's
DeWolfe, Jim Pictou East
Fage, Ernest Cumberland North
Hamm, John Pictou Centre
LeBlanc, Neil Argyle
Leefe, John Queens
Moody, George Kings West
Muir, Jamie Truro - Bible Hill
Russell, Ron Hants West
Scott, Murray Cumberland South
Taylor, Brooke Colchester - Musquodoboit Valley

For each of the PC MLAs, it would be very useful to have a link to the Hansard record of the Address In Reply made by that MLA. [There is a distinct need for a convenient index to facilitate finding, in Hansard, those sections of interest to a viewer. The online index provided by Hansard is very cumbersome, and it has limited usefulness for purposes such as finding a speech made by the viewer's choice of MLA. The PC website could help by providing a convenient index to speeches made by PC MLAs.]

The following is up to date through Monday, 29 June 1998, the end of this Session of the Legislature.

Archibald, George G. -- Kings North
Address In Reply 29 May

Baker, Michael -- Lunenburg
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

Balser, Gordon -- Digby - Annapolis
Address In Reply 28 May

Bitter-Suermann, Hinrich -- Chester - St. Margaret's
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

DeWolfe, Jim -- Pictou East
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

Fage, Ernest -- Cumberland North
Address In Reply 25 May

Hamm, John F. -- Pictou Centre
Address in Reply, Beginning 22 May
Address in Reply, Completion 25 May

LeBlanc, Neil -- Argyle
Address In Reply 1 June

Leefe, John G. -- Queens
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

Moody, George C. -- Kings West
Address In Reply not delivered in this Session, ended 29 June 1998.

Muir, Jamie -- Truro - Bible Hill
Address In Reply 26 May

Russell, Ron S. -- Hants West
Mr. Russell is the Speaker of the House, and thus does not make speeches on the floor.

Scott, Murray -- Cumberland South
Address in Reply, Beginning 8 June ("computer" appears 5 times)
Address in Reply, Completion 9 June

Taylor, Brooke -- Colchester - Musquodoboit Valley
Address in Reply, Beginning 2 June
Address in Reply, Completion 4 June

Seems to me it would be helpful for the PC Party to have, in its website, a page with a short (or long) essay on the significance of the Address In Reply To The Speech From The Throne.
When? What? Why?

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Latest revision: 1998 July 03